Bonia for discounted rice?

Dusk Street is really good. If you get used to the rules here, you will find that it is also good to retire here.

I didn’t meet any bad people around Phyllis at midnight, they were all kind and good people, although Phyllis always warned herself after the fact that so-and-so who just met them was doing business, such as selling fans,? ?Ah, arms sellers or something.

But Wu Ling didn’t seem to care.

Well, I went to the warehouse to buy some goods every few days, and slept with Felice every night. Life is still very good. Although sometimes it will be a little embarrassingly hard, but Felice is just curious and doesn’t care much.

Of course, there are also accidents. Sometimes after midnight and midnight, I was still carrying the bullet box and suddenly lost the strength to be hit by the bullet box on the ground. Phyllis was also worried about supporting Wu Ling, and took the bullet box back to the alley. Ask if there is any problem at midnight, if you want to buy medicine or something.

Wu Ling didn’t expect that the munitions in the Firemoth warehouse he and Phyllis found were actually bought by someone, and the price was not low.

“No, it was just an accident just now, it won’t happen tomorrow.”

Wu Ling is very curious about what Felice thinks of herself. After all, no matter how strong or weak she is, Felice doesn’t seem to care, and she doesn’t understand.

I thought that after selling those arms, Wu Ling and Phyllis would have money, so they could rent a house and stop sleeping in the alley, but I didn’t expect that Phyllis had all been replaced with medicines and donated to a nursing home, and only left tens of euros.

Those in the nursing home need more than medicine, but medicine alone can relieve their ailments.


It has been more than half a month since I came to Twilight Street. Looking at Phyllis sitting at the port basking in the sun at noon, I always feel that Felice’s mood has become depressed after giving the money for selling arms to the nursing home.

“Does it hurt?”

Distressed about the money? I said yes, tens of thousands of euros, big sister, just gave it, and those tens of thousands of euros are enough to rent a big house for several years.

“Well, a little bit, I was wondering why there are more and more people in the nursing home, and there are more and more people in Twilight Street than before.”

Phyllis looked at the sea, “I always feel that no matter how much I do, it’s useless. Today, two more people died in the nursing home. Aponia died while buying discounted rice outside.”

Noon zero: “….”

It’s not about money.

“Probably because of the collapse, do you know the collapse?”

At noon, he lay on the sandbags at the port and asked.

Phyllis shook her head.


Noon Zero: “It is a natural phenomenon with self-awareness. It resists the development of “civilization”. Its core is an energy form that does not obey the law of conservation of mass and energy in a single time and space. Infectors, infectious diseases, infecting machines, etc. are all its manifestations. Simply put, it is a “cosmic consciousness” that opposes human beings in the collapsed worldview, but I personally think it is a screening machine for civilization.”

A question mark appeared on Phyllis’s head.

Wu Ling: “You will know in the future. If you ask me to explain, I can probably only explain to this extent. The reason why there will be more and more people in the nursing home is because of the collapse. A human being will be chosen to give her great power to destroy the world, her name is Herrscher, there are fourteen Herrschers in total, and it should not be the seventh Herrscher period yet.”

Phyllis let out a breath slowly, “Is it the setting of the novel?”

Wu Ling: “No, it really exists in this world. The fifth herrscher was torn apart by the hands of Qianjie. Each herrscher is extremely powerful, and the farther to the back, the stronger it is. The sixth There is nothing wrong with the Herrscher destroying a few cities at will, and the seventh Herrscher is based on the continent, but these have nothing to do with you, you will live to the end.”

Wu Ling pinched the corner of Phyllis’s clothes and said casually.

Phyllis: “What about you?”

“Me? I probably live to the end. I will have a fight with Mo Yan, and then rub Mo Yan on the ground. Well, Mo Yan is the Fourteenth Herrscher, and there will be no more after that.”

Wu Ling gestured with his hands, “I am very strong, beyond your imagination.”

All my abilities come from my own hard work, (Copy Thousands of Calamities)

Phyllis: “…will you leave Twilight Street?”

“Yes, and you will too.”

Phyllis smiled and shook her head, “I won’t, I will protect this nursing home and use money to save everyone in it.”

“But there will be more and more people inside.”

“Then save slowly.”

“What if one day you find that you can’t be saved? When you can’t do it anyway, when both Qianjie and Aponia have left.”

Phyllis was silent for a moment, and her eyes became firmer, “Then I won’t leave either. I don’t take care of the nursing home because of Alponia, even if they are all gone.”

When Phyllis said this, she thought that Wu Ling would not believe it, but from the look in Wu Ling’s eyes, Phyllis could see that he believed it.

For Wu Ling, the facts are like this. Both Qianjie and Aponia left, but Phyllis still didn’t leave until she really couldn’t bear it anymore. The Flaming Moth is a dog, although the final ending still joins the Flaming Moth.

Wu Ling saw Luther squatting and smoking not far away, rubbed his hands, “I found our lunch today, can I rob it?”


As soon as she sat up at noon, she was pulled by Phyllis, “We are businessmen, businessmen areThose who don’t do robbery are not in line with our personality. ”

If the businessman’s personality is broken, then no one will ask him to buy things.

“But he wanted to hit us before.”

“Isn’t he unable to fight now? We can fight back, but we cannot rob, because we are businessmen.”

In Twilight Street, character design is very important. If a businessman steals money, does he still have credibility?

It’s not like I just rob this time and don’t rob it.

“By the way, let’s go to another warehouse to buy goods tomorrow. I think the warehouses next to the military warehouse should also be filled with arms and supplies.”

“Okay, and then sell arms, but what the hell is Aponia grabbing discounted products? Is he poor?”

This noon zero is completely unexpected. It looks like a slow-talking riddleman is going to grab discounted rice.

“Let’s go and see if it’s okay.”

“Now? It’s almost finished. Aponia is a big customer of the rice merchant, although she really doesn’t have much money……”

Apart from external donations, Alponia has no other income, but how many external donations are there, not to mention the porridge given out every morning.

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