After Nay and I broke up, we went into Gridget again.

I didn't expect them to fly all the way to Northern at once.

Thanks to this, I can be made to significantly modify my appointment.

The original plan was to go to a village in Gridget.

From there, the plan was to go for the capital, but thanks to a stop at Fairey's lair, it took the form of a major stopover.

But this is good.

I could save Nay, and I could save the city of Northern.

It's not a quick journey, so we have to go ad hoc.

... No, now I need to hurry.


"Yesterday's inn rice was delicious. There was resistance to eating guts, but when I tried it, it was crummy and thick"

"The store owner just recommended it"

"I don't like Flau. I would have preferred something more refreshing."

The three of us exchange words with ease.

"Shit! Ugh!

"By the way, you never saw Frau's status."

"That's it, that! The Lord doesn't care too much about the power of his people because he's strong! Rely more like this, enough to be a bad body without slaves!

"That's where I agree, isn't it? Your husband tends to try to do everything himself, so we need you to rely a little more on him."

"That's not a little bit."

It's time to get in the way, so I peel off the tiger trying to put my fangs on my head.

He suddenly changed his attitude when he grabbed the back of his neck and lifted it, and started honking his throat to sell his flair openly.

At the time of the first bite, he realized he wasn't hostile.

Sometimes I'm there, a guy who's wildly dull, even with demons.

How much did a tiger skin cost - I was just thinking about that, and the tiger started shivering.

"Just kidding, look, don't come any more."


The thrown away tiger fled in a fierce dash without looking back.

Immediately after, from the backpack, Pan Tai shows his face more.

This is the one who's most likely to get tangled up in size.

I guess he was hiding because it was a hassle.

"Yes, this"


"Flau's status."

Oh, you were talking about that.


Name Frau

Age 28

Gender Female

Race Fairy



Witch (Slave)


Increased Attack [LV6]

Increased Toshimitsu [LV8]

Glance [LV4]

Prayer for Growth [LV10]

This is pretty nasty.

You have a superior ability system.

Besides, when it comes to nursing, it's a rare skill to strip away cover-ups and disguises.

What is this prayer for growth?

"Prayer for growth is a skill that works for plants. As its name suggests, it grows faster and sooner when crops are harvested."

"Oh, is that you, the blacksmith?"

"That's right. Because we're a blacksmith's family."

Uh, he's using a hammer as a weapon.

So can his father, Papaw, make weapons or something?

Would you make a quality knife if it happened next time?

"You know, Lord, there's more to see."

"Where. Could it be your age?

"Levels! 'Cause we went up so much in the last fight!

"I see, that's Mr. Frau"

"Please don't. Please."

Apparently, Frau went up to LV 130 190 in the last fight.

Well, if you've beaten down a lot of demons, you'll go up.

Kaede also reached level 260 and will be in line with me soon.

So, it's me at the heart, but I'm sucked by XP Savings and it stays at 300.

No matter how much experience you're doubling, it's hard to get up if they absorb the majority of it.

I knew it was a parasitic skill.

"Report: Magic Savings and Skills EXP Savings Repaired"

Letters appeared in the sight.

I thought it was about time, but I guess it was a little late.

I guess this will suck up a lot of parasitic skills again.


Among the deep mountains was the village.

Far from the city, people continue their old-fashioned lives.

There is naturally no such thing as a shower, and without convenient items, there are few wizards, an ancient village that does laborious things like boiling water with firewood every day.

But in fact, this village is where Gridget prides herself on being a tourist destination.

Evidence of this is that several inns are built in the village and crowded with travellers.

Wood-carved bears and boars sold as souvenirs at the store.

The dining room has a sticker that says' Pattan Village Famous Breast Bread 'and so on.

Breast bread - it's a man's romance. Sakuri.

"By the way, sir, after you leave the village as planned, you're going to the capital, right?

"Oh, wait for the Sains there. Nay said it would just be wrong to go back to Barseille now. Then you'd better ambush him."

I'm gonna let Lisa and Soara go and kill Sayne.

But before I do, I want to talk to him.

Both Lisa and Soara, of course.

Now it's time to figure out what's true, that's how determined I am.

"Don't be too thoughtful"

"I'm sorry. Was it on your face?"

Kaede gently put her hand on my arm and gave me a spicy look.

I was acting as if I didn't worry about my people as much as possible, but that's hard.

"Eat this and cheer up!


Suddenly I get something white stuck in my mouth by Flau.

When I chewed it, the sweetness spread in my mouth.

On the other hand, she is carrying something like white bread.

"Ahem, what's this?

"That's where they sold it."

"... breast buns?

Don't push your tits in this village.

But the surface dough is fluffy and delicious.

I gave it to Kaede in half.

"Mmm, I miss you so much!

Caede's tail rocks violently.

Pan Tai was reacting and chasing his tail.

"Was it also in Caede's hometown?"

"Yes. The Big Lady fed her mother well in confidence"

"Big Lady?

"Uh, my lady's lady's lady's -"

She counts with her fingers folded.

I made him stop, understanding what he couldn't understand around over ten.

I mean, you're Caede's ancestor.

But did the Beasts live that long?

Or do you think the old lady is something else?

I now begin to wonder how I became a slave to Kaede.

I'm starting to get confused.

Exactly. It's about time you knew as your husband. You taste bad.

"Lord, look! That!"


I can grab my head by Flau and turn forcefully forward.

Now, what are you doing?

Be kinder to your husband if you're a slave.

If I turned to the street, there would have been a crowd in front of the cow.

"Pattan Village's specialty is superb milk! 500 a cup, come on, line up!

People make rows.

The owner pours milk from the pan into the cup and gives it to the customer.

Thank you very much, Pugh.

The customers look satisfied with a white beard on their mouths.

Were tits cow tits?

I was wondering if you had really great boobs.

"Master, let's have a drink."

"I want to drink flau too! That's what Pan Tai thinks!


"Okay, okay, don't pull it"

Two of them and one of them pull me forcefully into line.

I'm pretty sure it's fresh.

Directly beside the shopkeeper, the boy was milking diligently.

Receive a cup and drink it for everyone.

"Mmmm!? This richness and sweetness!?

"Huh, yummy."

"Don't do it. I can't believe I'm roaring this frau."


Give the shopkeeper another cup to say so.


Hmm? Could it have been too hard to grip and even crack in?

Check the cup without scraping.

But I couldn't find a place like that.

Pfft, pfft.

No. This sound is coming from inside me.

No way the last savings system......

"Report: Skill Savings LV has reached the upper limit, so you will be paid by ranking up"

"Report: Payment Ranked Up by Skill Effect UP Effect"

"Report: Skill savings damaged. It'll take a while to repair."


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