I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 2 Chapter 653: The wolf king's roar and Yes shoelaces!

The Seattle Supersonics and Boston Celtics in this round of the finals, the world has sentenced the Boston Celtics to death.

Not to mention the media that fell with the wind, even the Boston Celtics fans, have lost all confidence in the finals.

Boston fans have watched more and more coconut flour and more and more supersonic fans after two days of fighting Eastern coconut flour and surpassing fans.

Even Boston fans gave up such a fearless struggle.

On June 12, 2008, in the fourth game of the Seattle SuperSonics and Boston Celtics Finals, a large number of fans still gathered in the square outside the North Shore Garden Arena at Boston's home stadium.

Even the number of fans is more than the last game.

However, as long as the slightly more careful fans can see that these fans are also full of green, this tender green is completely different from the darker green of the Boston Celtics.

Obviously, these fans in green are not Celtic fans, but visiting fans, Seattle supersonic fans.

The entire square outside the North Shore Gardens has been occupied by Seattle fans!

In the North Shore Gardens, a holy place in Boston, Boston fans have completely lost ground.

Lost to the point that there is not even any Boston fans.

It is a very dangerous thing for Boston fans to appear in a place full of Seattle fans during these two years of war.

What's more, these Eastern Seattle fans, compared to fighting and fighting, the strongest is their mouth.

In the last game, the world thought they could win in Boston. They were all ridiculed by these Seattle fans. What's more, the world is now on the Seattle supersonic side.

And when the Boston fans lost their holy ground, the holy land belonging to Boston was full of various supersonic elements.

You can find the banner of the champion, the float of the champion, the preparation for the champion parade here!

These Seattle fans are 100% sure they will be able to celebrate the Seattle SuperSonic title in Boston, either this game or the next.

3 to 0!

There can be no more miracles!

In this case, even many Seattle fans have flown from Seattle to Boston to witness this championship.

"It's hard to imagine that one day Boston will be occupied by people ..."

Jerry West looked at Seattle Green with the flag flying on the outside square, and the look on his face was extremely complicated.

As the league's most famous fame, when the match point appears in the finals, of course, he will be invited by David Stern to watch the ceremony.

Not only Jerry West, but also a large number of nba fame such as the magician around him, Jabal and so on.

"Unexpectedly, I can see him on the throne of nba so soon ..."

Jerry West had never doubted that Yes would be on the throne of nba.

Because this young kid is his favorite player.

When he was a player at the University of Washington, he knew him very, very much. When he was an ncaa player, Jerry West believed he could make a team, a city, or even the whole The alliance has undergone tremendous changes.

At that time, he was still a young player. Although his talent was outstanding, he was still a young player, but for this young man, he had prepared all the tradeable chips.

No kidding at all, that's really all the chips!

At that time, he can give everything he and the team have for yes!

But in the end, he still missed the young man.

According to the details of that century deal revealed by the Raptors, he was robbed by Celtics general manager Danny Angie.

Although the Bulls didn't get the No. 1 pick, Jerry West knew he might lose yes, but in the end, it was Danny Angie's robbery against Ray Allen that completely lost him.

"It's not just that I didn't expect yes to take the throne so early. The Celtics, Danny Angie, I'm afraid the whole world hasn't thought about it."

Jerry West looked at the president of the alliance on the other side.

Even David Stern, the guy who values ​​and trusts the most, is surprised?

David Stern is now talking and laughing next to the world's richest man Bill Gates.

Did not notice Jerry West's gaze at all.

Jerry West's mood is complicated now.

If he got yes, what kind of scene would nba be?

Jerry West couldn't imagine it.

Jerry West now dare not make assumptions about the future of NBA.

But the magician around him is not like that.

The magician now knows clearly that when yes ascends to the throne of the NBA this year, he really has to change the position of a defender who has dominated the NBA for 20 years in the history of NBA.

No kidding, yes won the most gold-rich champion in history this year, and yes probably surpassed him.

No crown super Kobe, a crown super Jordan!

Although this is a joke, it is impossible for a champion to overtake Jordan or Kobe without a crown, but yes can't overtake Jordan, and he still has no problem over it.

Before the start of this finals, espn conducted a survey of the 100 expert celebrities they found, and made a big ranking for the top ten in NBA history.

The overall result of the ranking is Jordan first and yes second.

This Nima's, these guys are simply stunned by yes!

It ’s also a little sensible to brag about yes loans. It ’s too shameful to get a champion and take a seat.

As long as the thought of his historical position is declining, the magician feels extremely sad.

"It's still good to be the son of the natural selection ..."

Looking at the fluttering flag outside the North Shore Garden, the magician felt that he really missed LeBron James, the son of a natural choice.

This son who used to be a model of his own natural selection, at least won't get a champion, just sit and look!

At least this son of natural selection will not be able to move ‘Kobe Bryant without a crown, Jordan with a crown’!

At least this son of natural selection will not bring his own lighting group, voting group, punching Jordan and stepping on the magic bird in various votes!

At least this son of the natural selection, will not be established his own dynasty, will be selected by espn why the most dominant athlete in active service!

Nima is the most dominant athlete in active service. Where do you put Bolt? !

This guy ran into the 9 seconds 7 mark at 100 meters in a row in the past month!

What is the most dominant athlete?


What is your little yes? !

If you have the ability, you can go to the Olympic Games to rule!

The magician is very upset now.

The magician is just unhappy.

On the surface, the magician must now smile.

As a careful eye, this is uncomfortable.

Of course, as a careful eye, he is so uncomfortable, of course he hopes to find someone more uncomfortable than him.

For example, the Celtics are now famous.

If you can, these guys probably want to pretend to be sick, especially Russell, who is the head of the Celtics' reputation.

The magician can really feel it, Russell is really awkward now.

Seeing the old opponents like this, the magician's already uncomfortable heart is much better.

"Bill, Doug said, the team has a 90% chance of winning in this game!"

"Ninety percent possible to win?"

Russell thought he had heard it wrong.

The look in Danny Angie's eyes was also quite bad.

The figure of 90% is too familiar. Isn't this the Celtics' probability of winning the championship?

Before Danny Angie lied that his Celtics might win 90% of the championship this year, and encouraged him to rely on the old-fashioned persecution David Stern to change the title of the championship mvp to 'Bill Russell Cup' one year in advance. In order to achieve this, he threatened David Stern with 'do not change after this year', and forced the strong president to eventually come to an end.

Originally, he was ready to happily award the team's juniors, which is also a piece of good news.

Now the story is about to be a joke!

It's already like this now, you stupid boy will come to pit me? !

Seen by Russell in this way, Danny Angie was really embarrassed.

This time he is really sorry for the old man.

So his pressure is also quite large.

In the past two days, he has been asking the team's head coach if the team might make the Seattle Supersonics return to Seattle to win the championship.

As for preventing Seattle from winning, this is impossible.

But at least please take the "great god" yes!

Father Russell is not young anymore, don't be angry with him, he is really blamed for his death!

Faced with his ‘care’ like this, Rivers has always been a supporter.

He didn't get a definite answer from Rivers until he inspected the dressing room just now.

And this answer seems to be really like that.

He was not a fool, and it was impossible for Rivers to believe what he said.

So Danny Angie whispered something in the ear of the old man after being forced to watch by the old man.

When he heard Danny Angie's whisper, the old man was startled.

"Really ?!"

"It's true!"

Danny Angie nodded seriously.

Rivers told him that in these two days, Kg has been training insanely, and let Pierce help simulate yes, so that Pierce keeps hitting him.

Pierce's series is really uncomfortable to be played by yes, and the role on the court is really not good, but I did not expect that in the end Pierce could have such a role!

In the entire league, it is probably Pierce to simulate the yes of the present!

If the former yes, his bankrupt version of beggar is Nash.

So now this yes, his beggar bankrupt version is Pierce!

If Pierce can really help kg adapt to the offensive.

So not to mention the future attribution of the championship, at least, the Celtics do have a great chance of winning this game!

After the news received by Danny Angie spread, the awkward Celtic celebrities are now finally calm.

In the current North Shore Garden Plaza, they are really like needle felt!

Did n’t see that the fans on the North Shore Garden Arena were no longer flooded with Celtic fans?

At least half of the fans in the entire stadium have become supersonic fans.

Now in Boston, not only the plaza outside, but also the stadium!

It is not easy to keep half of the fans in the North Shore Garden now!

You know, now the coconut flour gathered from all over the world in the United States has raised the purchase price of the tickets to ten thousand dollars!

Regardless of whether the ticket is good or bad, whether it is before or after, as long as it is shot, at least 10,000 US dollars!

This Nima's, it's just smashed with money!

After selling the tickets, you can change the BMW to the Cayenne for the fifth series, can you not be tempted?

Can Celtics fans who can resist such temptations be diehards?

As for the situation in the finals, their Celtics reputation is more uncomfortable than these die-hard Celtics fans.

These diehard fans are laughed at most for a day, and what about them?

Who knows how long they will be laughed at?

Of course, the main forces attracting mocking firepower are Danny Angie and Bill Russell.

But no matter what, they were so anxious that they now have such a hope, which can really make them relax a little.

So much so that when Boston Celtics players played, they were even cheering the team's players with Celtic fans on the scene.

"Although the building will fall, but this is the first giant in the history of NBA, this is the inside of the giant!"

Whether it is the Celtic fans who refused the huge sums of money or the scene of the fans who are in trouble with the fans, they can be called the Celtic heritage.

Seriously, it really touched Kenny Smith and Barkley.

Especially after feeling the power of the Celtics and the fans, even Garnett was a little surprised.

"Turn this game into a coronation of yes!"

This is the slogan that coconut flour shouted before the game. They originally thought that the North Shore Garden was occupied like Boston.

It turns out that although Boston no longer belongs to them, there is always a group of people who support them behind them!

Feeling the extremely warm atmosphere on the spot, Garnett, who was full of confidence in this game, stood directly on the side of the court and constantly applauded the fans on the side of the court, constantly pounding his chest and screaming.

Both David Stern and Bill Gates beside him looked stunned.

Looking at the Celtics fans who are going crazy again, Bill Gates is really a bit surprised.

It turned out that there is really something in the world that cannot be solved with money.

Even if money has turned most of the people here into their own people, the behavior of this small group of people is quite touching.

"Look, that is the roar of the wolf king!"

David Lee was also quite surprised to see that the atmosphere at the scene was suddenly brought so warmly by Garnett.

"Yes, you see, this is the wolf king, not Hudges!"

When David Lee turned back excitedly to see what kind of expression yes was, he bowed his head in yes tying shoelaces, and the expression on David Lee's face with a mocking expression on his face instantly froze!

"Short Lee, are you okay?"

When the supersonic players withdrew their gaze from Garnett and looked behind him like David Lee, they saw the yes with their shoelaces bowed, and all the expressions on everyone's faces were frozen!

And when the live broadcaster imprinted the picture of the supersonic No. 9 bowing shoelace on the TV, the big screen on the scene.

The crazy atmosphere that was originally driven by the wolf king's howl suddenly became silent!

Roar ~

Roar ~

Roar ~

"You guys call it!"

"Continue hi!"

"Don't stop!"

"What a fool!"

The howling Garnett felt the sudden silence around him, and followed the eyes of his teammates to the big screen of the scene. When he saw the familiar figure tying his shoelaces ...

Cough cough cough!

The silence of the North Shore Garden Arena left the wolf king's coughing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In an instant, the explosive cheers drowned the wolf king's coughing!




Listening to the yelling voice of the audience, and looking at the yes who was still tying his shoelaces, David Lee's eyes were dull.

Howling of the wolf king who can shock the entire league, was just defeated by yes?

What a thumping chest, what a wolf king's howling, it is so unbearable in front of yes shoelaces!

No, not in front of yes shoelaces, but in front of yes's absolute strength, so unbearable!

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