I Treat You As A Brother, You Lied To Me To Rob A Bank?

Chapter 175 Zhou Hang, Do You Want A Wife Or Not?

Leaning on the window.

Lu Ming glanced sideways at Zhou Hang.

After taking his eyes back, he didn't speak again.

Zhou Hang also kept quiet.

a time.

The room fell into a harmonious silence.


Robber perspective live room.

Lu Ming's call just now was not only heard by Zhou Hang, but also clearly heard by the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

a time.

Lu Ming's remarks.

It also aroused the enthusiasm of the audience in the live broadcast room.

The barrage of discussion exploded several times in an instant.

"After listening to what Lu Ming said to Zhou Hang, I was completely convinced. I can only say that Lu Ming is a high-IQ robber! It's really awesome."

"At this moment, my admiration for Lu Ming is like the continuous surging of the river, and the overflowing of the Yellow River.

"Haha... Brother upstairs, if Zhou Hang saw what you said, wouldn't it make people feel embarrassed?"

"Impossible, if Zhou Hang saw what the brother upstairs said, he would only say one sentence... Me too!"

"I laughed so hard. Sure enough, the brothers in the live broadcast room are talented, but after thinking about it for a while, Zhou Hang just said a bull comparison. I laughed so hard."

"As far as Zhou Hang's expressive ability is concerned, although he has earned money by practicing, it is still not easy to find a wife."

"Who said that, honest people can sell well now. As for Zhou Hang's honest character, maybe it is precisely his advantage, that is, the dullness may not be very pleasing."

"Isn't this a live practice room? Why did the style of painting suddenly change, and we started discussing about Zhou Hang's finding a wife?"

"I don't know if Zhou Hang would be touched if he knew that millions of netizens were so concerned about him finding a wife, haha..."

"Speaking of which, there are nearly 4 million viewers in our live broadcast room. Can't we find a woman to be Zhou Hang's wife?"

"I don't know if any of you netizens would recommend Zhou Hang to be his wife?"

"It seems that Zhou Hang's eagerness to find a wife has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Now I will ask Zhou Hang if he wants his wife or not. If he wants, I will bring my sister to him."

"Speaking of which, do you think that Lu Ming is doing the opposite, and he is going to

Is there any chance of a beheading operation? "

"The chance of success should not be small. After all, what Lu Ming said is really not wrong at all. From the perspective of the police officer's live broadcast room, from the commander-in-chief to the special officer team leader, they all think that it is unlikely that he will start the first two days. ."

"If the target person is eliminated directly in one day, then I feel that this exercise will not last too long."

"Don't, this exercise has just started. I'm planning to use this exercise to eat for a few more days. If this is over, I won't be able to sleep well if I don't eat well."

"This is not necessarily true. After eliminating the target characters, they still need to escape from Yunhai City to determine victory. It is not easy to escape."

"Indeed, although there is a new identity provided by the director, if you want to eliminate the target person, this identity will definitely be exposed, and it will not be easy to escape at that time."


In the live broadcast room, the audience talked a lot.

The black barrage scrolled rapidly in the live broadcast room.

The audience admired Lu Ming's choice of hands-on time and his well-founded analysis.

at the same time.

The topic was also related to Zhou Hang finding a wife.

The audience in the live broadcast room also sparked a lot of discussion.

Obviously, fans in the live broadcast room are also quite concerned about Zhou Hang's personal problems.

The atmosphere of the live broadcast room is harmonious and harmonious.

There are naturally a lot of spectators who are rewarding.

The amount of gift income is also rising rapidly.

Judging from the situation in the live broadcast room at this time, after this exercise is over, Lu Ming and Zhou Hang can get the exercise income.

It will still be a small amount.


Temporary command room.

Qin Ze, the commander-in-chief, sat at the conference table.

At this time, there was a map of Yunhai City on the table.

He was frowning slightly, holding a pen to write and draw on the map.

Through this map, the commander-in-chief studied the itinerary of Qin Feng, the commander of the special task force, as requested by the director.

Lu Ming made some moves when the target person traveled for the first time.

A remote-controlled bomb was detonated, causing chaos.

This is indeed somewhat beyond the commander-in-chief's expectations.


After Qin Feng's vehicle left the block, nothing else happened.

Judging from this situation, Lu Ming's move to detonate the bomb.

Not really trying to get hands on.

maybe just to the police

Release the signal to do it yourself.

As a result, the police team is exhausted and consumes manpower.

Get more opportunities for later when he really does it.

after all.

Such a method Lu Ming used in previous exercises.

And it fits his cautious character.


After staring at the map for a while, writing and drawing.

Only then did the commander-in-chief Qin Ze let out a long breath and rubbed his tired eyes.

After a period of tidying up.

He finally completed the deployment of the action of the police team in the travel plan of the target person in the next few days.


The ultimate center of gravity.

It was also placed in the outdoor speech on the afternoon of the third day.

After all that event.

Obviously Lu Ming and the others have the greatest opportunity to act, so naturally they have to focus on deployment.

He moved his slightly stiff neck.

The commander-in-chief got up and came to the area where the police officers of the technical department were located.

He walked to the side of the technical team leader who was standing behind a technical police officer.

"Did you find anything?"

An eyebrow raised.

The commander-in-chief looked at the surveillance video being played on the computer screen of the police officer in the technical department ahead.

Randomly asked.

After he issued an order to expand the investigation of suspicious persons who may be carrying bombs in the surveillance video.

The technical department moved quickly to investigate and monitor the surrounding monitoring.

More than an hour has passed by now.

But he never reported the situation to himself.

"General team, we have expanded our search to a nearby block."

"The flow of people in this block is really not small, and it is really difficult to investigate."

"So far, there have been no suspicious persons."

Hearing the commander-in-chief's question, the special-error squad leader hurriedly turned around.

Watching him respond earnestly.


The commander-in-chief nodded calmly.

This situation is still within his expectations.

after all.

Lu Ming is a cautious person, so even if he takes action, he will naturally choose to hide his traces as much as possible.

Choose a neighborhood with a lot of traffic.

This is also certain.

at the same time.

According to his cautious character, it is not very likely that he will appear under the surveillance camera.


If it was easy to find Lu Ming's figure in the surveillance, it would be suspicious.

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