Chapter 27

Konoha Village,

Within a large training ground;

Although I met Sarutobi Asuma, Kakashi, and Might Guy by chance,

But… it did not affect the mood of Uzuki Yuyan, Yurihong, and Uchiha Ryujin. After entering the training ground, Uzuki Yuyan and Uchiha Ryujin began to practice the rhythm…

“Illusory Magic Sakura!”

Accompanied by a slight Chakra fluctuation, I saw Yurihong quickly seal, and his body squatted on the ground, turning into countless gorgeous petals.

“No, Jieyin speed is too slow…”

Seeing this scene,

Uchiha Ryujin frowned and snarled, “You don’t have Sharingan, and if you want to fight by illusion, you can only increase the speed of Jie Yin, or even use Jie Yin to perform the illusion invisible.”

boom! ! !

After saying this,

An astonishing aura squeezed towards those petals,


Affected by this, the evening red, which had just turned into petals using illusion, instantly turned into a white smoke and was suppressed back to the body.

“Got it….”

After being broken by the illusion,

Yurihong pursed her mouth, opened her mouth to say something, but didn’t say anything. She stood up on her own and started to seal at a very fast speed.

“too slow….”

“Have you not eaten?”

“No, you receive a thousand seals first and warm up…”


Not long after,

Accompanied by a series of severe husks,

Under Uchiha Ryujin’s supervision, Yurihong began today’s hard training journey.

“Wow…. Ryujin-san is too strict too!!”

Although it’s not the first time I have seen you,

But…Uzuki Yuyan still couldn’t help showing her admiration. She liked Uchiha Ryujin’s domineering and serious look. She was really handsome.

“You, don’t hurry up to practice sword?”(Read more @


While Uzue Xiyan was still committing a nympho,

As soon as Uchiha Ryujin’s gaze turned, a sharp gaze was projected.


I touched Uchiha Ryujin’s gaze,

Uzuki Yuyan was like a scared rabbit, hurriedly drew out the short sword on his back, and began to practice Konoha Ryuu swordsmanship.


Seeing this scene,

Uchiha Ryujin snorted coldly.

He walked to the side and sat on the chair, looking at Uyue Xiyan with frowning brows.

He has experience in illusion, after all, as a member of the Uchiha clan, he has been exposed to a lot of illusion, plus he also opened Three Tomoe Sharingan,

Therefore, he was able to point Yu Rihong to avoid detours.

But…for swordsmanship,

Uchiha Ryujin really doesn’t know much,

Although with his strength, seeing the Konoha Ryuu swordsmanship performed by Uzuki Yuyan, there are many loopholes, but…for Uzuki Yuyan, the Konoha Ryuu swordsmanship she has come into contact with is considered to be the most advanced.

“It looks like I have to find a way to do some swordsmanship…”

After thinking a little bit, Uchiha Ryujin muttered to himself, “System, sign in at the Konoha training ground…”

no doubt,

Uchiha Ryujin has another purpose for going to the training ground, which is to sign in.


This time, the sign-in location for the system refresh is Konoha Training Ground.

of course,

During this time,

After Uchiha Ryujin’s efforts to sign in for practice,

The Whitebeard template, one of the Four Emperors, has been unlocked and blended to 60%, perhaps because the unlocked is not enough, and the power of Shock Fruit has not been unlocked successfully.


Although Shock Fruit is not unlocked,

But… Uchiha Ryujin’s strength is still getting stronger.

One second…ten seconds…30 seconds…

After a minute,

The clear prompt sound of the system sounded again.

“Ding….. Congratulations to the Host, congratulations to the Host, successfully signed in at the sign-in location refreshed by the system-Konoha training ground…”

“Ding…. Congratulations to the Host for obtaining: Forbidden Technique-Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, Cong Yunqi, one of the twelve skills of the supreme knife, and% experience.”

“Ding…. The reward has been distributed to the system space, and the Host can check it at any time.”

“System, check it out!!”

[Prohibition-Multiple Shadow Clone Technique: Use the huge amount of Chakra to increase the number of Shadow Clone, which can be divided into thousands of Shadow Clone at a time. Considering that most people cannot use this technique, it is classified as a forbidden technique; Once the Host accepts it, it will be mastered instantly, and you can use it with a single shot with both hands. 】

[Cong Yunqi, one of the twelve knives of the supreme big knives: It is a long-handled knife, wider than the common Japanese naginata, and less sharp than the moon knife and the phoenix knife. It is a weapon of Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors. , Taking into account the host’s body, the drawn Congyun will be able to freely change the size! 】

[Whitebeard template has been unlocked to %, plus %, now Host has unlocked Whitebeard template %. 】

“Ding…. Congratulations to the Host for unlocking the Whitebeard template, one of the Four Emperors, to% and unlocking the swordsmanship of Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors.”



(PS: Please give me a reward….. Collection….. Flowers and evaluation, cute and new… Thank you.)


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