Late at night, the night was quiet, and the clear moonlight shone on the earth, illuminating the entire Renjia Town.

In the quiet night, most of the villagers were already asleep, and only a few had not slept.

In the east of the town, a voice jumped and jumped, broke into a resident, and not long after, ran out of the resident’s house.

The entire Renjia Town was harmonious, as if nothing had happened.

Until the next morning….


A loud scream broke the calm of Renjia Town for many years.

In the morning, Huo Tianci just got up, and the members of the security group hurriedly ran in.

“Regiment commander, it’s not good, something big happened, Old Man Zhang in the east was killed last night.”

“Someone was killed?”

Huo Tianci frowned.

He has been in charge of this town for so long, and it has been smooth and rainy, and the people of Guotai have been safe, and there has been no human life.

Today, the sudden appearance of human life is a severe test of his rule.

This is not the point, there are actually people who dare to do things in his territory, and he will never let these people go.

“Go, go and see.”

Huo Tianci took the guard company and came to the east of the town.

There were many people around Old Man Zhang’s house, surrounded by people from the Baoan Village, looking forward.

Most people are curious and worried at the same time, after all, if there are three people near their home, everyone will be worried.

They are afraid that the next target is them.

“Regiment commander, there was a death, and the massacre was destroyed.”

The members of the security group ran to Huo Tianci’s side and whispered, but they did not dare to make a loud voice.

Huo Tianci’s brows furrowed even tighter, it was actually a massacre of extinction, this was the first major case.

How long has it been, and it is the first time that such a big case has appeared.

I don’t know who did it, but if you dare to do it on his territory, you must be severely punished.

He wants everyone to know that dare to make trouble with him, and there is only one word in the end.


Huo Tianci pushed open the door and walked into the house, where Old Man Zhang’s family was a few people, all lying on the bed.

“Regiment commander, died a miserable death, dried up all over, as if sucked dry.”

The medical examiner’s face was ugly, and it was the first time he had seen someone die so tragically.

Blot dry.

Huo Tianci suddenly felt uneasy in his heart, a person being sucked dry, could it be evil.

After all, this is the world of the Ninth Uncle, and it is normal to have demons and monsters.

I just don’t know if it’s a zombie or a ghost, anyway, I can’t afford to mess with one, at least for now.

“Let me see.”

Huo Tianci grabbed one of the corpses and lifted his neck, which had two tooth marks on it.

Sure, it was a zombie who did it.

Fortunately, it is a zombie, not a ghost, at least he is now capable of dealing with zombies.

If he changed to that kind of invisible ghost, he didn’t know how to face it.

“Inform the people of the security team, assemble at night, prepare artillery and heavy machine guns.”

Huo Tianci quickly prepared.

Against zombies, or should artillery be used, ordinary machine guns may not be useful.

His carry-on space also has aviation gasoline, prepare a little more at night, no matter what kind of zombie it is, burn you.

If it is the kind of golden-armored zombie in the novel, it is estimated that the ninth uncle will not be able to deal with it, and he can wait for death at home.

Outside, Ninth Uncle came over very early, after all, such a big thing happened, he was naturally curious.

And when he heard about the massacre, the first thing that came to mind was ghosts and zombies.

Normal people, who would do the extermination massacre, anyway, he has lived for so many years, and he has never seen anyone who did the extermination massacre.

“Master, it’s a big fuss, do you think it’s a ghost or a zombie.”

Qiu Sheng stood behind the Ninth Uncle, staring inside the house, and outside was full of people from the security group, unable to see anything.

Until someone was carried out, Ninth Uncle quickly stepped forward and stared at several corpses on the stretcher.

Although the corpse was shrouded in a white cloth, Ninth Uncle was still able to detect the corpse gas on the corpse, which was definitely done by zombies.

“Zombies, come with me.”

Ninth Uncle followed behind the stretcher.

Although he has some opinions about Huo Tianci, in the face of zombies, he should discard his opinions and work together.

And deal with zombies, you can gain merit, why not.

“Young Master Huo, I have something I want to talk to you about.”

Ninth Uncle saw Huo Tianci come out, and hurriedly followed Huo Tianci.

“Uncle Nine, is there something wrong?”

Huo Tianci probably understood what Ninth Uncle wanted to do, it must be related to zombies.

In this kind of thing, the ninth uncle is professional, and it may be possible to arrange the ninth uncle around.

If you really encounter any problems, you can hand them over to Ninth Uncle to solve.

“Young Master Huo, this must be related to zombies, or it will be handed over to our three masters and apprentices, and the three of us masters and apprentices are professional.”

“No problem, let’s go together in the evening.”

Someone wants to send it to the door as a coolie, how could Huo Tianci refuse.

And at night, he wants to do it himself, and if he can solve the zombies, he will take the initiative to solve them.

If the artillery can’t solve the zombies, then leave it to the professional of Ninth Uncle, anyway, he will not pay extra.

At the beginning, the worship was unsuccessful and gave the ninth uncle a lot of money, but now he feels a loss and has to make up for it.

“Then at night, we will gather in the square and deal with the zombies together.”

Ninth Uncle took the two apprentices and turned to leave, already thinking about how to behave well at night, and must not let Huo Tianci down.

More still can’t lose their face, want to compare with Huo Tianci.

During this time, Huo Tianci was too famous, and he felt that he was being compared, so he was very unhappy in his heart

“Go back quickly, prepare well, don’t lose my face tonight, if anyone doesn’t fight and lose my face, don’t blame the master for me being unkind.”

Ninth Uncle was worried about something going wrong, and first warned his apprentices, especially these two apprentices, that they would always cause trouble for themselves.

“Master, don’t worry, we will definitely give you strength tonight and will never let you down.”

“Master, so do I.”

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai hurriedly assured.

They can see that if they let Ninth Uncle lose face tonight, they don’t want to live a good life in the future.

Huo Tianci didn’t go too far, and after cultivating, his eyes and ears were smart, and he could hear the conversation of the Ninth Uncle.

Tonight, he tried to personally solve the zombie and let the ninth uncle lose face.

While there is still time, train well, strive to improve your talent by one or two more points, and improve your strength by the way.

It can be used to deal with zombies at night.

Maybe he can punch zombies.

Well, although the iron sheet is not bad, it is estimated to be a little worse, the zombie bites the iron sheet easily, and it is necessary to improve the strength.

If you learn another hundred martial arts and a hundred layers of skin refining realm, it is estimated that zombies will not be able to bite off.

(New book, kneeling for everyone’s flower support, flowers can be added.) )

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