Chapter 285: Warriors of the Wizarding World [Subscription, Support].

“Young Master!”

Jeffrey led people to see Li Xuan walking down from the Hogwarts Express at King’s Cross Station, and quickly stepped forward to say hello, while asking his subordinates to take Li Xuan’s luggage.

At this time, Li Xuan nodded, nodded with Hermione and separated, they also knew that Li Xuan had something, and did not say too much about the few days since the last time they met Harry on the outskirts of Hogsmeade, and it was now Christmas holidays.

There is nothing to do this Christmas, so Li Xuan naturally left Hogwarts and came back, not necessarily next year!

In addition to coming back to deal with things, don’t forget that as I said before, Oleg and Jeffrey have collected new magical beasts and are waiting for Li Xuan to return to the small world.

Expanding the small world as much as possible before Voldemort’s resurrection and letting the small world break through a thousand square kilometers is Li Xuan’s second task besides letting Ah Tie break through to the Haoyue Wizard.

As the owner of the small world, Li Xuan can sense that breaking through this dividing line will be of great benefit to the small world and himself!

“Let’s go straight to the company!”

Since he slept on the Hogwarts Express, Li Xuan is now full of energy, so he doesn’t go home anymore, and goes directly to the company to start working.

If you want to appear before people, you will suffer sins later.

Controlling a force may seem prestigious, but there are many things.

Arrived at the company conference room, where the executives of various companies were sitting and waiting.

In the past two years, they have also become accustomed to it, knowing that every time Li Xuan returns from the Christmas holiday, he will have meetings and deal with the things that have been piled up.

Therefore, they will also prepare in advance, whether it is something that needs to be solved by Li Xuan or to deal with Li Xuan’s questions, they must be prepared.

The year before last, there was an executive who was not ready, Li Xuan asked nothing and could not answer anything, and finally he was removed, and they did not want to follow in his footsteps.

It was almost early in the morning when he returned home after the meeting, Li Xuan washed up a little and went to sleep, and tomorrow morning he had to go to Jeffrey’s to receive the new residents of the small world.

After breakfast the next morning, Li Xuan came to the Magic Research Institute, and the magical animals were kept here, just right, saving Li Xuan from running away.

Don’t forget, as mentioned earlier, the Institute of Magic has come up with something new.

In order to let Li Xuan’s little cuties live well, the institute specially bought the land next to it to expand an ecological garden, and looked at the dozens of magical animals that were divided in the ecological park, Li Xuan was very satisfied.

His early investment really began to report himself, relying on himself to find so many magical animals, it is still more difficult in the north.

The first thing Li Xuan saw was the Red Hat and Hinkpunk that he learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts class this semester.

Looking at the red hat that looked like a leprechaun in front of him, Li Xuan waved his hand, and the five red hats in the glass cover disappeared, and Jeffrey behind them was also surprised, they all knew that their boss was carrying a portable magical animal breeding park similar to Newt Scamander.

It’s just that Newt’s is a suitcase, and Li Xuan’s is a necklace, and it is more advanced than that suitcase, and there is no need to climb in and out of the suitcase, and a thought can go in and out.

This is also Li Xuan’s cover for his own small world, anyway, like Ah Tie, their sudden appearance and disappearance are inevitably exposed. Therefore, Li Xuan also has to make a reasonable explanation for their appearance, even if this statement seems to have some loopholes and flaws.

After all, such a magical space alchemy prop is still the first time to see it in the wizard world, and now Li Xuan is not afraid of someone moving his bad eyes. If the robbery hits you, peeling the skin is already the best end.

After collecting the red hat about the height of a dwarf into the small world, there is only one legged Hink Punk, and the number of Hink Punks is less than that of Red Hats, only three.

But that’s okay, it’s enough!

The small number of red hats and Hinkpunks in front is because these two magical animals do not appear in crowded places in the first place, and basically live in sparsely populated suburbs or swamps.

The next Fantastic Beast, the number is definitely enough, the amount is full!

In the Ministry of Magic, the danger level is XXX and wait until the Motra rat, this magical animal looks like a mouse, gray hair, long tail, the only difference is that there is an anemone-like species on the back………

The Motra rat generally lives in coastal areas, and its diet is mainly crustaceans, as well as the feet of those who step on its back.

This magical animal, how to say, is not strong, nor too strong, and the only use is the anemone-like tumor on his back.

Marinating the tumor on the back of Motra rat and eating it will strengthen people’s resistance to curses and bad luck.

But this does not mean that the tumor of Motra rat can be eaten without restrictions, excessive use will cause ugly purple hair to grow in the ears To be honest, when Li Xuan saw the information about Motra rat in Hogwarts, the first feeling was shock!

Which wizard warrior senior discovered the efficacy of the tumor on the back of the Motra rat?!

This is not a way that normal people can imagine, and the creature itself is awe-inspiring, let alone eating mouse meat.

And even if you eat mouse meat, the tumor on the back is not refused, not disgusted at all, and even pickled to eat! This is a feat that only the predecessors who were heavy on taste were able to do it!

But think about it, it seems that the profession of wizards, in various legends in the world of science and technology, does not seem to be a good evaluation, and the chaotic order should be them.

And the three views of wizards who grew up in the wizard world will definitely be 3.0 different from Li Xuan, who grew up in the technology world.

Maybe in their eyes, using the back tumor of a motra rat is the same concept as Li Xuan’s usual eating boneless chicken feet?! However, Li Xuan is not interested in tasting what the tumor of the pickled Motra rat tastes like, and Li Xuan wants to stay away from this kind of thing, let alone the tumor of the mouse!

Even though Vice President Motra Rat’s tumor could enhance his resistance to curses and bad luck, Li Xuan was still unwilling to do so. Sometimes, when life and death are at stake, there should still be such a thing as the bottom line!

When Li Xuan saw that the tumor of the motra rat had this effect, Li Xuan thought of the soft-clawed land shrimp obtained before, and wondered if he could withstand the bad luck brought by the soft-clawed land shrimp after taking the tumor of the motra mouse?!。

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