Chapter 9 The Arrogant Voldemort 【Ask for a flower evaluation ticket! 】

After Voldemort joined the group chat, it did arouse discussions among the people around him.

As the group leader, Qin Ye has naturally studied the characters in the movies and comics himself. He really doesn’t like Voldemort. This is a lunatic.

The Avada Suo Life Charm is powerful, but it also has side effects, which can contaminate people’s souls and eventually split their souls.

Group owner Qin Ye: Voldemort is indeed not a good person, he is a lunatic. He has tortured and killed a lot of people, and killed his father’s family, and he did not repent and blamed his uncle.

Prince of Dali: How could there be such a dehumanizing person in the world?

Junzijian: Such demons should be punished!

Xiongba: This man is so vicious, he really deserves to be the devil.

Although the tyrant is a hero, with a vicious and vicious person, he is very tender towards his relatives, and he treats his daughter with extreme love, and he does not want them to be hurt a little.

It’s much better than Earth Demon’s extermination of humanity.

Itachi said he didn’t want to speak.

In fact, Itachi also felt that this person was vicious. The reason why he killed the whole family was to protect Konoha, and he himself was extremely heartbroken, but Voldemort was different.

Listening to the group leader’s description, this Voldemort is a bit far from him.

Voldemort: Damn Muggles! What do you know! That’s the damn people! How can a Muggle life compare to a noble necromancer.

Although everyone didn’t know what Muggle meant, they could hear it. This was not a good word, and Voldemort immediately aroused public anger in the group.

Prince Dali: The newcomer is so arrogant, be careful to be beaten to death!

Xiongba: The old man would like to have a lesson, what skills do you have with such a big voice!

Gentleman’s Sword: Everyone gets these demons and kills them. Let’s go together.

Itachi: Why are you so arrogant? If you were in your world, you would have died 10,000 times.

Voldemort: Hehehe, just a bunch of Muggles, no shame.

Voldemort watched the group chat with his blood red eyes.

As the villainous boss of a world, although Voldemort is sinister and vicious, he is very smart.

At first, he thought that someone had used a special spell on him, but later found out that it was not.

After careful diving observation, he found that the group of people did not have magic at all, just using other methods of power.

In his eyes, these people are Muggles.

For him who believes in bloodline theory, Muggles are nothing more than fuelwood like magic materials, maybe not as high as magical creatures.

The Muggle’s mouth still speaks like this, in his eyes, it is an unforgivable sin.

Voldemort: You muggles don’t know what power is! The great Voldemort will make you feel what fear!

Itachi: I’m going to kill this guy.

Xiongba: Let the old man try his fineness first!

Xiongba is also a proud and arrogant person. How could he bear this kind of insult.

Xiongba launched a “challenge in the ring” to Voldemort, with 5 origin points, and the senses were completely simulated.

The arena function of the system is very comprehensive, which can fully simulate reality and can be adjusted.

Although he cannot admit defeat, he will not die in the arena.

Voldemort smiled strangely when he saw that someone had challenged him.

Voldemort: Damn Muggles, I’ll let you know what despair is!

After speaking, both of them entered the ring.

The arena of the group chat system is said to be a ring, but it is very large and more like a space. In fact, it is for group members to exchange ideas and experiment with tricks, which can be used by one person.

The members of the group all began to watch the performance of the two in the ring.

Xiongba: I have practiced martial arts for decades, and I have never seen such an arrogant person as you.

“Three points return to vitality!”

Xiongba shouted, and a three-colored light passed towards Voldemort.

Voldemort held a staff in his hand, like a symphony conductor, with a cruel expression on his face.

“Armor and Bodyguard Protego!”


“Avada Kedavra”

Voldemort is the big villain, so naturally he won’t be as stupid and weak as in the movie. In tens of seconds, three incantations are uttered.

The spells in Harry Potter’s world are all related to mana. The stronger the mana in the body, the stronger the power.

Xiongba was cursed by Voldemort’s spell. First, his body was petrified and could not move at all, and then he was hit by a green spell.

Although he was protected by the chat group and would not die, he still felt a splitting headache, and life was better than death.

The ring battle was over in these dozens of seconds.

Itachi: I’ll come.

Itachi is arrogant, Voldemort is so provocative, he can’t stand it for a long time, even if he can’t exert the most powerful strength due to physical reasons, he still has to make Voldemort pay the price.

Voldemort: Come on, I’ll show you what pain is! Hahaha!

Voldemort laughed heartily, accepted Itachi’s challenge, and entered the ring.

“Art fire escape ho fireball!”

The body inside the ring space is the same as the body in the original world, so Itachi didn’t use the Shaker Eye at the beginning, this kind of pupil surgery that puts a lot of load on the body.

Itachi sent out a fireball with a file size of several meters in his hand, and everyone was very excited to see it.

Voldemort sneered and said.

“Armor (Armor Spell): Protego”

Then, without evading at all, he received the blow. The fireball hit Voldemort, and a bunch of sparks exploded, but Voldemort was unscathed.

There was a gleam of scarlet in Voldemort’s eyes.

“Quickly Imprisoned (Curse of Imprisonment): Colloportus”

Itachi cleverly avoided using the avatar technique.

“Fire Escape, Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique.”

Itachi used the fire escape again, but still couldn’t touch Voldemort at all.

In this way, you come to me for dozens of rounds, Itachi knows that he can only use the strongest means, writing round eyes.

“Monthly Reading!”

Voldemort didn’t notice it at all, and was unprepared for a moment, and looked into Itachi’s eyes, where three hook jade kept spinning.

Yue Yu directly dragged Voldemort into the world created by Itachi. In this illusory world, everything is determined by Itachi!

The members of the group were very excited when they saw that Itachi had the upper hand and controlled Voldemort.

But at this moment, Itachi’s eyes suddenly had tears and blood, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if blood was spurting out, but he was forcibly held back.

The tricks of the monthly reading were also interrupted, and Voldemort got rid of the control of the monthly reading.

After breaking free from the illusion, Voldemort looked at Itachi in horror. If Itachi hadn’t been forced to take the initiative to interrupt the monthly reading, he might have really overturned.

“It’s a bit of a skill, but now it’s my turn.”

Voldemort shook his head, and waved his magic wand with lingering fears, and began to cast a spell.

“Quickly Imprisoned (Curse of Imprisonment): Colloportus”

“Engagement of the Heart (Crucio Mantra): Crucio”

Itachi suddenly felt that his body was imprisoned, and when he wanted to use the substitute technique to hide, he found that it was too late, and then the pain that was like a torn soul drowned him in an instant.


Even with his tenacious will, he still screamed.

Seeing this, the members of the group were extremely desperate.

Prince Dali: How could this be, Brother Itachi lost so strong!

Gentleman Sword: I am afraid that the only way to do it is to let the Ancient One seniors take action.

Xiongba: That’s right, Senior Ancient One, please.

PS: Ask for a wave of flower evaluation tickets! Thank you readers for your support! *

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