After hesitating for a moment, Qi Jianfei chose the dog.

The initial mission may be in danger, with this at least can have a certain degree of self-protection.

Although the pistol and dagger are also good, Qi Jianfei has never really shot, and he is not very confident in his combat effectiveness. How good the dog is, it is equivalent to having a baby. When fighting, he fires in the back and the dog fights in the front. It's very reliable to think about it.

At least that's what Qi Jianfei thought.

System: after the character is created, do you want to start your Marvel Universe tour immediately?


In front of him, there was a flash of white light. Soon, Qi Jianfei found that the seat under his buttocks was trembling. Looking down, he was sitting in the cabin of a helicopter.

"Are you awake? Don't worry, doctor. We'll be there soon. " The driver's voice came from the front, clearly speaking American English, but Qi Jianfei understood it all at once.

It's kind of amazing. Wait a minute, doctor - is that me?

as like as two peas, he knew that the plot of the game had already begun, but he was not in a panic. He looked at his body first, almost the same as in reality, but it seemed to be stronger. His muscles looked strong. After all, he added 3 physiques and 2 agility, which was better than the ordinary people.

By the way, what about the dog?

As soon as I turn my head, I see a teddy looking at him with a flattering face.

"Damn, this is my dog? What's a Teddy? Is this random? What's the use of you? Use it to resist strange things! You can give me a random golden hair. " Qi Jianfei felt a rush of grass and mud from his heart. My heart says that I'm really tired of it -

forget it, Teddy is Teddy, but I have to say that the dog looks very cute.

"Roll, shake hands." Eh, I'm really obedient.

That Teddy is very clever, almost equivalent to the level of a well-trained pet dog, some simple instructions can understand.

While teasing the dog, the plane was suddenly shocked and stopped. Qi Jianfei looked out of the window and found that the helicopter had landed on the ground.

The door of the plane opened. Outside the cabin, there were several American soldiers with live ammunition, a blonde in a white uniform, and a black Mercedes Benz parked outside, posing as a way to welcome the distinguished guests.

Qi Jianfei is flattered. It seems that he is greeting him. How can he feel like a leader. He had seen this posture before, and got off the plane carefully. The blonde immediately came to him, smiling and holding out her hand.

"Hello, Dr. Qi, welcome to Knox research base."

Qi Jianfei was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was talking about himself.

"Hello, hello." He shook hands with the beautiful woman and looked at her carefully. Suddenly, the beautiful woman was so beautiful that she had the same level of beauty as the movie star. She was tall, white and beautiful, with long legs. Her figure was rough under her white coat. She was holding a briefcase in her arms. Her golden hair was tied into a ponytail, and she was wearing black framed glasses. In her beauty, she had a trace of intelligence .

"Who are you?"

"I'm Lily, the assistant assigned to you above. From today on, I'll serve you with your consent, of course."

"Yes, absolutely." Qi Jianfei said in a hurry. It seems that my status is not low. I have such a beautiful female assistant. I don't know if this game has love mode.

At this time, the Teddy dog behind him came running and was immediately noticed by lily.

"Is this your dog? It's so cute. What's its name Lily asked as she stroked the teddy.

"Well, it's called ah Huang." Qi Jianfei gave a name casually.

On the bus, Qi Jianfei was soon escorted to the experimental base.

This base is extremely huge. It has more than ten floors, covers an extremely large area, and is guarded by American soldiers. It seems to be a military research base.

As he followed the beauty assistant to the building, Qi Jianfei looked at the laboratories around him, the researchers walking around, and the armed guards. It's really hard to imagine that it's just a game. The solemn feeling naturally infected Qi Jianfei. He could not help but put away his playful attitude and seriously followed Lily to the building, but He had not forgotten what Qin Huan had said before. The subject he wanted to study would determine the initial equipment he could get in the opening plot. So he looked at the laboratories behind the glass walls very carefully.

And by the way, I'm careful to use the same words from Lily.

Soon he knew his identity. He was a doctor from MIT. This time, at the request of the military, he served as a special technical adviser to assist in the research of military technology and equipment.

This identity makes Qi Jianfei quite excited, but also a little embarrassed. Can he do such a heavy task well?

At the same time, lily is also introducing him.

Lab 1 studies individual wings.Lab 2 studies mechanical exoskeletons.

Lab 3 studies the ion pulse generator.

Lab 4 studies superalloys.....

Qi Jianfei can't help but ask, "do you have a research lab here to study iron man armored suit?"

"Steel battle clothes? What's that? " Lily asked in surprise.

Qi Jianfei said that this is Marvel Universe. Why haven't he heard of iron man's battle clothes? Yes, this game has just started. Tony Stark is busy picking up girls. Iron man probably hasn't appeared yet.

"It's just like armor, which can fly and fight after wearing, with all kinds of weapons on it, invulnerable and powerful. "

Lily shook her head." it sounds great, but I'm sorry, we don't have such a study yet. "

Qi Jianfei was disappointed. After struggling with all his research projects for a moment, he finally chose exoskeleton research, which is the closest to the research of steel battle suit.

"I'll take the subject."

Lily seems to be a bit surprised. This exoskeleton research is not the most cutting-edge technology in all scientific research projects, but she nodded, "I'll send the relevant research data of exoskeleton to your laboratory immediately."

At this time, Qi Jianfei heard the sound of the system.

System prompt: you have selected your own research topic, please finish your work before 8 pm.

Before eight? Qi Jianfei looked at his watch. It's five o'clock. Well, it's hard to build a mechanical exoskeleton in three hours.

However, no matter how difficult it is, it should not be too late. Qi Jianfei directly asked Lily to take her to the studio.

Not far away, a studio appeared in front of Qi Jianfei.

It's not so much a studio as a refitting workshop. All kinds of advanced mechanical equipment excited Qi Jianfei.

I'll go. It's too advanced and gorgeous. Even those large industrial groups may not have this configuration, not to mention his broken Refitting Factory.

Although he didn't study very seriously when he was in school, he still knew something about mechanical engineering. The configuration of this laboratory was a little scary.

But immediately he was worried. What if he couldn't play.

And I haven't done any exoskeletons myself.

At this time, a staff member came in with a pile of drawings.

"Dr. stark, these are the relevant data and drawings of exoskeleton research. These drawings were left by previous researchers, but at present, this technology only exists in drawings, because many mechanical problems are difficult to solve."

System prompt: get the mechanical exoskeleton drawing.

[mechanical exoskeleton drawing (drawing)

technical drawing (LV1).

Use: learn to make mechanical exoskeletons. Learning needs, reading level lv4. Intelligence 12.

Article introduction: manufacturing drawing of a kind of mechanical exoskeleton. 】

reading level 4, 12 intelligence can learn, it seems not difficult to learn.

Qi Jianfei opened the drawing while thinking about it.

However, looking at the dense lines and symbols on it, Qi Jianfei's head is suddenly very big. It's too complicated. EH -

after a careful look, Qi Jianfei suddenly finds that he can understand the above content.

It doesn't seem to be very difficult, or do you think you are too smart to understand such complicated drawings?

And for those mechanical problems that need to be solved, some solutions emerge in his mind inexplicably.

"I'll do that. Come on, let's get to work."

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