Chapter 0145: Moon Worship Studied Science So Early?!!

Su Yu: “As you said, Baiyue has no weakness, but I know how to divert his attention so that he does not attack you and the people around you for the time being.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “Please also ask the group master to teach you!” ”

Su Yu: “You have been in the chat group for a while, and you know a lot of things.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “This… Group leader, I don’t know what you are talking about? ”

Su Yu: “For example, you are on a planet called Earth, and this planet is actually round. ”

Li Xiaoyao: “I know this. ”

Li Xiaoyao still remembered how much it had a big impact on him when he knew about it.

Because he always felt that the ground under his feet was flat.

Because if it is round, how can the person stand on it and not fall?

But after hearing the explanations of others, he understood and accepted this fact.

Su Yu: “Do you remember, I told you before that the cause of everything came from ten years ago.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “I still remember, the group leader, you said that if I didn’t join the chat group, I would have been sent ten years ago by Nuwa Niangniang, and then I would have rescued Ling’er and sent them to Xianling Island.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “This is also why, when I first met Ling’er on Xianling Island, Ling’er would know me and call me Brother Xiaoyao.” ”

Su Yu: “If you didn’t join the chat group, according to the original plot development, you won’t save Lin Yueru, and in order to save Zhao Linger, you will also go back ten years ago.” ”

Su Yu: “When you go back ten years and rescue Zhao Linger and her grandmother, you will do one thing. ”

Li Xiaoyao: “What’s going on?” ”

Su Yu: “In order not to let Zhao Linger meet you, in order not to let Lin Yueru die in the future, you let the phoenix you are riding fly in the opposite direction of Xianling Island.” ”

Su Yu: “Because in your opinion, if you hadn’t brought Zhao Linger to Immortal Spirit Island, then what would have happened after that would not have happened.” ”

Su Yu: “You are still an inn shop in Yuhang Town, Zhao Linger will also live on other small islands, and will not meet you, Lin Yueru will not meet you, and will not die.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “It turns out that if I didn’t join the chat group, I would do such a thing.” ”

Li Xiaoyao did not doubt Su Yu’s words.

On the one hand, it was because Su Yu’s words did not need to be doubted, because he did not miss it.

On the other hand, he knows that he might have done something like this if he hadn’t joined the chat group!

Su Yu: “But what you don’t know is that you let the phoenix fly in the opposite direction of Xianling Island, and after flying around, you randomly found a small island to land, and let Zhao Linger and her grandmother stay on this small island.” ”

Su Yu: “You think that if you do this, you will change history, and then you will change the future.” ”

Su Yu: “But when you go back to the future, you find that your future has not been changed at all. ”

Daiko: “I see!” I understand what the group leader means. ”

Peter: “Well, actually, I get it. ”

Li Xiaoyao: “??? What do you understand? Can you tell us about it? ”

Dagu: “@Li Xiaoyao, you now know that in fact, the planet you live on is round.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “Well, I know now. ”

Daigu: “Actually, according to your original idea, fly in the opposite direction of Fairy Spirit Island, if you say that you can find a small island after flying for a while, then you can really change history and the future.” ”

Daigu: “But you let the phoenix fly around before finding a small island to stop.” ”

Peter: “Because the earth is round, although you fly in the opposite direction of Fairy Island, after flying around, you return to the original point.” ”

Peter: “In other words, the island you find after flying around is the fairy island!” ”

Peter: “That’s why you go back to the future and find that nothing has changed in the future. ”

Li Xiaoyao: “So it is!” But if that’s the case, then I fly in the direction of Fairy Island, and after flying around, won’t I also return to Fairy Island? ”

Dagu: “Originally, you should have thought that the farther away from Xianling Island, the better, so you flew around.” ”

Dagu: “But in fact, as long as you fly a distance in the opposite direction of Fairy Island, the island you find is not Fairy Island, and then history and future will be changed.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “But group master, what does this have to do with diverting the attention of the moon worship?” ”

Su Yu: “It was only after you joined the chat group that you realized that the ground was round, not flat. ”

Su Yu: “Then let me ask you, in your world, besides you, does anyone else know about this matter, or believe this matter?” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “No, I also learned about this after joining the chat group, if I hadn’t joined, then I would definitely think that the ground was flat.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “And it’s not just me, everyone else feels the same way.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “Wait a minute! Group Lord, you mentioned moon worship, is it possible…”

Su Yu: “You are right, in your world, in addition to you, there is another person who knows about this matter, that is, moon worship.” ”

Su Yu: “Originally, you were very confused after discovering that the future had not been changed. ”

Su Yu: “At this time, you met Baiyue, and Baiyue told you about this, and you didn’t believe it at first. ”

Dagu: “In this way, this moon worship is still quite clever, in the world of leisure, not everyone can know about this.” ”

Daigu: “Even Xiaoyao only learned about it after joining the chat group. ”

Su Yu: “So, Baiyue knows this because he began to study science in your time.” ”

Su Yu: “Originally, he was not sure whether his research was correct, but the fact that you went back to the past and wanted to change the future but failed confirmed that his research was correct.” ”

Su Yu: “Because the ground is round, you think that you are far away from Fairy Island, but in fact it is the real Fairy Island.” ”

Li Xiaoyao: “I didn’t expect Baiyue to study these things!” ”

Li Xiaoyao was very surprised.

It was also after joining the chat group that he learned a lot of scientific things

But what about the moon worship? But he had been studying it for a long time.

Could it be that that Baiyue also joined the chat group?

But it shouldn’t be, if Baiyue also joined a chat group, then he didn’t need to study ah, and others could tell him the answer directly.

However, what he was more puzzled about was that the group leader told him these things to illustrate the loss?

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