Berton is also called the land of beauty because of its beautiful natural scenery.

Such a place has now turned into ruins.

Trees and flowers are uprooted, not to mention buildings.

The sky that should be clear is full of dust.

“… … It’s not a riot.”

“… … How about this?”

Her teammates also look around and shake their heads.

It is worse than the operation to retake Jeju Island.

At least back then, the trees and flowers were fine.

Watching them wither in real time brings out a sigh of relief.

There is only one way to get it back to its original state.

Breaking large gates.

Fortunately, that part is being solved little by little by the hunters who came out of support from each country.

The problem is the gate hole.

72 citizens are still trembling inside it.

We must save them quickly.

“Are you Black Wing?”

The ruins of Berton's capital, Oribik.

After disembarking from the special airship, while watching the gruesome scene, I met a person from the command center.

"That's right."

“He’s called the Harker of Command Center.”

Harker was a Hunter from Berton, and I was able to talk to him without any problems.

It was thanks to an automatic interpreter invented a few years ago.

“This is Choi Do-jin. This is our team.”

"nice to meet you."

After a brief greeting, I followed Harker to the command center.

That's how the command center arrived.

It wasn't much different from what we saw in Korea.

Large tents were erected one after another.

And in each tent, hunters from all over the world gathered.

They're all special forces like us.

So there weren't that many people.

Special Forces usually operate in small numbers in any country.

However, the overall combat ability will be much higher than the hunters on the large gate side.

“Everyone is terrifying from the start.”

“The pose is cool.”

The team members looked at the special forces of other countries with their mouths wide open.

It's like seeing a celebrity.

It was inevitable that some special forces were really good even if they were celebrities.

Especially those two teams.

"That's the famous American Night."

“That’s the Degradation Team.”

American Night of America.

And China's Degradation Team.

To me, they were from another world.

The celebrity was famous, and as the team members said, the force was felt.

What kind of alternative fighting ability would you have been able to radiate that kind of energy?

at that time.

“Why have you come so many times?”

“It’s enough for us to go alone.”

The American Knights and the Rebels looked at the other special forces with sarcastic voices.

Our Black Wings were also included.

“I don’t see any talented people.”

“It looks like it will only be a hindrance.”

I knew I had a high nose bridge.

Still, I wondered if it would be possible in this kind of situation, but I was wrong.

It was.

“I may have good skills, but my personality is low.”

Lieutenant Young So-jin says with a smirk next to him.

“Let’s see how well you do.”

Unfortunately, it will do well.

Because the value of the name is not for nothing.But honestly, I'm a bit skeptical as to whether I'll be good enough to say it that way.

Okay, let's see how well you do.

“Hello, my name is Kaiser, the commander of the Berton Capital Defense Division. Here, I am the commander-in-chief.”

After a while, a commanding officer named Kaiser appeared in front of the special forces.

Commander of the Capital Defense Division.

Although his rank was considerable, the aura he exuded was not so strong.

So did his men.

Berton was a weak country in this direction.

“First of all, I would like to thank you for coming to help.”

His rank is his rank, and he looks older.

But he nodded and bowed his head toward us.

It was a part that showed how much crisis Berton was in now.

“The large gate is a situation in which hunters from different countries have come and are being dealt with little by little. However, the gate that dragged 72 citizens is not doing anything at all.”

Because of the situation, the main point came right away.

Everyone listened.

“As you know, that gate is rated 10 stars. There is no way to fight with the power of ordinary hunters alone. That is why we desperately need your strength.”

General Kaiser bowed his head repeatedly.

Some special forces team leaders, and I stopped him from doing so.

It's not his fault that it happened this way.

He doesn't have to bow his head.

“Don't worry. We will solve it.”

“Go now.”

“Where is your exact location?”

Hunters raise their enthusiasm. It's like he's going to break in right away.

To be honest, everyone must have come because of performance.

Such difficult missions give great results in any country.


citizens were imprisoned.

If I consider those citizens to be my family, lover, and friends, I must save them regardless of performance.

There's no way this won't happen in your own country.

"Yes. Let's go to the Warfront."

General Kaiser stepped out of his foot.

After that, special forces hunters from around the world moved in line.

130 people in total.

Only one medium-sized.

However, everyone is one hundred, no, one thousand, they are talented people who can easily deal with them.

Especially if you belong to the American Knights or the Degradation Team.

So, it is by no means a small number.

* * *

“It is here.”

A few kilometers away from the command center.

At the site where the gate hall occurred, the situation was more serious than on the command center side.

The ground was turned upside down as if there had been an earthquake.

A reddish liquid was oozing all over the place.

It was all blood.

A bitter fishy smell pierced his nose.

Numerous corpses were piled on top of it.

I wish it was the corpses of monsters, but most of them were human corpses.

The gate suddenly burst and he could not escape.

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

Everyone shook their heads.

Deep shadows settled on their faces.

Can not help it.

In times like these, you need to be colder.

The dead are the dead, and now we must save the living.

go right in there

woo woo woo-

center of the scene.

A small swarm of lights was waving like a wave.

It looks like nothing from the outside, but that was the 10-star gate.

General Kaiser spoke heavily.

“Nothing was found. You just have to go in.”

that nothing was explored.

If I had heard that kind of sound when I was in the general unit, it would have been like a blast, but now it doesn't matter.

That's where most special forces go.

Even on the very first mission right now, didn't three triple-headed ogres suddenly jump out?


You have to do some preparation.

Things like a trap triggering suddenly when you step on it, or unexpected monsters popping out like I said earlier.

But the other two teams don't seem to be doing that at all.

“If you press it with force, it stops. Let’s go right in.”

“Everyone moves towards the gate! Our gang will be at the forefront!”

The American Knights and the gang were already striding towards the 10-star gate.

I understand to some extent.

The mission success rate of those two teams is 100%.

I've never heard of any failures so far.

So you'd be acting like that.

Maybe that's why I was sarcastic towards other special forces earlier.

But there is an if.

Besides, it's not a normal gate, it's a 10-star gate, isn't that too staged?

“Let’s get ready to go in.”

“It tastes like rice anyway.”

“What if it’s like shit? We have to do what those two teams do.”

The problem is that I know that I am a stage lead, but I have no choice but to follow.

Other teams joined behind the American Knights and the Desolation Team one after another.

“We will go too.”


There is no reason to wait any longer anyway.

This is because there is no explanation given because the search is not possible, and the more time delays, the lower the survival rate of the citizens trapped inside.

And in a way, it's actually a good thing.

By taking the lead, they made a solid shield, right?

“Is there anything wrong with your equipment?”


After checking the equipment, he stretched out his arms.

It was already in front of the 10-star gate.

[The gate is very difficult.]

[Are you sure you want to enter?]

When a gate hole occurs, the gate becomes a dungeon as it is.

So, if you just stretch out your arms, you can enter directly inside.

Anyway, it's like that.

Now, the notification that I really want to enter comes to mind once more.

Along with that the difficulty is very high.

It means that it is difficult.

There was no need to worry.

It's something I already knew and started.


At the same time as he muttered softly, his body was sucked inside.

Other teams also moved one after another.

The American Knights and the Infamous Team had already entered the state.

[You have entered the gate.]

Eventually when I opened my eyes.

A huge passageway appeared, with both sides and stomach clogged.

It feels like a long chain of huge container boxes.

“Isn’t the terrain a bit strange?”

“So. How am I supposed to explain this way?”

The team members shook their heads and muttered.

So did the other teams. I looked around and looked around.


There doesn't seem to be anything special right now. Also, there are no monsters from the grassroots.

But the more you do, the more you have to be careful.

It's a 10-star gate.

It's such a strange place, even if Meteor suddenly falls.

“Everyone, be careful. Even if it looks like this now, this is a 10-star gate.”

"Yes."I also urged my team members to do the same.

in between.

The two groups were walking forward first.

“Keep moving forward.”


There was no need to check which team it was.

It was the American Knights and the Desolation Troupe.


I'm really thankful that I think of it as a shield.

also reassuring

Black Wing and other teams, led by American Knights and the Infamous Troops, slowly stepped out.



The sound of footsteps echoed in silence.

Walked like that for a long time.

The leaders were still American Knights and the Infamous Troops.

Among them, the two team leaders, Callison and Qiowei, were at the forefront.

There's not much to say about Carlyson and Qiowei.

Both are said to have already won stars.

'The sound actually becomes a reality.'

I saw it on the news sometime before the return.

The two team leaders of American Knight and the Desolation Team put the stars side by side.

I shrugged and continued walking.

I don't know if they will add a star or a sun later.

Now is the time to focus on breaking this gate.

at that time.



A strange wind blew in the distance.

The sound grew louder.



Each team stood still for a moment.

The American Knights and the Infamous Team also raised their weapons and took a vigilant stance.



The sound was so loud that it hurt my ears.

In my experience, monsters or traps come and go.

I fixed my sword.

And I raised my mana a bit.

That moment.

“… … !”

“… … !”

“… … !”

The identity of the sound that shocked everyone was revealed.

it was a sword

The sword was flying like an arrow.

"Shit! Stop it!”

“Screw it!”

“If you get it right, it’s over!”

Considering the difference between a sword and an arrow, of course, the damage is inevitably stronger.

Besides, the number was huge.

If it rains from the side instead of from above, what would it look like?

Even that wasn't the end.




For each sword, a red energy was wafting through the blade.

It was fire.

The power was transmitted just by seeing the blazing fire.

‘It’s thrilling.’

He licked his upper lip and turned on all his defense skills.

And then, he faced numerous flame swords that flew right in front of him.

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