I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Become A Righteous Partner Chapter 1443

And that attitude...

"Impossible...impossible...this, this attitude, this wavelength...impossible! This is impossible!"

Gaetia looked at Romani and shouted in surprise.

And Fujimaru Tatsuka, and everyone present, couldn't help but start stunned.

Because, the posture that Romani appears at this moment is exactly the posture that Gettia showed up in London before...

——Solomon's posture!

"I'm Romani Akiman, and also Solomon, ethical correction!" said Romani.

As soon as the words fell, people were shocked.

"Romani...Romani is Solomon?"

Olga Marie was shocked.

Is there anything more shocking than this?The former subordinate was actually the legendary ancestor of modern magic, the King of Magic Solomon!

"Impossible...impossible...Romani turned out to be Solomon...impossible! Is Floros blind?" Gaetia shouted in disbelief.

"Flolos is not blind, the Demon Pillar is my friend, it can't be blind. But, Florous did not recognize me, it is indeed the case." Romani said.


Gaetia looked at Romani, and suddenly felt that Fujimaru Tatsuka was meaningless.

He stared at Solomon, the king who created him, but abandoned him, and said coldly: "So what about you in the present world? Do you think you can correct me or destroy me now? Just kidding! Impossible! Let alone you, even if you are in perfect condition, it is impossible, Solomon!"

Gettia roared hysterically.




pS: That's it for today, good night~~!

Chapter 112: Solomon vs. Getia

"Romani turned out to be Solomon..."

"It's hard to believe that the doctor who is so soft as cotton is actually the legendary magic king..."


The heroes and the Chaldean staff could not believe this scene.

Traveling through time and space, Romani arrived in Jerusalem. The doctor like a sheep turned out to be the legendary magic king who started modern magic, King Solomon!

In the era of great voyages, he signed a contract with Fujimaru Tatsuka, who called herself Orion, the goddess Artemis looked at this scene in Jerusalem, and couldn’t help turning his head to look at the bear on his shoulder, and said : "Honey, this is..."

"Ah...it can't be wrong. This should be the reason why the "disappearance" will appear. As the GrandCaster King Solomon, and the person who pulled the "disappearance" in, the humanity correction style" The bear sat cross-legged in Al On Themis's shoulder, he said old-fashioned.

"If it wasn't for my dear who broke a gap, I wouldn't have escaped. Hey~!" Artemis said with a smile.

Orion had a black face, and said, "I knew you were there, and I would not respond to the call of inhibition, let alone participate in that meaningless expedition... As a result, even ordinary spirits Jidu is occupied by you..."

Orion whispered: "Damn... there are so many lovely girls here..."

"Man Tsundere is not cute anymore, my dear," Artemis said.

Orion ignored her and turned his gaze to the Roman ancestor Romulus, who was not far from him, who had a bond with Tatsuka Fujimaru in Rome and concluded a contract.

Romulus noticed Orion's gaze, and said with his chest folded: "Whatever you look at, they are all Rome too!"

Hearing that, Orion sneered. This idiot also said the same to Tiamat during the expeditionary army. As a result, Tiamat was bombarded directly out of the ground and exploded the crown spirit foundation. The most embarrassing exit was more embarrassing than when he retired as the crowned Archer, and then went to Rome to express his majesty, which is really laughable.

Orion's sneer made De Romulus glared at him with anger, and yelled: "What are you laughing at, you bastard! You are also Rome!"

Hearing this, Orion's face suddenly turned dark, stood up, rolled up his sleeves.

But after taking a look at Artemis, who was watching him curiously next to him, Orion was discouraged again, and sat down again, muttering in his heart, if Lingji hadn't been occupied by this love brain, he would have to hit your intestines. It's all green.

The two heroic spirits murmured in the corner, but this did not arouse the attention of others, and they were all shocked by the fact that "Romani is Solomon".


Leonardo pressed his hands on the console of the instrument, looking at Romani, or King Solomon, on the screen with a complex expression.

She knew that Romani was no longer King Solomon. Even the last mystery of King Solomon, the only ring, was taken away by the demon Wuming not long ago, and he became a thorough, ordinary mortal.

And at this moment, Romani was able to go through the spiritual journey and appear in front of Gaetia, not because of anything else, but because it was Jerusalem.

It was the holy city where Solomon realized the miracle of God more than three thousand years ago, and the holy city of the ancient kingdom of Israel under his control!

There... there are legends and beliefs that the heroic spirit of "King Solomon" can be established.

The existence of the heroic spirit itself is the primate's eulogy to the hero, and the hero who emerges from the primate's hope.

In other words, the legends and hopes of the primates are the basis for the heroic spirits to emerge.

It's just that the legend and hope of the primates are not enough, and the corresponding summoning technique-the heroic summoning system can be realized before the heroic spirit can be realized.

And at this moment, among the peculiarities of Jerusalem, there are not only the legend of "King Solomon", but also the core of the heroic summoning system-the Holy Grail, and the human theorem with the peculiarities disordered.

It is these three conditions that have formed a complete logic that can summon heroic spirits.

Fujimaru Tatsuka is now fully using the Holy Grail to summon the heroic spirits on the land of Jerusalem, which is an active summon rather than a passive summon.

In fact, passive calling is also difficult to establish.

However, this is no difficulty for Romani, who was once the magic king.

He took advantage of these three conditions, used this land’s legend and hope for "King Solomon" as the basis for his call, and used Jerusalem, the predecessor of the Holy City of Camelot, as a medium, and then used the Holy Grail to complete the journey from Romani to Solomon. Change.

Yes, it is not Doctor Romani who is present here at this moment, but the real, summoned hero, King Solomon!


"I have lost the crown spirit foundation, not GrandCaster, just a normal Caster called you, what else can you do now?"

Gettia laughed wildly, laughing wildly at Romani.

He saw through the truth of Romani.

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