Virtual God: "@全体成员, anyone who needs a game warehouse can talk to me, unlimited distribution, anyone is welcome to play in my world".

Spoilers are so happy: "Woo woo, why am I the only one left?".

Spoilers are really happy: "Brother Chen, you can upload the game warehouse to the group mall, save the trouble Brother Chen, you will send a red envelope".

As soon as Xiaoxiao said this, Lin Chen found out that there was a mall in the group function.

Group members can put goods on the shelves in the mall, and if they stay at home, they can watch the group members set their own prices.

The selling price in the mall is settled by group points.

Group points can be earned by checking in and completing group tasks.

Virtual God: "Wait, there are still check-in and task functions in the group?".

Spoilers are a real pleasure: "yes, didn't I say that before?".

Xiaoxiao remembers that she said it.

Little Bird You Liuhua: "I saw Sister Xiaoxiao say it once, and then Sister Xiaoxiao didn't say it."

Liuhua was the first to join the group except Xiaoxiao, and she knew that there were mall sign-ins and tasks.

But others really don't know.

Spoilers are so happy: "Uh, okay, this is my omission, I'm going to get a new group announcement out".

Xiaoxiao Province is troublesome, every time a newcomer comes, it needs to be introduced.

Simply write the introduction of the group and the functions in the group into the group announcement.

And Lin Chen's side also has a full 100,000 game warehouses on the shelves, all of which are sold with 0 points.

For Lin Chen, points don't matter at all.

The most important thing is soul computing power.

That is, the player, only the quantity and quality of the player is his basic disk.

Virtual God: "The game warehouse has been put on the shelves, and everyone in need can get it themselves." "

Virtual God: "By the way, everyone can promote "Miracles" in their own world, and when the number of players reaches a certain level, I will give rebates".

Lin Chen didn't say that it was a reward, but that it was a kickback.

Because he doesn't want to appear like he's on top.

He prefers to be friends with everyone than in a high place.

God, too, will be lonely.

Spoilers are really happy: "Brother Chen's cow batch, by the way, Brother Chen, can you get a batch of ring-style game warehouses, it's a little smaller".

Spoiler what a pleasure: "Can I use this to develop my own power?".

Virtual God: "Of course, I'll get it now".

Soon, a login in the form of 100,000 rings hit the shelves.

Spoilers are so happy: "Thank you, Brother Chen".

Xiaoxiao sincerely thanks.

In fact, both she and the others in the group understood that Lin Chen should do this for the sake of the player.

But they did get the benefits, and Lin Chen never commanded or coerced them as a god.

So they were also willing to help Lin Chen.

In addition to Xiaoxiao, the other members of the group are also planning to release miracles in their own world.

However, except for Rimuru, everyone else has a bit of trouble trying to promote it.

Rimuru will be a state in the future, and he himself is a king, and it will not be too easy to promote miracles.

But there is no way for Liuhua to do this, she has no way to explain the origin of the miracle.

Dare to casually take out the game warehouse and release, and six flowers will appear on the experimental table in a day.

Bai Weaving is even more troublesome, and it would be good if she could take care of herself now, let alone promote.

And there is a certain perverted evil god who peeps every day, and he is troublesome to death.

Tanjiro's words are that the world is still relatively backward, and he has to solve the problem of ghosts first.

As for the two newcomers.

Lin Chen had never counted on Akuya, this guy could just be unhelpful, don't expect too much from her.

It can be said that Lin Chen directly gave up Akuya's world.

It's not bad this one anyway.

But Lin Chen forgot one thing, that is, Akuya can log in to the game by herself.

When the Akusis Sect rose in the midst of miracles, it was too late for Lin Chen to regret it.

I can only sigh one sentence, Akusis teaches cattle criticism.

As for the last Madara Uchiha, wait until he unifies the ninja world and solves the threat of the Otsuki clan.

In another world, Lin Xiaoxiao also quit the game.

After all, the other group members are offline.

It's so boring for her to play alone.

Not to mention that she has more important things to do.

That is to develop their own power.

To be precise, she was eyeing the kickbacks that Lin Chen said.

Besides, if she can develop her own power, she can live more comfortably in this world.

And the way she wants to develop is to rely on the game warehouse, or game ring, to preach.

That's right, she's going to start a church.

Virtual Church!

The world she is in now is a world of martial arts and superpowers.

But whether you want to become a martial artist or an alien, you need a very high level of talent.

It can be said that every martial artist and supernatural is one in a thousand.

Among them, the powerful one is a genius that is rare in a century.

And the vast majority of ordinary people can only be an ordinary person in their lives.

In addition, the class concept in this world is extremely serious.

The status of martial artists and supernatural beings is very transcendent.

Even if they kill ordinary people on the street, they will only be fined some money.

But for them, money is the least valuable thing.

The reason why this is the case is also something that cannot be helped.

Because this world still faces the threat of cave monsters, we must rely on their strength.

And what if there was a way to gain power without talent?

Those ordinary people who have been oppressed, but who are suffering from lack of power, will definitely be attracted.

Speaking of which, it was because Akua joined the group, which reminded her of the crazy Akusis cult.

If we want to run a church, we must do doctrine.

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't understand these at all, so she simply copied the teachings of the Akusis Sect.

Followers of the Virtual God Cult just need to get serious

Anything can be done.

We are the ones who can do it.

Even if we don't do well, we don't blame us.

If you don't do it well, it's all to blame the world.

Facing nasty things.

All you need to do is run away.

Fleeing is not losing.

It's about victory.

When hesitating.

No matter what you do, you will regret it.

I'll regret it anyway.

Then choose the easier way now.

Don't be afraid to grow old.

The gods don't know if you're happy in the future.

Eris's x is cushioned out.

"Ahem, forget the last sentence".

After copying, Xiaoxiao crossed out the last sentence.

After all, it feels a little bad to have to publicize the little secret of Eris in this world.

Besides, she doesn't have a grudge against Eris.

After getting the doctrine done, Xiaoxiao planned to develop the followers.

There's no better place than a slum tucked away in a dark corner of the world.

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