I Returned, But My Power is the Same

Chapter 220 company commander

A new special forces unit that collects only the best of the best, not the general special forces.

leader there.

Even the person who looked after him was Yoo Kyung-pil, a three star.

Until that happens, the position of company commander can also be performed. For eight months, neither too short nor too long.

There's no reason to worry about this.

I nodded my head abruptly.

“I will, Commander.”

“Haha, do you really see that?”

"Yes. Thank you for this great opportunity.”

Not only is it a great opportunity, but it can also be the opportunity of a lifetime.

Aside from simply going to that special forces unit, when am I ever going to be favored by someone like this?

Of course I know.

If you go and do well, the favor you receive has meaning.

Until then, I guess I'll have to be more diligent.

“Can I not think about it any more? There's still plenty of time. I can wait until the day your vacation is over. If you want, you can wait longer than that.”

"no. The more you think about it, the more likely the answer will be the same.”

“Haha, I guess you liked my offer. Then let me do it.”

It is said that opportunity is seized when it comes.

And as I said before, if you think more about it, the answer will be the same anyway.

What could be a better chance than this?

“Oh, don’t worry about the length of your tenure. You just have to work as a company commander for only eight months and then move over to me.”

I mean, I'll take care of it so it doesn't cause any problems.


The fact that a lieutenant general, a lieutenant-general who is transitioning to the special warfare command commander of an important position in an important position, cares so much about me.

I could feel it because of it.

to get me right.

It had already been revealed.

I replied coldly.

“Yes, Commander. So I know.”

and asked.

“You said you were creating a new special forces, how is that different from the existing special forces?”

"Well. There is no difference. They're doing the same thing as special forces."

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil continued, saying, ‘Only.’

“The difficulty of the mission must be a little higher, since it is only organized by the most elite among the best.”

"i See."

“Also, Captain Choi is different. I thought it might be a bit dangerous,” he said.

“If I had been worried about that, I wouldn’t have thought of the Special Forces side in the first place.”

“Hahaha, that’s right.”


“Captain Choi is more reliable the more I look at it.”

"thank you."

“Haha, let’s keep going.”


The meal continued.

it was good.

Because I was able to get closer to Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil, and my worries about my future were resolved.

There is only one catch.

Lieutenant Young So-jin... … how will we do it?

* * *

As soon as I got home, I turned on the text box with Lieutenant Young So-jin.

First of all, I have to communicate my decision.

Because we talked about this while having dinner together.

But when I try to tap the keypad, my hand doesn't move easily.

Since I found out how Lieutenant Young So-jin thought of me, things seem to have gotten a little more ambiguous... … I shook my head.That's why my older sister asked me to pray for God.

don't tea

If it's only through texts, there's no more answer when we meet face to face.

You just have to act as if nothing happened.

# Me: Loyalty! Commander, can I call you for a second?

# Operation Officer: Yes, possible!

As soon as I sent the text, I got a reply.

Were you looking at your cell phone?

la la la la la la la la la la ♬

la la la la la la la la la la ♪

I called right away.

A sweet ballad resounds from coloring.

You have similar tastes to me.

While I was humming a song without realizing it, the phone rang.

- Yes, Do Jin-ah.

“Loyalty! It's not that different... … I decided to take on the position of company commander first.”

― The position of company commander first? How did you decide?

He told the same thing that happened with Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil.

Served as a company commander for 8 months.

After that, when Lieutenant General Yu Kyung-pil transfers to the Special Warfare Command, I will follow.

Of course, he explained that it was a new special force, not an existing special force.

And even the fact that I am the team leader.

It's something that shouldn't be talked about recklessly, but I've already gotten permission from Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil.

I have a fellow officer who is having the same problem, and he asked if I could talk about today's work.

- Wow, really?

Lieutenant Young So-jin heard everything and congratulated him.

- Do you have a very strong back? Of course, it's because Dojin is good at you.

“Ha ha, no.”

― So, you're going to be a company commander for 8 months and then go to the Special Warfare Command?

“I think so.”

- that is great! congratulation!

"thank you. But I... … Is the operation officer still thinking about it?”

- Actually, I have decided.

“Uh, what are you going to do?”

- I want to remain in the army now.

“Oh, are you? I felt like I was the only one who made the decision, but I'm glad I did. Why did the operation officer make that decision?”

― It seems that I was not able to properly perform my job as an operation officer because I participated in the Jeju Island recapture operation.


― Special Forces, you can go later.

Lieutenant Young So-jin continued speaking as if it were a pity.

― But if we go to the special forces, it will be difficult for the two of us to go to the same place now.


― Dojin, you're going to go there by the commander.


- I can't help it... … .


- Huh?

“The operation officer could be called there, right?”

- I?


Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil said.

He promises to make me the ‘team leader’ of the new special forces he will create.

so… …

“Or I’ll try my best.”

I just need to express my opinion so that Lieutenant Young So-jin can also be selected.

It's not meant to bring you into a relationship.

Lieutenant Young So-jin has skills.

And if that skill is suitable for the new special forces, there is no reason not to call it.

― Dojin, you are too. Thank you for the words.

Lieutenant Young So-jin seems to think it's just a saying.

I'm serious.

* * *

“Really? So, are you going to become a company commander from now on?”

He also informed his family.

Both parents were overjoyed.

"Oops! We must hold another feast!”

“Oh, don’t. It was opened the day before yesterday, so what a feast.”

“I don’t know much about Hunter-kun, but Dojin, your age is now twenty-two, twenty-two. Is it easy to become a captain at that age?”

“It is, but… … it's okay. If there is something more to celebrate later, please do it then.”

“Something more to celebrate later? What else do you have?”

“No, if it happens, if it happens.”

In fact, it has already happened.

The leader of a new special forces unit to be created in the Special Warfare Command.

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil has already confirmed the answer, no, because I received an offer like that first.

But even if that's been said, a feast is about to be set up right now.

In the first place, it is not something that can be easily discussed even if it is a family member.

“Congratulations, national hero!”

“… … Please hear his national hero voice.”

“Everyone in the media is saying this, but how long will you deny it?”

“… … under."

When my older sister heard the news too late, they even applauded and congratulated me.

It's been like this since the end of the Jeju Island recapture operation, and I'm a little annoyed by the voice of a national hero again... … it doesn't come off

Pretending not to be true, it's very nice to hear.

National hero, national hero!


Big, anyway, receiving congratulations from my family made me realize something.

that I became a lieutenant colonel.

But the real feeling can be felt the moment you enter the company commander's office.

I even spent a vacation imagining that time.

"really really? Congratulations, baby!”

Of course, he also reported the news to Seong Da-kyung.

Thank you so much for making me happy like my job.

The vacation went on and on.

It's been almost 20 days, so I thought when would I send it all out, but at some point the end came.

October 19th.

Tomorrow is the return to the unit.

“Are you leaving already?”

“Haha, not already. You’ve been resting for over a week.”

“Don’t you think about going to Jeju Island and having a hard time? I wish I could rest a little longer.”

"no. I’ve been resting so much that I’m feeling exhausted now.”

“Ouch, then no. Yes, yes, come in. Always be careful.”

"Yes. I will come again.”

I broke up with my family the day before.

It's the morning meeting from tomorrow. You'll be busy with everything, so it's better to be there the day before.

“Why does time pass so quickly when you are playing? it's annoying."

way back.

Seong Da-kyung is furious with her chubby face.

“I want to be with you more.”

“Why did you play a lot?”

“Still not enough. It’s not long enough.”

“Did you forget that you were promoted to sergeant? I need to go to the army and show a better side of myself.”"Oh right! I have to work hard.”

Then, after hearing my words, she suddenly clenched her fists and burned her will.

He's a kid who can't stop.

“October 20, 2042, we will start the meeting this morning.”

After arriving at BOQ and staying overnight.

He joined the unit as an officer in the 1st Battalion, 111th Regiment, not a Special Forces Officer.

It had been almost half a year.

“Okay, let’s finish here today. Let’s start this week well.”

"Yep. Loyalty!”

“Ah, Captain Choi, look at me for a second.”

As soon as the morning meeting was over, I received a separate call from Lieutenant Colonel Na Young-tae.

You're probably asking if you've made any decisions about where you're going.

I had already decided on the answer, so there was nothing else to think about.


“Oh, Captain Choi. Sit this way.”

Lieutenant Young So-jin is said to have a job in the Operations Department and will come later.

I was the only one who entered the battalion commander's room.

“Have you made a decision?”

“Yes, I have decided.”

“Hey, how did you decide?”

I told Lieutenant Colonel Na Young-tae everything as it was. A conversation with Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil and my decision accordingly.

When Lieutenant Colonel Na Young-tae heard everything, he burst into laughter.

“You mean the commander made such an offer in the first place?”

"That's right."

“You seem to have a really good view of Captain Choi. Good luck, Captain Choi.”

"thank you."

“Thanks to this, I have been blessed.”

“And the battalion commander?”

“Isn’t it possible to leave Captain Choi in our unit?”

“Huh, no. That's too much to say. I think I am more blessed to be able to continue to serve someone like the battalion commander.”

“With that in mind, why didn’t you make a decision right away last time?”

“Great, that’s… … .”

“Hahaha, I was just trying to be funny. And I'd be like that too. It was a difficult choice.”

The battalion commander chuckled and looked at the calendar hung on one side.

“I’m going to have to catch up with that quickly.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The last day of your inauguration.”


“The other company commanders will help you with the handover and other 1st company commander duties.”


“Really, you know that you need to receive a separate company commander training, right?”


“There is nothing complicated. Troop tactics, command, theory of gates and dungeons, and things like taking care of the soldiers.”

Hmm… … That seems complicated enough.

“Isn’t it simple?”


Of course, he answered as if there was no problem on the surface.

‘I don’t think so?’ in front of the battalion commander, because it’s impossible.

After all, education is education.

It's not an evaluation.

Go with the idea of ​​learning.

“The company commander training is supposed to be coming soon, and let’s start with work right away. We cannot temporarily fill the 1st Company Commander position forever.”

“Okay, battalion commander.”

“Come on, then stop.”

Lieutenant Colonel Na Young-tae added with a smile.

“Captain Dojin Choi, 1st Company Commander.”

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