Hanging out with Patuo, hungry for nine meals in three days?

“OKOK, how about 5,000 euros, the tickets for Miss Eden’s concert are basically the same price in the black market.”

There is a price but no market. If it weren’t for the price and no market, the bald middle-aged man would definitely not come to Phyllis. We all know that Patuo has everything, but you never know how her things came from, and the one behind her. Who is the mysterious Twilight Street boss?

All Padu’s things came from her mysterious boss. Many people in Twilight Street knew that Pado had a boss, but no one knew who that boss was.

It was also for this reason that Patuo was able to stay on Twilight Street for such a long time without anyone messing with her, um, except for some warehouse bosses who would always let the gangsters catch her, although they always couldn’t catch her.

Everyone saw so many warehouse bosses pretending that they couldn’t catch them, so they naturally became more afraid of that mysterious boss of Patuo.

Wu Ling followed Phyllis, who was striding softly.

Noon zero: “Eden….”

“A singer, or an artist, a rich and rich artist, many people like her, and so do I, because she is very beautiful.”

Phyllis looked back at Wu Ling, “Are you curious? Why are there fans of Miss Eden in places like Twilight Street?”

“Of course not. In this world, there will only be those who don’t know Eden and those who like Eden. Isn’t that a matter of course?”

In this world, there are only those who don’t know Eden and those who like Eden. Otherwise, how could Eden have so much money? The whole paradise belongs to her.

After following Phyllis for about ten minutes, Phyllis dragged Wu Ling into an alley.

This is an alley with tall buildings on both sides and dusty windows on the houses on both sides. The houses on both sides should have been uninhabited for a long time.

There are two large trash cans in the alley, and behind the trash cans is a small shed with many cardboard boxes.

“This is where I live. I am very poor and have no money. If I have money, I will only take it to a nursing home or buy cat food.”

Pa Duo tidied up his little nest, tidied up those cardboard boxes, and found a piece of paper from nowhere, “I found it, and I said I should have it.”

“Hungry with Patuo, hungry for nine meals in three days?”

Wu Ling tilted his head and asked curiously.

“Ah, that’s not the case, but it’s still possible to go hungry for two or three meals in three days. Well, when I was the poorest, I had a bowl of water for three days, and I didn’t even have to eat cat food.”

Pa Duo put the ticket in his pocket, “This is just one of my temporary small strongholds, no one will come to this kind of place.”

Indeed, there is still so much water in the trash can outside, and it takes a few minutes to walk around the corner to get to this small shed that looks like a dead end.

Except for children running around or people being chased and running around, basically no one would come into this kind of place.

Phyllis picked up the stray cat in her shed resting with squinted eyes.

The stray cat is very obedient, very well-behaved and does not attack her. Phyllis stays with the cat almost all day long. She even learned how to climb walls, climb trees and fight from the cat. She is extremely dexterous.

Of course, the words of fighting may not have been learned well.

“Do you want to touch it? The canned food is very good.”

“Wait, is this a can?”

Why are you so thin? Isn’t the canned food in the paradise very fat?

“Well, the names of the stray cats on the left and right are all canned. I got them because I can’t tell which one is which. There are too many of them.”

Wu Ling touched the head of the can, and the can really squinted and enjoyed it.

The smell in the alley is not very good, but Phyllis should be used to it.

It should be said that there is a cardboard box, otherwise, I don’t know where to sit at midnight.

“It’s a bit strange, where are you from, Shenzhou?”

Phyllis sat on the cardboard box and put the stray cat on her lap. The stray cat wanted to open her bread, but Phyllis took it away.

“Yes, the central part of China, the Central Plains.”

“There should be quite a lot of money there, after all, you should be very weird to this alley, and you are also very resistant to the smell in the alley.”

“It’s okay, although I don’t talk about big fish and meat every day, at least I don’t have to worry about eating and drinking. My life is very simple. I stay in my house every day, 120 square meters, not very big, play games, and order takeout , and then wait for my father to send me money every month.”

“Don’t you have to work?”

Phyllis seemed to be looking at something shocking.

“Ah, my father went into the sea and saved a lot of money. He didn’t tell me the exact amount, but he put all the money he earned into the foundation. I can get about 20,000 RMB every month. And every year more and more.”

However, compared to his father’s going to sea, Wu Ling is more inclined that his father found a rich woman in Japan, and going to sea can’t make that much money.

Now that I have crossed over by myself, this is really starting from scratch.

Phyllis: “You are the rich second generation.”

“Not now, I have nothing left, well, only you are left.”

Wu Ling drooped his shoulders, and a kitten not far away might have noticed that Phyllis jumped off the shed and fell into Wu Ling’s arms. He was hugged by Wu Ling, and Wu Ling didn’t let go.

Phyllis: “…….I can’t afford to raise a man as big as you. It’s already very difficult for me to raise a bunch of stray cats, unless you work with me.””Of course, it’s not my idea to eat and live for nothing. It’s about stealing things, stealing things from those warehouses at the port.”

Warehouses at the port. Before crossing over, I often saw those rented but unclaimed warehouses at the port for a few hundred dollars on station B. The port on Twilight Street should be the same.

Now that the Honkai outbreak is so serious, it is estimated that a large number of people have died, and a lot of warehouses must be empty.

“Shouldn’t an educated and second-generation teenager like you be full of hope and integrity, saying that stealing is bad, and then stop me?”

Phyllis rummaged through the shed and found that the stray cats had eaten all the dirty steamed buns she had hidden before, and she wanted to feed them.

“The premise of shouting integrity and hope is to have enough food. Now if even food is a problem, let’s forget about integrity and hope.”

No more stomach pains, Wuling opened the bread that Phyllis had just bought for herself, took a big bite, frowned slightly, it had no taste, it was not as sweet and fragrant as the bread that Wuling bought before, but a bit salty.

But as long as you can eat, you don’t care about eating at midnight.

“This piece of bread is your dinner today, and my bread is also my dinner, um… If you are hungry, I can buy you two steamed buns, but that’s all.”

Only then did Wu Ling realize that when Phyllis rescued herself at the beginning, there were indeed two steamed buns in the plastic bag in her hand.

Is her lunch steamed buns? What about breakfast? Mantou too?

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