Fyodor is the only person who has access to both "Book" and "Tianyuan Power" at the same time.

Before that, Tian Yuan lived in the Xingxing Palace, and even the inside of the magician could not be seen. The "book" is even more deeply hidden by the spy class of supernatural abilities. Except for the researchers who are doing the experiments and high-level stakeholders, more people have never even heard of it.

In this plan, Blessed Yingchi has never contacted any of them in order to avoid suspicion, and Gogol has a sequence when he steals. It can be said that before Fyodor, no one had ever seen a scene where the two were in the same room, or even used at the same time.

Only Fyodor saw it.

Mutual attraction and mutual repulsion, energy communication and separate existence. When picking up both at the same time, only one thought remained in the mind of the Russian youth.

[He is holding the world in his hands].

Out of some secret thoughts, he didn't tell anyone about this strange feeling, but just followed the steps according to the plan made by their boss after getting the information from the curse master named "Xi Suo", hoping to get from this attack. See more varied variations in the plans of the gods.

And he did see it.

When the writing progressed to the seal of the god, the two that were originally closely related were harmoniously unified at that moment, and it was almost effortless to jointly seal the god, and even the "power of Tianyuan" that existed in the knife was still vague. There is a trend of blending with "books".

——It seems that as long as the **** can be left behind, they, and even this world, will undergo completely different changes.

Fyodor, who is just an ordinary power user, has no way of knowing what the specific change is. He is only a member of this world and realizes from the bottom of his heart: it is new, irreversible, but after all OK

"I expect this world to be full of happiness, from beginning to end." The young man who was full of evil for the sake of his ideal world said softly, falling into the huge dragon body with the [world] in his arms.

Like ink droplets into a deep pool.

The words written on the "book" don't have to play a role at all. When the three energies are intertwined, the ordinary flesh and blood is like melting ice in a boiler, which is decomposed into the purest particles by the fine energy in an instant. blend in.

However, Fyodor's consciousness was still awake at this moment. At the moment when he merged into the body of God, a strange change acted on his soul. His perception seemed to transcend time and space at this moment, and he saw that Thousands of years of otherworldly gods.

In the beginning, the barren star was born in the wild, and the rock dragon sang in the southern sky.

After that, gods and demons came together, and the world was in chaos. The Demon God of the Rock is called the King of Rock, and he sets off with all the immortals under his command, only to defend the Pure Land.

God and God, God and man, man and man. They moved mountains and reclaimed the sea for the sake of peace, they took up swords and soldiers for their families, and they fought with them in the wild mountains and rivers for the common ideal.

Immortals and gods continue to pass away, and human beings move forward one after another. In the end, the rock king became the rock god, the immortals went into seclusion, and human beings had a home called "Liyue".

Thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye, and a huge amount of information flowed through Fyodor's mind, which had been decomposed into nothingness, and some kind of epiphany-like feeling came to his heart. This young Russian who is determined to change the world is here. It seemed to understand something for a moment, and then slowly dissipated this epiphany in the next moment.

【I see. 】The soul that has been unable to speak seems to be smiling, 【If it is you, if it is you like this... 】

[Even if it is just handed over to you, I will...]

His last consciousness completely dissipated.

Osamu Dazai, who was staring at the dragon body through the dome that had been blasted through the corpse, noticed something was wrong.

The body that was naturally and wantonly stretched in the sky suddenly slowed down for a moment, and a faint groan echoed in his ears, but when he observed secretly, he found that everyone around him didn't seem to hear the groan. , and even the Central Plains next to him looked up at the sky without realizing it.

So Dazai Osamu knew that this was the voice he heard through blessing.

He turned his head sharply to look at Blessed Yingzhi, who had been controlled by Verlaine, and said coldly, "Captain, where is that 'Devil' Jun?"

Blessed Sakura glanced blankly at Osamu Dazai, and suddenly sneered, "Fyodor... Since he hasn't moved so far, he must have betrayed me."

"After all, both 'Book' and 'Tian Yuan' are in his hands. Facing such a conspicuous god, it's not surprising that the paranoid child does anything, isn't it?"

Blessed Sakura can infer something from Osamu Dazai's reaction, and it is even more impossible for Zhongyuan Zhong who knows him better. He suddenly looked at Osamu Dazai, who was biting his lip, wondering what he was thinking, and asked anxiously Said: "What happened, sir?"

"……I do not know."

The black-haired boy stared at the sleeping face in his arms, even now that he knew the truth, he had no plans to let go, "Although I don't know what happened, I think, whether it's me or Zhongya, I'm afraid Can't help much."

The dragon-shaped creatures that can obviously affect the whole world seem to be suffering now, and they don't even know what happened. The gap in magnitude is obviously beyond their ability to intervene.

After listening to Dazai Osamu's thoughts, Nakahara also clenched his fists, "Do you want me to watch this and do nothing!"

"I am afraid……"

"Of course not."

An unfamiliar voice interrupted Osamu Dazai's words. The black-haired young man was stunned for a moment. He followed the sound and saw Adam beside him throwing a screen of light into the air with his eyes flickering. On it was a girl in a white coat.

"Are you that... Doctor?" Dazai Osamu naturally knew the creator of Adam, but it was the first time to talk like this.

"It's me, but it's not important." The girl said solemnly, "Adam has already sent me all the report of this operation, now, please bring that body to the coordinate point xxx, Adam will help you pointing the way."

Dazai Osamu said cautiously, "Can you tell me what's there?"

"'Flower of the Earth', by the way, this is my temporary name." The little doctor said, "I have studied his 'composition' with the permission of Mr. Zhongli, so I know very well that the one in the sky now The 'dragon body' has been mixed with different things."

"They're trying to become one with otherworldly gods."

This doesn't sound like a good word, Nakahara Nakaya and Dazai Osamu changed their faces at the same time, but they didn't rashly interrupt the girl's words, but listened to her continue.

"The 'body' in your hands has an energy connection with 'Zhongli'. Even if it has become a different individual, it can be used as a bridge to connect 'Zhongli' and the earth near the 'Earth Flower'."

"After that, Mr. Zhong Li will have the opportunity to return the power that belongs to this world to this world."

These were the last words of the little doctor, and at this time, Zhongyuan Zhong had already taken over the body and flew up.

Judging from the current form, it is obviously the most appropriate to rush to the coordinate location from the Central Plains with the body. Osamu Dazai, who has the anti-power [Disqualification in the Human World], can only stay here, guarding Shibusawa Ryuhiko and Fudi Sakurachi together with Rimbaud Verlaine and others.

"It'll be fine." Adam, who was about to run out of energy, seriously comforted Osamu Dazai, who had his head down and couldn't see his expression clearly.

"……I know."

This occasionally gloomy black-haired youth raised his head, but a gentle and confident smile appeared on his face.

"After all, that's Mr. Zhong Li, that's Zhongyuan Zhongye."

He believed in them, more than he believed in himself.

Central China is also flying.

Next to the skeleton is Radium Bo Street, which was blown up by the out-of-control explosion of Huangba. I don't know if it is because of the explosion. The coordinates given by the little doctor are in the center of the explosion.

The situation seems to have been reversed from that day. The young man who was picked up by the **** at the center of the explosion now returns to the center of the explosion with his sleeping **** in his arms. His movements are gentle and careful, just like the **** who picked up the boy from the ruins that day.

The huge flowers that were still spreading the essence of the leylines bloomed there quietly, and the Central Plains also fell down, put down the body in his arms, and adjusted to the posture of sitting against the leylines flowers.

A moment of silence.

A strange connection was formed at this moment, the dragon-shaped creature in the sky murmured silently, and at the same time, the leyline flower and the sitting body simultaneously glowed with golden brilliance.

The beautiful golden light points are escaping continuously, blending with each other and spreading to the earth. The ground compacted by the explosion of Radium Bowl Street seems to be rejuvenated at this moment. At this moment, the dilapidated houses built with scrap iron and wood and stones climbed up the vine leaves and bloomed beautiful flowers.

Some of the curse spirits that still existed here completely dissipated at this moment. The people who were still fighting against it were unwilling to leave, and just watched this scene that could almost be called solemn in silence and shock.

The dragon that covered the sky in the sky became smaller and smaller in such a change, until it completely dissipated into the sky and the earth.

At the same time, the earth vein flower seemed to have completed its final mission, quickly withered and decayed, and finally returned to the earth.

The last dazzling light erupted from the body sitting under the flower. Zhongyuan Zhong, who had been watching this scene, closed his eyes involuntarily, and in the darkness, he heard a calm voice.

"I'm back, Zhongye."

Zhongyuan Zhong also opened his eyes suddenly.


The ochre-haired youth trembled in disbelief: "Sir...how did you become so small."

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