Chapter 0101 – Rox’s Slashing Knife! Im!!!

But, apparently, the first hit of the slashing knife did not disappoint him.

Not only completely withstood the domineering sadism of Rocks.

Even—in the end, the domineering energy that was scattered outside the blade was absorbed into the domineering qi and disappeared.

That slashing knife also revealed its true face.

It turned into a gorgeous, black pirate command knife.

Looking at the slashing knife that completely withstood his own strength.

Rocks had a satisfied smile on his face.

Weighed the weight.

“Hahaha! Not bad! Just what the doctor ordered! ”

“The words of the name – since it is the sword of the king of the world! Just call him Imlox with an unstoppable evil taste on his face. ”


After spinning a few sword flowers, Lox slashed the slashing knife forward.


With the call of Locks.

The world seemed to pause for a moment and lost its color. The slashing knife threw out an extremely powerful, wave-shaped sword qi.

The sea is completely separated.

The sword qi cut out, and the ravines on the sea surface could not be seen from afar.

Although the situation on the sea seems to be similar to Charlotte Lingling’s majesty.

However, there is no doubt that this blow of Lokes, whether it is power or power, far exceeds the power of that aunt.

Lockes nodded in satisfaction.

“Morpheus! You knife! Everything! It’s just too cheap! Lack of mystery! ”

“You’re smashing the rice bowls of those old swordsmen in the country of peace!”

“Right! Ota! ”

Ota spread his hands: “Those swordsmen of Wano Country! They have all been taken by Lord Morpheus to work in the knife factory! ”

“At that time! Morpheus shot a slashing knife to those knife makers on the spot! Gave Whitebeard-sama! ”

“Shock those knife makers!”

Rocks had a smile on his face.

“Hahahahaha! There is such a thing! ”

“That’s right! Morpheus! For Ota’s appointment! Do you have any comments? Rocks looked at Morpheus, his face full of weight. ”

Morpheus shook his head.

What comments can there be.

In the future, the funds allocated to their own factories will be nothing more than a little more.

Rocks continued to look at the knife in his hand.

A look full of praise and can’t put it down.

“Morpheus! You boy! ”

“That’s awesome!”

“The chopping knife you invented! The quality is very good! ”

“I didn’t feel wrong! Each of them should have surpassed the Supreme Great Quick Knife, at least beyond some of the Supreme Great Quick Knife. ”

“This kind of knife? Is it really 50 million berry? ”

Morpheus nodded.

It is indeed 50 million berry.

Moreover, even if it is such a cheap price, it does not affect his personal money.

The innovation brought by technology can turn soup spoons, which were once more expensive than silver spoons, into ubiquitous places, even to the point that no one wants to use them today.

Rocks had a look of regret on his face.

“You knife! Everything! It’s just cheaper! There’s also a little less mysterious history! ”

The golden lion in the air took the stubble: “It was invented by Lord Morpheus!” Isn’t it mysterious enough? ”

A smile appeared on Lokes’s face again.

“That’s right!”

Promise this guy to make 10,000 slashing knives.

A slashing knife that surpasses the supreme speed

Himself and this Morpheus, really the same crazy, he dares to build, he really dares to agree!

A heartache appeared on his face.

Then, Lockes held out his hand again towards Morpheus.

In his hand are ten universal capsules.


“Same as before!”

“The rest is still being raised!”

“Before the Battle of the Valley of the Gods! Hurry up production! The more you make, the better! ”

“Be sure to make sure you have a good detonator! Universal capsule! There was also the supply of the slashing knife, and Morpheus took the ten universal capsules with some surprise. ”

Unexpectedly, another quadrillion Bailey was raised so quickly.

Sure enough, he didn’t force Brother Rocks.

Never know how much potential Rocks has to shell out money.

Full of calculations! Morpheus is now able to produce about six thousand slashing knives!

However, it is still a lot short of the big goal of 10,000.

By the way, Morpheus also handed over the fifty universal capsules containing the detonation charm.

“This is?”

Lockes looked at Morpheus suspiciously.

I gave you ten universal capsules, why did you still find fifty.

A smile appeared at the corner of Morpheus’s mouth.

“There are a million detonation charms in each one!”

“Fifty in total!”

“Please look over!”

Rocks licked his tongue.

“Fifty million in total?”

The trial version detonation charm distributed by Morpheus before was few 0… He couldn’t even bear to use it.

Right now!

Finally, the freedom of the detonation charm has been realized!

Morpheus nodded.

“Exactly! Half of the previous 100 million explosive orders! ”

“Vegapunk has improved the Detonator Factory!”

“Estimate! Before the Great War in the Valley of the Gods! Create another 100 million detonation charms! Not a problem! ”


Rocks laughed.

Nodded in satisfaction.

This 100 million detonation charms!

Smash down! That picture! But I can’t imagine it! Not bad! Really!

Every investment in Morpheus! It’s useless!


A pirate miscellaneous soldier holding a phone bug rushed over.

Rocks turned his head.

looked at the pirate.

The pirate was covered in cold sweat.

“My lord! Not good! Something big happened! ”

Lokes glanced at the fifty million detonation charms he was holding in his hand.

He looked at the pirate with a cold look in his eyes.

“What happened?”

The pirate gasped and then picked up the phone worm.

“My lord! My lord! ”

“Before! Send out a squad to raise money! Organized by the Navy and spies! Joint encirclement! ”

Morpheus was stunned.

Well? Like, this matter still has something to do with me.

Raise money?

Most of it is my own research funding.

I wanted to stay and see, but I had the idea of funding my own research.


Rocks was also clearly shocked.

“Silver axe that idiot! Gave him any door? Can it still be surrounded by the Navy and spy organizations? ”


“What the hell is going on!”

“What about the Silver Axe Man? What about arbitrary doors? ”

The miscellaneous pirates had a bitter face.

“Lord Silver Axe hasn’t returned! It seems that any door has also fallen into the hands of the Navy! ”

“The Navy and the CP organization seem to have expected it! Where are you waiting! We really can’t prevent it! ”

Rocks sighed.

Brow furrowed.

A strategic-level weapon like an arbitrary door.

If it easily falls into the hands of the Navy.

Isn’t it, it means! The Navy also has the same mobility as theirs?

It’s still sloppy in the end!

In order to quickly raise research funds for Morpheus…

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