Chapter 878 874 [Pingnan Military and Civilian Mansion]

"The coalition forces of Siam and Mon have conquered Toungoo City," Ding Jiasheng took out a military intelligence letter with a strange smile, "The Burmese in Toungoo City...were all killed, and there were piles of corpses inside and outside the city. There. The five hundred Tatung troops are ordering the Siam and Mon people to collect the corpses and burn them to prevent the plague from breaking out when the weather gets warmer."

Yang Zhan sighed: "What a great hatred."

Ding Jiasheng said: "In the past hundred years, Siam has been besieged the capital many times, and even the capital fell twice. The Meng people have been oppressed for a long time, and they were massacred every time they revolted. This time they find an opportunity, they will definitely attack A blood debt must be paid with blood.”

Taungoo City is the old capital of the Taungoo Dynasty in Myanmar. It was less than 30 years ago when the capital was moved. A large number of Burmese nobles lived there.

It is estimated that 20,000 to 30,000 Burmese people in the city alone were slaughtered.

In addition, throughout Lower Burma, almost all Burmese landowners who had no time to escape were killed. Even if they ran away, their land was taken away, and many Burmese farmers became slaves, while Mon slaves were freed.

Ding Jiasheng sent an order and the envoy took it to Taungoo.

Dongyu City.

Yang Dongkui asked: "What did the general of the Celestial Dynasty say?"

King Narai sighed: "Well, General Ding asked me to withdraw my troops, saying that the war in the north is over."

Yang Dongkui comforted him and said, "Your Highness, it doesn't matter if you withdraw the troops, we have already gained a lot this time."

Siam did gain something this time and took the opportunity to capture two big cities and a large coastal area - Myanmar's land in the Malay Peninsula, south of Mawlamyine, was swallowed up by Siam.

In addition, Siam also grabbed a lot of goods.

The Siamese and Mongolian allied forces robbed casually along the way, and the 500 Datong troops were too lazy to take care of them and could not stop them at all. But half of what they grabbed must be handed over to the Datong Army, and the rest can be distributed among themselves (there must be something hidden that they will not take out).

As the newly crowned king, Nalai had won a series of great external victories and expanded a large area of ​​territory, enough to consolidate his dominance.

Not losing money, and making a lot of money.

King Narai was worried that China was also expanding a large area to the south, and its influence on the Indochina Peninsula was getting stronger.

Moreover, the Eight Hundred Division will definitely become a subsidiary force of China and will be completely separated from Siam's control in the future. The 800 jurisdictions were Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and other areas of Thailand in later generations.

The arm could not twist the thigh. Since China asked to withdraw its troops, King Lai could only take the troops back home.

Once the Siamese army left, the Meng people finally felt relaxed.

The leaders of the Mon rebel army led their troops north one after another, almost grabbing them along the way. They killed Burmese landowners when they saw them, and robbed Burmese people when they saw them. Even the Burmese who fled back to their hometown from Bagan broke up and were killed by the Mon army on the way. More than 2,000 people were killed.

Ding Jiasheng and Yang Zhan stayed in Bagan to do post-war work and did not lead troops to attack Ava, the capital of Myanmar.

They have already earned enough military glory, and they have to leave some for their friendly forces.

A few days later, good news came one after another.

Huang Yao's army successfully captured Anzhengguo City.

The inspection division led by Lu Liangqi abandoned the chieftain alliance and most of the baggage, marched quickly across the mountains and river valleys, and fought from the east to the gates of Ava City. Upon learning that the king had been defeated on the front line, the army in the Burmese capital surrendered without resistance.

Immediately, all the generals gathered in Ava for a meeting.

Huang Yao was the first to speak: "The north cannot just swallow up Mengyang and Mubang. Although the terrain on the border is conducive to offense and defense, the food grown cannot supply the army. If there is another war in the future, military food must be transported from Yunnan. At least Anzheng Guocheng must be transported It’s also occupied, and there are large plains along the river that can be farmed.”

Lu Liangqi also said: "Menggen must also occupy it and connect it with Mubang. It will take decades to build post stations and post roads along the way. Otherwise, if we send troops to fight in the future, 80% of the time will be spent traveling over mountains and ridges. "

"I agree. Xiao Zuo doesn't know how to fight after all, and the information provided must be corrected." Ding Jiasheng supported.

The generals jointly signed a petition, and while waiting for the court's order, they called together the chieftains of northern Burma, the Burmese lords, and the Mon leaders.

Huang Yao said to these people: "The Toungoo Kingdom has been destroyed, and a new dynasty should be established in this land of Burma. The emperor of the Celestial Dynasty has issued an order to build a kingdom in the south, with the Meng as the king. And build a kingdom in the north, with the Dai people as the king. Someone will be the king. The chieftain in the car prays with swords and wood. He has always been loyal and obedient. This time he sent troops with merit, and he can be the king of the Dai people."

Dao Mu prayed for a moment, then he was overjoyed.

In fact, he is not even the toast, the toast in the car is his nephew. Moreover, there are mountains everywhere in the car, how can it compare with the fertile plains of Central Myanmar?

"Long live His Majesty the Emperor!"

Dao Mu prayed so excitedly that he knelt down and kowtowed to the north: "Thanks to your majesty's appreciation and respect, if I become a king, I will be loyal to the Celestial Dynasty from generation to generation, and I will be a barrier to the Celestial Dynasty forever!"

These words were spoken from the bottom of his heart. At least at this moment, Dao Muqin was filled with gratitude to Emperor Zhao.

Huang Yao added: "Chief Meng Lian and Chief Meng Gong are the left and right prime ministers of the Dai Kingdom. You can bring your soldiers and tribesmen to move here and choose a fiefdom. You can discuss the details with Dao Mu Prayer."

The two chieftains were a little confused, but the plains of Central Burma were fertile and rich, so they didn't object much.

Huang Yao continued: "The remaining chieftains can choose to move to Dai country, or they can stay in their original places and become mayors."

Just when the little chieftains were hesitating, the "King of Dai" Dao Muqin took the initiative to send out an invitation: "Come all of you. As long as you come, everyone will have a fiefdom and become a high official!"

Dao Muqin's idea was very clear. He came to be the king of Dai. He was unfamiliar with the place and his military strength was somewhat insufficient. He could not suppress the locals at all. And those chieftains in northern Myanmar are also outsiders. They can definitely stick together for warmth, form a community of interests, and join forces to suppress local forces.

The little chieftains were a little excited. Their original territory was at most half a county, and some even ruled only a few villages. If we move here, the territory will be larger instantly, and the land will be more fertile.

"I...I would like to go to Dai country." Chief Menglong from Mu State was the first to express his stance.

The original territory of this beast is not small, but the territory is entirely mountainous, and there are only 10,000 or 20,000 people under its control.

"I'd like to go too."

"Count me in."

More than 80% of the little toasts are willing to relocate.

They have understood clearly that China is clearly planning to annex the territory, so what’s the point of staying as mayor? It would be better to go south and obtain a fiefdom.

Huang Yao said: "You go and discuss how to divide the territory. Remember, only clansmen and private soldiers in the fifth server are allowed to move south. The people on the original territory are not allowed to be taken away! Private soldiers are the people who have been raised by you for a long time. The soldiers who have risen are not allowed to treat ordinary people as private soldiers. Also, your slaves must stay behind! If the territory is not enough, you can go to the Meng Kingdom further south."

These northern chieftains were immediately thrown out of the venue and discussed how to divide the territory.

Huang Yao asked the Meng people again: "You haven't elected a king yet?"

The leaders of the Meng tribe looked at each other.

They had already chosen them, but there were a lot of them, three kings.

A king from the Meng people who followed Ding Jiasheng northward. A king from Bago City. A king from Maduba.

Huang Yao said helplessly: "You can go back and discuss it later."

A group of Mongolian leaders held meetings every day and would fight with each other every day.

After struggling for more than half a month, a constitutional monarchy was adopted.

The Mon people are good at business. They have been in contact with European colonists more than a hundred years ago and have some understanding of the political systems of countries such as the Netherlands.

Candidates for kingship from Bago can prove their royal descendants. Therefore, he has the highest legitimacy, and he became the king without any doubt.

The other two candidates for the king, one became Lord Piaimai and the other became Lord Maduba, can probably be understood as two dukes.

The other leaders also received fiefdoms.

These nobles are about to form a parliamentary meeting. Taxes, corvees, laws, etc., need to be decided by the council, and the king cannot modify their contents without authorization.

At the same time, the political rules of the Toungoo Dynasty still remained, such as the king's right to send tax officers to collect taxes from the territories of various lords. In the Toungoo Dynasty, the tax was divided into 50 and 50 between the king and the lords, but in the newly-established Meng Kingdom, the king could only take 40% at most, and the remaining 60% of the tax revenue had to go to the lords.

The division of power in Myanmar has almost been decided in this way.

The Kachin still practice slash-and-burn farming, and many of them have been transferred to China. The Karen people are widely distributed, but they are also very scattered, and some of them are also included in China.

The Bamar people have been completely reduced to a ruled ethnic group. This thunder will explode sooner or later, depending on how long the Dai and Meng countries can suppress it.

The Mongolian state has its capital in Bago, and the Dai state has its capital in Ava. The border between the two countries is drawn in the Ma Kui area to the north of Pyai.

Bangladesh has a larger land area and a long coastline, which is suitable for trade, but most rice fields can only be harvested once a year.

Although the land area of ​​Dai is smaller and it is completely landlocked, many rice fields here can produce two or three crops a year.

In addition, the Yangon area of ​​Myanmar was ceded to China to build a port city.

Thailand’s mud sea (Bangkok) was given to China to build a seaport.

Bangkok at this time was just a small fishing village. From Bangkok to the sea, there are mangroves and swamps everywhere, so it is called the "Sea of ​​Mud" by the locals. For Siam, it doesn't matter if they send Bangkok out, it's just a little uncomfortable. After all, China will station troops there.

The Datong army withdrew one after another, leaving one division in Ava, 500 soldiers in Yangon, and 500 soldiers in Bangkok.

The first batch of immigrants organized by the imperial court were sent to Yangon and Bangkok first. They are all moved from Guangxi and Yunnan. They are relatively better able to withstand the hot and humid weather. There are not many in number, only one or two thousand people.

However, the Han Chinese in Myanmar and Thailand voluntarily migrated towards these two ports.

Especially among the Siamese Han people, more than 3,000 people moved to Bangkok within half a year, becoming the absolute majority ethnic group there. With the help of the imperial court, some Han people reclaimed swamps for farming, but most Han people crowded into the ports for business.

After waiting for more than three months, the imperial order finally reached Ava.

Emperor Zhao and the cabinet agreed to the generals' request and annexed Mengyangsi, Mubangsi, Chesi, Menggensi, Mengliansi, and annexed Anzheng Guocheng (Xingu) and part of Central Myanmar land to the north.

Among them, Mengyangsi, Chesi, Mengliansi, and the northern part of Mubang were all placed under Yunnan Province and restructured.

The Pingnan Military and Civilian Office was established in Menggensi, southern Mubang, and the newly merged Central Myanmar region. Ding Jiasheng had outstanding military exploits and served as the chief of the Pingnan Military and Civilian Government.

"Military and civilian government" is a kind of local administrative area in the Ming Dynasty, where chieftains, officials, Han people, and ethnic minorities are mixed.

Almost all the military and civilian government offices established in the early Ming Dynasty were chieftains. Most of the military and civilian government officials in the middle and early Ming Dynasty were not chieftains. In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, a large number of military and civilian government offices began to be abolished, and at the same time, they were accompanied by the reform of the land.

Now the imperial court has established the "Pingnan Military and Civilian Office", which is also a mixed administrative district.

Because the actual situation is complicated, military control is implemented in principle, and the highest officer is a military general to prevent local people from rebelling. At the same time, in some areas with convenient transportation, prefectures and counties were divided and ruled by civilian officials. In more primitive and remote places, small chieftains are allowed to exist, and then they can be transformed into local people after they have developed to a certain extent.

For example, the Kachin people in the mountainous areas have rolling mountains and are still cultivating slash-and-burn farming. How can they send civilian officials to govern them? Kachin leaders can only be appointed as small chieftains.

As for why Ding Jiasheng was allowed to take charge of the Pingnan Military and Civilian Mansion instead of the more senior Huang Yao, the arrangement was purely based on their abilities.

Ding Jiasheng was a scholar who practiced "Datong Ji" by himself. When he regained Yunnan, he deliberately left certain borders unconquered in preparation for the imperial court's conquest of Annan. When he was in Bagan City, he also knew how to return the Beiye Sutra and use monks to win people's hearts. He obviously had the ability to govern the land and bring peace to the people.

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