Chapter 0173 – The Navy’s Scheme!!

– With the blessing of the Morpheus Fruit.

Basically—Tom just needs to take time to think about the work festival with Morpheus.

As for manufacturing, it can be safely handed over to Morpheus.

What Morpheus simply makes—even more delicate than the parts he polished with his own hands.

——Under such work efficiency, the completion and trial operation of the sea train is like a leap.

At the same time, Tom finally understood why this guy, with such a high brain, could invent ten new inventions that were enough to shock the world in a few days

It seems that the combined fruit, or like the surgical fruit, may be renamed the manufacturing fruit because of the existence of Morpheus.

Tom beckoned towards the shoreline.

Motioning for the workers to come up and try, he stepped off the train himself, giving way to the driver’s cab.

The real driver of the Rocketman is Granny Kokoro, who loves drag racing.

There is also the son of Mother-in-law Coco, a child of mixed human and mermaid races

Workers from seven shipbuilding factories packed onto the sea train.

They have never been so intimately huddled together.

Tom smiled reassuringly.

Morpheus, on the other hand, remembers the canned sardines when he woke up early on the subway.

It seems that the seven capitals of water may also have the possibility of that grand event.

The Rocketman train is away.

The people in the carriage poked their heads out of the windows and cheered loudly.

And – Granny Kokoro also poked her head out of the cockpit.

“Hey! Don’t stick him out of the window! Easy to be dangerous! ”

Morpheus nodded.

The first trial is too many people, one by one, so once or twice, maybe there will be no threat.

But – there are real security risks.

With the approximate train safety rules written down in a past life when bored on the train.

Morpheus – again gave Tom some advice.

This time, though, it’s not about Rocketman itself.

It’s about the safety norms that some passengers should follow

New things are things that people don’t know and are most prone to panic.

If there is any safety accident because of the sea train, then it may cause the sea train to suffer from public resistance.

After listening to Morpheus’s words—Tom’s eyes lit up.

After all, what Morpheus said ‘can’t carry explosions’, things “clouds, but Morpheus’s world has learned many lessons.”

If implemented early, it will definitely reduce the occurrence of many tragedies.

“That’s it!”

“Well! Uncle Tom! Don’t you go back with me first? ”

In the system interface, the last batch of fairy beans is also completely ripe at this time, and only if Morpheus goes back to pick them, then the new technology can be unlocked.

Several previous technologies have epoch-making significance, and Morpheus can’t wait to see what the newly unlocked technology will be.

Could it be Gundam? Or is it time-related technology? Seeing that Morpheus wanted to go back early.

Tom hesitated for a moment and looked at the water railroad tracks in the distance.

“If nothing happens in the past few days, I want to stay on the Seven Islands of Water for the time being!”

“Although the relations between the workers of the seven islands have eased, I also hope to continue to promote the progress of friendly relations on the island and continue to stabilize the various matters of the sea train.”

“But – these are not urgent, if you want it, if you want it, just call me!”

Morpheus nodded, it seemed that Tom wanted to stay in the water capital for a while, after all, this is also the place where he has lived for hundreds of years.

After waving goodbye to Tom, Morpheus walked through any door and returned to the Land of Wano.

Ready to start picking fairy beans.

And, at this time, the sea stops.

The vigorous purge campaign triggered by the naval headquarters is still ongoing

The Age of Discovery has not yet come, and cleaning up the pirates at sea, in general, is relatively easy.

Not every pirate group can reach the same intensity as the Rocks Pirates

As long as they are caught, basically a general-level figure can arrest them all.

However, the purpose of Im and others is about the senior official of the Lokes Pirates.

and home to the Rocks Pirates and the Roger Pirates.

They still don’t know.

“Wouldn’t it be in that place?” The ultimate island? ”

The Island of the Ultimate is a place that only exists in legends.

Legend has it that if you follow the great route, you will reach the end of the world.

That place, even the world government, has not touched that place for many years.

After all, that is the last legacy of ‘that country’, which is wary of world government.

And – scattered around the world in the main text of history, it is precisely the way to get to that place.

Zefa seemed a little worried and put forward his own guess.

However, Yim was not shocked.

“They can’t go anywhere—”

“If they had gone, they wouldn’t be what they are now!”

“Perhaps, we have already started searching for ancient weapons, and they rushed to find us.”

Next to it, the blind man was single-minded and sweating profusely.

– These days, for the sake that the Navy must not lose to pirates.

He is basically active at high levels every day.

Now, he only hoped that the World Government would quickly buy back that gravity cultivation room.

It’s good to end his suffering early.

Steel Bone Kong, on the other hand, nodded.

Expressed agreement with Im’s statement.

Although he didn’t know why he agreed.

The red dog was cold.

“Speaking of which! Among the pirates, there is a pirate from the country of Wano! ”

“Could it be hidden in countries that are not members of the world government?”

In the New World, pirates are rampant, and because they cannot pay the heavenly gold, countries that cannot be protected by the world government are full of stalks.

However, countries like Wano Country, which have powerful samurai and pirates dare not easily provoke, also exist, but they are extremely rare.

Im mused

However, the steel bone is empty, it is remembered that the country of Hezhi has recently increased the price of sea lou stone, and the country of sea floor stone is exclusively produced by sea floor stone, and the sea floor stone is abundant, and, it just so happens that sea floor stone is also a material that the navy needs very much.

The unit price of sea lou stone – even more expensive than gold, so for the country of Wano, which is full of sea lou stones, there are also pirates, which will be called the country of gold.

If the country of Wano is captured, then the navy can achieve the freedom of the sea floor…

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