[Inpelton’s first prisoner in history to successfully escape from prison ‘Golden Lion’ Shiki! ] 】

[Escaped from prison for less than 10 hours, and recruited two major combat forces Wang Zhi and Silver Axe in the Kingdom of Eroshu in the New World]

[The navy suffered another heavy blow, Chief Instructor Zefa, G5 branch base commander Sakaski lost]

[Another big war in the New World, the John Pirates suffered a crushing defeat to the Hundred Beast Pirates]

[The Hundred Beast Pirates Group has added new combat power, defecting to the naval giant Vice Admiral Haguwal · D. Sauro joins the Hundred Beast Pirates! 】



For three consecutive days, one after another big news that shocked the world came one after another.

As the first pirate in history to be able to escape from the undersea prison Impelton.

In just a few hours after escaping from prison, he took Wang Zhi and Silver Axe, who were among the sea thieves, under his command.

The golden lion’s momentary limelight even overshadowed Kaido’s group, who completely destroyed the John Pirates.

“Isn’t this guy Golden Lion going to carry out his stupid plan?”

Getting closer and closer to the sea where Wano Country was located, Kaido looked at the newspaper in his hand and said to himself.

In the original work, he was completely dismissive of the so-called [East China Sea Destruction Plan] that the Golden Lion guy executed 20 years later.

Just set your sights on a projectile land in the East China Sea and don’t say anything about it.

20 years of time has completely erased his ambition to swallow mountains and rivers, and in the end, he is just a bad old man defeated by the protagonist’s aura.

Right now, the Golden Lion is doing something smarter.

At the moment when his strength is barely at its peak, strengthen his power.

Become a powerful presence in the new world.

News about the Golden Lion occupies the first and second pages of the entire newspaper.

The news that Kaido and his gang completely destroyed the John Pirates was placed after the third page.

In the picture, two giant pirate ships with their respective logos collide together.

The picture is not clear, but Sauro, as a giant, is unusually conspicuous.

Right now, [Captain] John is killed.

Wang Zhi, the silver axe was taken under the command of the golden lion.

Since Roger’s death, the forces of the New World have gradually become clear.

Kaido, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, BIG. MOM!

The sea of the new world is gradually entrenched by these four forces.

This world is really not boring at all.

Which one will be eaten next?

“Boss Kaido! It’s about to arrive in Wano Country. ”

Ember reported shouting.



New World, one of the only two branch bases of the Navy, G5 base island.

Base leader Sakaski, who was wrapped in bandages, turned into magma in his right hand, burned the newspaper in his hand to ashes, and engulfed it.

The surrounding soldiers stood in place one by one, quiet as a chill, not to speak, not even daring to breathe.

Originally, he wanted to establish the power of the navy by arresting Wang Zhi and Silver Axe, but no one expected that the Golden Lion would suddenly kill from Impelton.

Instead, the Navy was once again disgraced.


Footsteps sounded from the corridor outside the door.

Before knocking, the visitor directly pushed the door and entered the office of the base chief.

Toad sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, dressed as a flowing rock singer.

It was another candidate for the Navy, Kuzan.

“Ah la la ~ What a bad luck, Sakaski.”

Kuzannu said: “Although I don’t want to run to such a dangerous place, but this means that there is no way, hard work.”

The new head of the G5 base is Kuzan.

Sakaski was repatriated to his headquarters.

In any case, this pot has to be carried by someone.

And the chosen object is none other than Sakaski.

You know, G5 can be said to be the most severe naval branch, as a base located in the central waters of the New World, fighting pirates has become the same daily routine as eating and sleeping.

And the belligerent and iron-blooded Sakaski should have been the most suitable candidate.

Now it is replaced by Kuzan, which shows the dissatisfaction of the people above him.

For Kuzan’s half-mocking words, Sakaski did not answer a word, just stinking a face, got up and passed by Kuzan’s shoulder.

“In other words, isn’t Zefa-sensei there?”

Kuzan said with his back to the other.

“Sailed early in the morning!”

After Sakaski left a cold word, he left without looking back.

Kuzan took this morning’s newspaper from his trench coat and flipped it to the back.

The huge body of his former friend Sauro above stands out in the blurry newspaper.

“Is that your choice?”

Kuzan whispered to himself.

Zefa also saw the news in today’s newspaper, and immediately set sail with a black face.

Regardless of his unhealed body.

“Could something happen…”

Kuzan, who had already guessed what Zefa wanted to do, began to worry.

Unlike Sakaski, who only wants to eliminate all pirates, and Borusalino, who has an extremely bad relationship with Zefa.

His relationship with Zefa is quite good.

It was too dangerous to let Zefa meet with that group of extremely dangerous elements alone.

“Really, I just left in the morning, and now I hope to catch up.”

Kuzan scratched his head in distress, and also walked quickly outside, shouting: “Hey! Prepare your warship to set sail! Huh? Where to? Go in the direction of Wano Country! ”



A few days later, the waters of Wano Country.

“Governor Kaido! Lord Ember! There are warships of the Navy coming towards us! ”

On the lookout, the navigator bowed and shouted to Kaido and Ember on the lower deck.


Sauro was taken aback when he heard this.

In less than ten days, although he could not talk about integration, he had gradually adapted to the environment of pirates.

But the only thing he did not dare to do, except to plunder civilians, was to engage the navy.

“Only one? Is it the fleet led by that idiot? ”

When Ember heard this, his eyes were stunned, but he didn’t think about it, and said directly: “Sink them and let the navy know what the end of fighting us unprepared like this is!”


The pirates raised their weapons high, and only Sauro hesitated, unable to choose.

Kaido saw this scene in his eyes on the side, only smiled slightly, and did not say much.

PS: Sauro is added to prepare for future plots, of course, there will be no plots that contradict the protagonist’s concepts.

After all, this article is a pirate angle.

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