Although he was not sure whether infrared could find the invisible evil god Loki, because he did not know what the principle of magic stealth was.

There are currently no individuals to experiment with him.

He didn’t even have a talent related to the magic side that he could use, and at this time, he realized that he knew almost nothing about the magic side.

Of course, he still has some research groups working on some runes or something, mainly against werewolves and vampires, and enchanting weapons to some extent, so that it is easier to fight.

But this level of research is not systematic at all, at most it can only be slowly researched, some runes have certain effects, as for why they have this effect, then I don’t know.

In general, compared with the various black technologies that are advancing by leaps and bounds on the science and technology side, the research on the magic side is equivalent to nothing based on “nine ninety-three”.

Thinking of this, he began to have a headache.

Before facing the technology side or low-demon type vampires, werewolves, he can solve it with modern technology, but in the face of Loki, who was personally sealed by Thor and determined to be the existence of the first mage of the Nine Realms, he basically had to catch blind.

At this time, Nick Fury, who did not know the essence of Loki, had already thought of Loki in the direction of the Great Demon as much as possible, after all, in Luo Chen’s diary, Loki was the Great Demon with ambitions to invade the earth.

This kind of great devil, how to raise the strength is not exaggerated, right?

You said yes, the number one mage of the Nine Realms!

“What did he come to you for? Come to visit your exiled brother? Nick Fury walked to the chair next to him and sat down, and said in a somewhat mocking tone.

Although he doesn’t get along much with Thor, Nick Fury has completed a psychological profile for Thor, the god of thunder, in his heart.

Is a hot-blooded reckless man!

Basically, he is a very hot-blooded general, but if the king of a country is of this type, then the country will be in many troubles.

The king is to be calm, take care of the overall situation, and even sacrifice some self-interest for this overall situation, but Thor, the god of thunder, let him sacrifice, but let him use his brain, it will be a little embarrassing for him.

It’s not that he doesn’t have a brain, but he has become accustomed to thinking about complicated things without using his brain for so many years.

The reason for the formation of this personality, he believes, if you refer to the mythical archetype of Thor, it is likely to rely too much on your own abilities.

Thor’s combat power in his heyday must be considerable, so that he will develop the habit of relying on brute force to solve everything, which is like Tony Stark is used to solving everything with money.

Money is the cheapest resource in his hands.

“No, he has come to inform me, my father, that Odin is dead!” Thor could not contain the sadness in his heart, and with tears in his eyes, he said.


Hearing this, Nick Fury catapulted from his seat almost instantly, and said incredulously: “How is this possible, isn’t he at least a few years away?” ”

Suddenly hearing that Odin is dead, how Nick Fury is not shocked.

Originally, Odin’s death or death did not have much to do with him, that was Asgard’s business.

But after speculating based on the current situation, Nick Fury believes that the possibility of Odin protecting the earth is very high, so the earth can have a long peaceful years in the past.

Now that Odin is suddenly gone, the Earth’s umbrella is gone.

No wonder there is a cosmic crisis in the future.

Nick Fury’s mind suddenly had many thoughts spinning wildly.

And most importantly, Odin died, and Thor, the rightful heir of Thor, the god of thunder, was still exiled to Earth, and there are many historical kingdoms on Earth that can be learned from.

Nine times out of ten, the throne will fall to Loki’s head.

What will become of such a big demon king who hides his ambitions for the earth, Nick Fury no longer dares to think.

The video in the diary before is enough to explain everything, Loki’s army invaded the earth, and now although Thor is not dead, Loki has not found a chance, but under the pretext of this kind of thing, it is not casual?

For example, a soldier lost it to you or something!

The level of civilization like Earth, in the eyes of a god-level civilization like Asgard, is probably no different from an ant…

When people kill ants, they give you an excuse, which can be regarded as worthy of you.

“Our previous analysis was wrong, the father is not a few years in the future, but now, he has been staying up for a few years!” Thor thought of this, his heart was extremely sad, his father had been giving him a chance, but he had never cherished it, and even felt that his father’s set was outdated.

What a disappointment when the father degraded himself to the mortal world.

For a while, sorrow came from the heart. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After another moment, Thor asked, “What are you doing here?” ”

“I originally wanted to inform you that we have arranged it, Luo Chen will be able to get the news of Mjolnir tomorrow, and then we will be able to know more things through his diary, know why your father wants to test you, how he plans to test you, and how you want to retrieve your Thunder God power!” Nick Fury said.

“There is no point, all this is meaningless anymore!” Thor covered his face with his hands and said very weakly. “My father is dead, my mother is also angry with me, and I have not been allowed to go back, now the king of Asgard is Loki, and I am already an ordinary person who has nothing!”

“No, everything still makes sense! 4.6,” Nick Fury said. “At least you have to regain your strength, no matter what the purpose of your father’s test for you is and how he intends to test it, but at the very least, your father has some expectation of you, right? You’re giving up like this now, are you right about your father? ”

Nick Fury immediately admonished, not because he had a good heart, but because he was still worried about such a super combat power as Thor.

In Luo Chen’s diary, Thor Na is one of the three giants of the Avengers, indicating that it will be his own person in the future, if he is allowed to be so decadent, wouldn’t it mean that he lost a lot of combat power like this?

How about that, that’s absolutely not!

Thinking of this, Nick Fury began to be a little anxious.

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