it was a dragon

It wasn't the boneless dragon that the Black King summoned during the Jeju Island recapture operation, it was a really pure dragon.


A whirlwind was raging from its huge flapping wings.

If it flaps its wings this way once, it will probably shoot like a sword wind.

His eyes were as sharp as a knife.

He felt like a veil just by looking at him.

And the mouth that roars over and over again.

There was tremendous energy in it.

It was Breath.

“… … !”

“… … !”

“… … !”

everyone stiffened

The boiling morale quickly cooled down.

Truly overwhelming.


It had a body redder than blood.

Red Dragon.

But his real name was something else.


"Shit! Someone like that will come out.”


Like Strigoi, an unknown entity that appears in Slavic mythology.

Lieutenant General Alithev hurriedly shouted.

“Follow me, all commanders! The rest of the crew will deal with other monsters!”


If you think that Smoke is like a red dragon, ordinary crews will never be able to engage in this fight.

The reason is simple.

It's different from anything I've dealt with before.

Bone Dragon?

That guy, too, folds in in front of that guy.


Smoke's mouth had already gathered all the breath.

That was not all.

A tornado gathered on its wings slammed down like lightning toward the conquest.




sound like a wind blowing.

The shields were put on in haste by the commanders, but it was not enough to block them all.



The crew fell out of the rain water.

Smoke's power was so great that it couldn't even withstand the flap of its wings.

Only then did I know

Why didn't the boss monster appear in the 15th to 16th and 17th areas?

It was all because of him.

“Hurry up!”


If it had been delayed any longer, the crew would have been wiped out.

Lieutenant General Alithef and each commander hurriedly ran.

No, it jumped.

To catch the smoke floating in the sky.

But it was in vain.

woo woo woo woo!

The sky shook again and the windows poured down.

A spear that can be used as a weapon.

woo woo woo woo!

The number was very large.

If it rained like a window, would it feel like that?


There was also a blazing fire burning on the edge of the window.

I could tell by looking at it.

If you get it wrong, you die.

Lieutenant General Ali Thef or his commanders may not have this, but the problem was the number.

too many but too many


“First, stop this!”

Eventually, I had to stop along the way.

You may ignore it, but only then you will not be able to fight properly.

In addition, the flapping of its wings was getting stronger.


The size of dozens of sword winds put together.

In addition, fire was added.

“Everyone scatters except for the commanders!”"Yes!"

Lieutenant General Alithef made a decision. Because it will be more difficult to block if they are grouped together.

But even that was not easy.


Now it was breath time.

Smoke's mouth widened even more.

The thing that had been heated up before was shot like a wild beast that preyed on its prey.

towards the conquest.

The flame that was young in the flapping of its wings was nothing more than a small embers compared to that.

Fire Breath.

As soon as anything hits it, it will burn.

“Do you think it will work out!”

Lieutenant General Alithef swung his sword loudly.

A sword wind, no, a typhoon would be more appropriate, but it collided with Fire Breath.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

In an instant, a dazzling brilliance covered all sides.

The wave was so huge.

“Don’t Jailbreak!”

That was the beginning.

Several swords bloomed around Lieutenant General Alithef.

And he wriggled to and fro like a living creature.

The spear of flames that had been covered here and there began to be quickly cleaned up.

The crew took advantage of the gap and dispersed safely.

The other commanders also showed off their skills.

A spear of flame that engulfs itself in an instant.

Then, a large amount of mana stretched towards the smoke.

But it was too early to determine victory.

There, too, this was the beginning.




The sky shook again, and this time other things popped out.

flapping its wings like smoke.

Horns towering above the head.

It looked like a hawk, but it was several times its size.

“It’s a wyvern!”

“Get ready to fire everyone!”

The Wyvern is higher than most boss monsters just by rating.

Strong stamina and terrifying speed are a bonus.

Above all, it is very difficult to catch because it flies in the sky.

So, the answer is shooting.

Tang Tang!

Tang Tang!

Tang Tang!

The remaining monsters were almost cleaned up.

The crew focused only on the Wyvern and fired magic bullets.

I too was pulling the trigger right away.

Tang Tang!

It was always a hit because I was confident in shooting.

Just aiming at the head.

It was good up to that point, but even if the magic bullet is handled well, its attack power is inevitably lower than that of the sword.

I still managed to get a decent hold of it thanks to a headshot, but the other operators only gave them a moment's hesitation.

Meanwhile, the sky was constantly shaking.

And the wyverns were constantly pouring out.

There is no answer here.

We need to clean up the smoke first.

Wyverns are picky, but compared to Smoke, they're just doves with a bigger body.

“Keep hitting!”

To that end, Lieutenant General Alithef was extracting stem-stalk power.

His new version was already close to Smoke.


No matter how much Smoke, it is difficult to withstand the attacks of Three Stars from a very close range.

This is because the latter has the upper hand in basic combat abilities.

But Smoke wasn't going to sit still.


A roaring sound like a lion's wolf.

Hundreds of Wyverns attacked from behind.




It was no ordinary Wyvern.

His body was red as smoke.

Red Wyvern.

Those who are the most powerful of the same entity came out.

Hundreds of Red Wyverns only targeted the commanders, especially Lieutenant General Alithef.

instinctively would not.

If we catch them, we can deal with the rest of them smoothly.

Lieutenant General Alithev shouted again.

“Clean up those things!”


It's a fight you can win if you stick to it.

It's not an easy situation to do.

In this situation, there is only one thing the remaining members can do.

Tang Tang!

Tang Tang!

It is necessary to clean up the general Wyverns and help Lieutenant General Alithef and the commanders in some way.

But it wasn't easy for him either.



Many crew members have already been injured.

Normal Wyverns fell like arrows and bit the crew's whole body.

Even the combat uniforms boasting the best performance were helpless in front of them.

If you do that, the flesh, and even the bones and intestines, will be devoured.



He turned his gun back and raised his sword.

It was more important to deal with those on the ground than those in the sky.

Otherwise, the entire crew may be completely annihilated.

[Experience of all stats is skyrocketing!]

[All skill proficiency is skyrocketing!]


Normally, I would have shouted hurray for joy, but now is not the time to enjoy such a leisurely feeling.


“Noisy, you pigeon cubs!”

He swung his sword like crazy.

Castile Golems have a body that is hard enough to say go away, but my sword rips them apart like a piece of paper.

Again this time.

It was thanks to the 'notice'.

[The sword and the body combine to create an explosive power.]

[Something new reacts to him.]

The power that seems to explode because it can't boil over.

As the sword blew, a tornado the size of a house sprung up. Like the flapping of smoke's wings.


The tornado devoured not only those on the ground, but also those in the sky.

There were also those who were sucked into it and had their body torn apart.

My body was torn when I tried to rip the crew's body apart.

“Damn, that’s a lot of power!”

“Major Choi… … !”

Surprised voices were heard around.

His eyes were on me.

If the situation wasn't urgent, everyone would run over here and ask what happened now.


Higher in the sky, the battle between Smoke and the commanders was still in full swing.

Red energy and numerous blades collided.

Smoke's body shook to and fro.

Little by little, he seemed to be holding on to victory.

But if you really want to use the word victory, you have to knock it down, not shake it.


In Smoke's mouth, continuous breaths gathered.

Dragon-type monsters have various skills such as flapping their wings in addition to breathing, but they only use breath.

It was natural.

because it is the strongest

The fortunate thing is that Smoke's aggro is completely focused on the commanders, and among them, Lieutenant General Alithef.

There was no reason for the rest of the crew to be afraid of the breath any more.

Taking advantage of that gap, the rest of the crew began to finish the battle with the general Wyverns.

corpses piled up.

It's still coming like a tide, but it's important that you're winning.

At least it doesn't get pushed.

“Let’s all do our best!”

“Yeah, let’s work hard!”

It ignited the will and raised morale.

The battle in Area 18 went like this.

Even if it's a boss monster, if Area 18 is at this point, you will already get dizzy about what will come out of Area 19 and 20, but it's time to focus on now rather than later.

If things go wrong now, you won't be able to set foot in Area 19, let alone Area 20.


“Keep that mouth shut!”

Lieutenant General Alithef, who had been restricted from fighting due to the Red Wyverns, was suddenly running towards Smoke again.

The Red Wyverns were already turning into a handful of dust.


If we keep going like this, victory is ours.



Swords hovering around Lieutenant General Alithef.

They will soon hit Smoke's whole body.


Smoke will try to counter the attack with a breath, but will not have a jaw.Breath had been blocked ever since.

So now it's just a rant... … Then an unexpected thing happened.

Smoke's head turned to the other side.

“Avoid everyone! Commanders stop the breath!”


It was where the rest of the crew were.

“Why did the aggro suddenly jump towards us!”

“Hey, let’s avoid it for now!”

Smoke's Breath.

In terms of magic, it can be compared to Meteor.

In other words, even if it misses, it is death.

That's why Lieutenant General Alithef was able to control Breath from the very beginning.

But things got twisted like this.

However, there was no way for a Hunter who had been through countless battles like this to stand still.

“Do you think it will work?”

The neighborhood shook with a heavy voice.

Huge mana gushed out of the various swords that Lieutenant General Alitef moved.

Breath has already been fired.

That huge mana flew towards it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Even if thousands of firecrackers were set off, such a scene would not have unfolded.

Behind him, Lieutenant General Alithef's smile spread.

Breath was being erased.

“Now I’m going to cut off your head… … Damn it!"

It was proved at this moment that there is no mistake more terrifying than carelessness.

Breath was fired again from Smoke's mouth.

In order to shoot the breath, the original preparation time was required, but it was shot without going through it.

The power will of course be weaker than before.

But the target was us.

The rest of the crew, including me.

“Do, run away!”

"Oh, no!"

In fact, there were hardly any colonels or lieutenants, only a major.

And at the very center of that was our team, Black Wing.

“Tee, Chief!”

The team members instinctively called me.

Without delay, I stood head-on towards Breath.

As a team leader, it's not just to protect your teammates.

As long as I am human, my life is the most precious.

But there's no way to escape anyway.

Breath will fall here before you even take your foot off it.

He took a short breath and raised his sword.

And I gathered all the power I had and swung my sword.

I don't mean to erase the breath.

Even if it's just for a little while, it's okay to slow down the speed of falling down here.

In the meantime, take your body off.


It was the voice of Captain Young So-jin.

I'm in a hurry, so I'm shouting my name, not the manager.

Other people would think it was weird.

I'll talk about that later, and I'll focus on what I need to do now.


The mana that had left the sword flew toward the breath, swaying like a wave.

Now, just buy time and get out of your body and you're done.

But the next moment, I couldn't take my feet off it.


It's not because I don't have time.

Time earned.

I earned enough.

“I can do that!”

“Gee, it’s been erased! Breath is gone!”

Breath could not stop and it was completely erased.

There was only a thick smoke spreading around it.

At that moment, even I can't figure out what kind of English this is.

A notification popped up.

[The sword and the body combine to create an explosive power.]

[Something new reacts to him.]

That was the notification.

But this time, the results came out as well.

[The new passive skill ‘New Swordsmanship One’ has been opened.]

[See information below.]

And I knew.

Where did this unbelievable power come from?

[New Swordsmanship (SSS): The highest level of swordsmanship. People become swords, and swords become people. You get infinite power from that united thing.]

New inspection day.

The grade is a step higher than the double S sword, a whopping Triple S.

I opened my eyes.

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