I will finally be a partner in justice

I Will Be a Righteous Partner Chapter 67


Its daybreak.

Shi Lang returned home and took off all the disguise!

From this moment on, no one knows except the black whistleblower. The servant named Caster has left the stage, and the master named Shirou "Matong" has appeared!

Shirou went to the police headquarters again to do some finishing work, but was shocked to learn that Yusheng Ryunosuke was not dead!

The bullet shot through Ryunosuke's chin, through his jaw, and eventually got stuck in his brain.This was supposed to be the end of death, but it survived because of the repair effect of the "Heir" of the original bullet of Kiri Heir.

The bullet stuck in Ryunosuke's mind forever.He destroyed his action center and language center, unable to speak or act, let alone self-awareness.

The murderer chasing the reality of death killed countless people in his life, but only missed three times.

One is his father, the second is Shirou and Meizu Lingzi, and finally—

It's him!

Movement paralyzed, language barriers, infinitely close to death but far away from death.

it is ridiculous.

The last murderer chasing death ended in this way!

what is this?

Did he achieve his wish with his own hands, or did he destroy his wish with his own hands?

Shiro didn't know, but Shiro knew that he could use Yusheng Ryunosuke again.

Chapter 48 Chaos Goodness

Caster's lord was shot and killed by Cuti, and Caster was defeated.

This news spread through Feng Lizheng's mouth.

The masters who learned the news, although their personalities were different, had almost the same reaction.

"In the end, it was the unreserved despicable killer who killed the child? His despicable hands, stained with the blood of a naive child, the ending is somewhat like those novelists' novels." The words from the time came from the phonograph: " Qili, you continue to use Assassin to monitor the movements of other masters."

"I see, teacher."

Qili turned off the phonograph.Perhaps this man who wrote the magician's reserve into his bones really has a curse in his blood.The question of the general direction has never been missed, and the pre-preparation is also very meticulous, but at this critical moment, he always inexplicably ignores some details that should not be ignored.

For example, now, subconsciously think that the master of the killed Caster was the child, and didn't even ask.Did he forget that Yan Fengli, the supervisor, could check if Caster was eliminated?

If Qili was in Shichen's position instead, she would definitely ask again.But the time ghosts missed this point so badly, it was like a curse.

Qili sat on the chair, picked up the book of God, and read the virtues in the book: "Generosity, perseverance, honesty, loyalty, diligence, justice, patience..."

Reading these virtues, Qi Li's eyes became more and more confused.He was Shi Chen's disciple, he had agreed to work for Shi Chen before he participated in the war, but he concealed this information.

Yes, Yan Fengli has already handed Qili the spiritual tool that symbolizes the position of the supervisor to assist Shichen.

And Qili has confirmed that Caster has not left, this information.But he didn't tell the time, even his father Lizheng didn't tell him, he directly let his father Lizheng announce Caster's exit.

this is not right!

According to the law of God, the teachings of the parents, and what all the people in the communication do not agree with, this is against one's own duty as a priest.

But, will he hide it again?What is the emotion in this heart?

Kiry was perplexed, but remembered Gilgamesh's words in her mind-"Go. Go tell the truth about that boy to the bastard lord of Lancer."

God can't save him, Qili is very sure, then can the king save herself?Can you save yourself from this chaotic, vain, and senseless spiritual world?

Qili didn't know, but Qili was about to struggle.

If God can't save yourself from drowning, then you have to struggle to see if you can go ashore.



Kenneth Elmeloi Achipolud is a very loyal man.

When he was a teenager, no matter what problem, no one could solve more perfectly than him, and his efforts did not go beyond the conventional sense of purpose, but simply believed that his own research results would be better than others at some time and somewhere. It's better.

So he accepted the fact that people were regarded as a "genius".

No one had ever doubted this title, or even threatened it, so he didn't need to be proud or arrogant. He just enjoyed the title of "genius" for granted.

He is the master of everything in his world. He has never run into a wall and has not bothered about the limit. He is a talented and well-known son. He not only inherits the engraving of magic results passed down from generation to generation, but also possesses commensurate talents that are rare in the world.

Later, he worked for the Clock Tower. Among the numerous and remarkable research results, Kenneth was among the best in breaking the bamboo. Kenneth, who has always collected the envy and jealousy of others, has no sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. This is for him It's just the "inevitable result" of life.

Easily became one of the twelve monarchs of the Clock Tower, the monarch of the Elmero faction, and the Archibald family under his leadership is the same as the families of Bassemero, Ulypheus, Animosfia and others The aristocratic camp also made a marriage contract with Sola Nazele Sofiali, the daughter of the mentor monarch Ulifis.

His life was a genius without any twists and turns, he was born jealous of mortals.

This was the case in the past, and it must be so in the future.This is a sacred and inviolable "life convention", which is beyond doubt for Kenneth.

Therefore, if there is an "accident" that is very rare and almost impossible, it is a chaos that he absolutely cannot tolerate, and is an insult and blasphemy to the order of God.

The student who stole the holy relic of the conquering king he prepared, and Webber, who was actually a thief, was particularly hateful.

Under the leadership of the monarch of the aristocratic camp, the evil theory that refutes the theory of "pros and cons of bloodline" was born.

If it hadn't been for this student's clean family, Kenneth would have doubted whether he was sent by a monarch to disgust him.

When this fallacy was born, Kenneth concluded that if the paper spread, the student would be killed by those noble cliques.But what does it matter?There are not one or two students who were killed when they touched the taboo in the clock tower.

However, this paper cannot be exhibited under his banner. It will cause the family of the same aristocratic camp to suspect that it is not a big problem, and it is not a big problem to be questioned, but it is absolutely not allowed to stain him "Kenneth". thing.

As a result, Kenneth tore off the paper, but it also saved the life of the student who was eager to be recognized.

But the other party didn't notice it, so he stole his holy relics, summoned the King of Conquer, and participated in this Holy Grail War!

But it doesn't matter. Kenneth has no accidents in his life. Even if his holy relic is stolen, he is sure to win the victory.

A group of magicians in the countryside, plus an unreserved despicable killer, and an inferior student.How could he lose?

This is not arrogance, but his loyalty to his abilities.

However, at this time, he got something that was of great interest to him.

"...The master who can let the servant descend? Does this kind of body really exist, the master of Assassin?"

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