Sain, who became a party leader and brave man, tells.

"I'm sorry, but you're fired today"

"Why? We've been together forever."

Sein and I are childhood friends.

We came this far supporting each other long after we left our hometown village.

He's not the only one. The other three are the same.

Nay the militant.

Soara the priest.

Lisa the Wizard.

All five of us had this S-rank party called White Noodles (White Fang).

I did feel luggage these days.

It is a fact that our abilities have not caught up with the rapidly growing four.

But it's too sudden.

"You know it yourself, Thor."

"There's still some stretching to do. I wonder if you've been chosen as a brave man and you're going to be on the big stage. Take me as a warrior."

"That's why you don't. It's the first thing that matters to debut as a brave man. We must achieve glorious results. Hey, you know what, I'd be sad if your best friend died. Please draw this feeling."

I feel the words are mild for that.

I wonder why.

Even though it's the word of a dear friend I've thought about.

I turn to Lisa, my lover.

I'm sure she'll hold me back.

"I think Sain's right, too. Thor can't be at this party anymore. I'm sure he'll die soon. In fact, that's all that's open."


I didn't expect her to say that.

What bothered me more than that is that somehow you don't look me in the eye.

Second, I have eyes on her right hand.

The drug finger was fitted with an unrecognizable ring.

Funny, there was always supposed to be a ring there that I gave away.

Lisa notices her gaze and rushes to hide her right hand.

I turn my gaze to the other three.

All four were wearing the same ring.

Understanding the hidden background made my eyes peel.

I mean... is that what this is about? He said I got in the way.

My best friend put my beloved girlfriend to bed.

But when?

I just haven't noticed. Has it been relevant for a long time?

I don't know, I feel like I have a verse in mind, or maybe it's just a conjecture.

Either way, there was no place for me here already.

"You made it clear already. Go back to the village and support us."

"You son of a bitch!

Punch Sain in the face with anger.

I couldn't stand knowing I shouldn't raise my hand.

This guy knew me and Lisa were going to get married, and he fucked up.

More importantly, I was disgusted with my out-of-the-bottom favorites.

To myself for not discerning the nature of the guy I believed to be my best friend.

Sayne grins sharply up her mouth.

He's laughing at me funny.

Whatever he did, he was excellent, he had a good face, he was strong, and besides, he was chosen as a brave man.

I should have beaten you. I'm beaten to a defeat.

"Stop! You suck!"

"I missed you, Thor!

"You are scum!

Three childhood friends shelter him at once.

That temperamental, gentle Lisa was staring at me.

That alone makes my heart rough.

"I'll give this stuff back! Go away somewhere!

Lisa threw the ring I gave her.

The ring hits the chest and rolls on the table.

The guests at the tavern turned to us all at once.

"... forgive him, Lisa. Thor is suddenly confused."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry, Thor."

I have no words. Totally I was the bad guy.

Besides, Lisa doesn't look guilty of betraying me.

All those thoughtful days fade away rapidly.

Enough, enough.

I don't want to get involved with you guys anymore.

Fine, I'll get you out. A party like this.

"You've taken care of me before. All four are well."

"Sounds like you've made up your mind."

"Oh, save the world at best. Bye."

Grab the ring, I'm leaving the tavern.

Goodbye, my former companion and lover.

Get out of the city and go down the meadow.

I haven't decided where to go. I just wanted to get away from them as soon as possible.

You're a total loser...... me.

Spread your right hand and stare at the ring.

She was sincerely pleased when she gave this away.

He even nodded at me for proposing.

I nearly cried and ate up my teeth.

"From now on, we're going on a new path. You don't need this there."

He stopped, shook it wide and threw it down to the meadow.

I regret dying. I feel like killing Sain right now.

But I won't do that. Even a guy like that is my ex-best friend.

And it's not like Lisa's coming back where I killed her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Shit, shit, shit, no kidding!

Sit back and punch your fist in the ground.

Unmanageable emotions disrupted swirling thoughts.

I don't usually do this. It was an unbearable pain, even for me.

My heart is screaming at the pain that tears me apart.

What's wrong with me and what was good about him?

What was I to her?

What do you think I slept with him?

How can you betray me and make it flat?

No one answers the questions that spring up.

I beat him until there was blood on his fist and he finally calmed down.

Now I would have been able to sort my mind out a little bit.

Sadly, of course, it doesn't change.

"Think about what's coming first"

Let's just go to our neighbors and re-compartmentalize.

If you're in this country, there's a good chance you'll meet the Sains face to face.

Open status for confirmation.


Name Thor Ivan

Age 25

Gender man

Race Human

Job Warrior


Damage Reduction [LV2]

Physical strengthening [LV3]

EXP Savings [LV9]

Magic Savings [LV9]

Skill EXP Savings [LV9]

Job Savings [LV8]

Skill Savings [LV8]

Skill Effect UP [Lv10]

I'm aware it's not a big status.

There are also a number of skills but all the ones I can't use.

What you can use is damage reduction, physical enhancement, and skill effect UP at best.

This mysterious skill, the savings system - which I call that - is useless all in one place.

Ask a skill expert but the method of use is unknown, besides the ability is unknown, it is also unknown whether it is an auto-activated skill or a self-activated skill. Unknown Unknown All unknown skills.

If I had strong skills like Sein, maybe that wouldn't have happened.

Well, compared to him, who is a brave man, my status is like garbage.

I regret it, but it's an indisputable truth that I'm on my feet.

... all three have 40 LVs. Sixty cars to the seine.

It's perfectly normal to handle twenty of me in your luggage.

"Ugh! Run!"

The demon blackhound appeared in front of me.

It's bad for this guy, but do you want me to go with the stress?

Pull out the sword on your back and set it up.


"Shh, yeah."

In an instant, the slaughter-dropping demon lies on the ground.

An enemy who burned his hands a long time ago when he had just left the village, but who is now not even in number.

Pfft. Pfft.

There was a cracking glass in me.

"Report: EXP Savings LV has reached the cap, so you will be paid 100 times more"

"Report: Skill Effectiveness The effect of the UP has multiplied payments tenfold"

Report: LV is now 300.

"Report: We cannot sustain our flesh in the present race. We will rebuild the flesh."

"Report: Complete reconstitution of flesh. The race has become a dragon."

Letters flow in sight.

Me...... no longer a human??

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