Chapter 0120 – Shock! One bounced to the 25th floor to save people?!!!

Wang Dali came closer and saw that the F building in the community was on fire.

For the first time, he had seen the fire so close, the roaring flame, unbridled expansion of its minions.

The fire spread so fast that the flames seemed to engulf everything.

A gust of wind blew through, and the raging fire seemed to go crazy, and with this gust of wind, it ran wildly.

Thick black smoke rose from the residential building, and for a while, screams, cries, and all the noise were twisted in this fire.

It seems that he can feel that the fear of the residents in that building is infinitely magnifying with the fierce fire.

The fire in this thick smoke seemed to be the call of death, which made everyone present pinch a cold sweat.

“The firefighters are coming! Here are the firefighters!!! ”

I don’t know who in the crowd shouted, followed by a hurried siren.

The red fire truck drove over, and the firefighters quickly got out of the car and immediately launched rescue work.

They pulled up safety lines to make the crowd of onlookers retreat, preventing the fire from spreading and causing accidental casualties.

The fire occurred on the residents of the 25th floor, and when they heard that some residents were trapped, firefighters raised a straight-arm ladder truck and launched a high-altitude rescue.

In addition to the ladder rescue, at the bottom of the residential building, the inflatable bed is inflated to prevent high-altitude personnel from accidentally falling.

“A team listens to the command and extinguishes the fire.”

“The second team listens to the command and carries out personnel rescue.”

“Three teams on standby!!!

The fire chief gave orders to the firefighters.


All firefighters are highly trained and carry out rescue work in an orderly manner.

Firefighters fighting fires on the periphery have already started extinguishing the fire with high-impact fire extinguishing water guns.

The fire soon stabilized, but the smoke persisted.

“What can I do about this?”

“There’s still someone trapped upstairs!”

“Yes, yes! When the fire is extinguished, people will not be choked to death by thick smoke, right? ”

“If you are choked, if you are hit by something on fire, it will be miserable!”

“What caused the fire?”

“Just now the fire chief said that the fire situation is not clear, and rescue measures can only be implemented first.”

“I looked at it and felt scared. After all, the 25th floor is too high, can it really succeed in saving all the residents on that floor? ”

“God forbid! God forbid! ”

As time passed, the fire was well controlled, and the firefighters rescued some trapped people.

The faces of those trapped were blackened, and there were wet towels covering their mouths and noses, but there was also too late to cover their mouths and noses.

As soon as they arrived in the clearing, they couldn’t stop coughing.

Those with poor physical fitness were already unconscious when they were rescued, and as soon as they were rescued downstairs, they were carried on a stretcher and sent to the hospital.

“Save my child!!!”

“Save my child!”

“He’s still upstairs? Didn’t come down! ”

“Please! Save him! ”

Just then, a woman ran over in a mad way.

The woman cried heartbreakingly, pointing at the residential building and shouting: “My child is still in the room, not rescued!” ”

“Dear fire brothers, I beg you! Go and save my child! He’s only 5 years old…”

At the end of the day, women are somewhat incoherent.

The anxiety in her heart made her almost lose her mind, and she wanted to rush up and rescue the child herself.

When she was rescued just now, her hand was injured and she was still in a semi-comatose state.

When paramedics carried her on a stretcher and put her in an ambulance.

Unexpectedly, the woman woke up from the stretcher with strong willpower.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she looked for her son, and when she found that his son was not there, her whole person went crazy!

“Please! Please!!! ”

In the end, the woman could only repeat a sentence mechanically.

Hearing that there were still people upstairs who had not been rescued, the fire chief immediately sent a second batch of rescue teams and rushed up to rescue.

This woman is the resident of 2503, which is located on the side of the residential building.

Firefighters communicated that the child was looking for toys in the storage room before the fire.

When there was a fire, the woman wanted to open the door of the storage room, rescue the child, and take the child with her to run for her life.

However, the door of the storage room was locked by the child from the inside.

There is simply no way for women to get in!

Moreover, the fire became more and more fierce, and the smoke was all over the house, which had blurred the women’s vision.

After several fruitless struggles, the woman fainted.

And when the women woke up, they found themselves rescued.

But the child is not by his side!

“Report Captain! The door to the storage room was opened, but the child was not inside! ”

Firefighters quickly rushed upstairs, but did not find the child.

The situation is now very dangerous, and the people of the building must be evacuated quickly.

It is particularly dangerous in the event of a falling object from height or the collapse of a part of the building.

Everything in the house was burned to black charcoal.

It is also not ruled out that the child has been burned to death.

“No, no, no!!! My son is not going to die! ”

“He’s definitely in the storage room!”

“Oh, right. There is also a security door inside the storage room, which is where my house keeps the safe. The kid is probably there! ”

“Trouble fire brother, open that security door and look for it again!”

The woman analysed the problem rationally despite the burns and still bleeding.

Because of her desire to save her son, the woman has forgotten the pain of the wound and only wants to see her son as soon as possible.

I just want to see my son safe and sound!

“This security door is too tight! I can’t open it!!! ”

Inside the intercom, the voice of rescuing firefighters was heard.

“Headquarters headquarters! Request support, please send the tool up! ”

The fire captain did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately sent another wave of firefighters and took the fire tools up.

But before the firefighters could enter the building.

The fire, which had just been extinguished, suddenly caught fire again!!!

This time, the fire was more ferocious than before, and it was found from the other corner of the residential building.

It should be that the residual fire has not been cleared before, and the residential building is made of wooden frame shear structure, which is particularly dangerous in the event of a fire.

Or it may be because flammable materials are still present in that area.

In the absence of a complete extinguishment of the flames, coupled with the fact that today was a windy day, the fire started again!!!

How can this 25-story building send rescue tools up and save the child as quickly as possible?

If someone can jump to the window on the 25th floor, enter through the window, rescue the child, wait for the fire ladder to rise, and then carry the child down the ladder together, there is still some hope.

But this is just imagination, and you know that it is impossible.

“What to do?! What to do? ”

“Who’s going to save my child?”

When the woman saw this, she collapsed in an instant.

Just now, he may be able to control his emotions and communicate with the fire personnel with reason.

Now seeing that the fire suddenly rekindled, the woman’s sanity has completely collapsed at this moment.

They even began to go crazy, even grabbing the residents next to them, constantly crying out pleading.

“Save my child!!! Save my child! ”

It just so happened that the woman caught Wang Dali.

Firefighters tried to pull the woman away, but the woman said she wouldn’t let go.

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