When the announcement was made the next day, Chu Qiu didn't hesitate to put on the pendant.

Starting today, he is also a man with a family.

Although there is no way to prove it.

"Because of the publicity, I started to have a follow-up photo today." Mr. Qi trimmed the collar of Chu Qiu's dress and patted him on the shoulder. "The public schedule has been given. Now someone outside is already waiting."

"Hey?" Chu Qiu was taken aback, looked down at his watch, only at 7:30 in the morning, "This city?"

"I flew here last night." Qi Tianrui shook his head, "I only gave three stable fans, none of them in City B."

"Ah." Chu Qiu responded, took a bite of the whole wheat bread on the table, and took a bite of the milk.

In order to prevent illegitimate meals, and to prevent any material from being photographed by the frontline fans of the itinerary, the artists under Fenghuang rarely disclose the itinerary to the public, unless it is during the promotion period or the artist itself does not mind, the company only Will start to open the itinerary public.

Because of various reasons, Chu Qiu has so far only publicized some itineraries such as pick-up and drop-off or press conference start-up and press conferences. The previous film and television propaganda, including "Taijing", did not choose to make it public. journey.

But "Wen Hao" is currently his first single-player TV series. Others' enthusiasm can't keep up, so he naturally wants to play it by himself. On my own, I naturally have to accept some food follow-ups to revitalize the flow.

After all, network popularity, ranking data, disc sales and network broadcasts can all be faked, but the ratings alone cannot be faked on a large scale.

The ratings basically mean the real appeal of an actor—especially on the premise that there are basically no hot actors in this show except for Chu Qiu.

"Three people?" Chu Qiu asked.

Qi Tianrui nodded: "Yeah."

"It's cold outside." After Chu Qiu finished speaking, he looked at Qi Tianrui and took another bite of the bread.

Mr. Qi reacted for two seconds, turned to look at the dressing room, and sighed against Chu Qiu's little awkward expression.

Today is a large variety show with a large backstage. Basically, all the actors who come to the show are arranged in private rooms.

The heating in the room is fully turned on, so as long as you wear a sweater casually, it will not be cold.

"Okay, I'll bring them in." Mr. Qi stood up, didn't wear a mask or anything, turned around and walked out grinningly.

When he came back, Chu Qiu happened to be tossing his hair. Actors like him were on variety shows. Most of them didn't need to do special complicated modeling, and they weren't singers who needed to change clothes halfway to make modeling and prepare to sing live.

When the door was pushed open, Chu Qiu was spraying gel on his head, looking through the mirror at the three girls with DSLRs still at a loss.

Mr. Qi followed behind, carrying three cups of soy milk and a plastic bag of fried dough sticks, and the amount was given to other girls.

Chu Qiu was quite familiar with these three girls.

They are often seen holding banners and lights, standing at the forefront of the pick-up fan group, maintaining order and calming emotions.

The reason why Chu Qiu was willing to get in touch with that small group of fans when sending off the arcade machine was mostly because these fans were well managed, even if they were very excited, they didn't act too aggressively.

Sometimes the itinerary is in a hurry, and I can only pick a few autographs for a group photo at will, and no other fans have made a lot of noise. It is really a worry-free thing to have such a big fan to help manage the meal circle.

Although Zhou Yixing and the others said that they follow their idols and their fans are so obedient, it is mostly because Chu Qiu himself is also obedient, but Chu Qiu himself still expresses gratitude to these big fans who do their best to help restrain fans.

There is no pass and no one to bring in this show building. It is impossible to come in. In order to avoid missing it, they can't find a cafe to sit far away. Most of them have to wait foolishly in the cold wind.

Chu Qiu still couldn't do such a thing that made a girl blow cold.

"It's okay, let the equipment down and sit at will." Qi Tianrui watched the girls silently pulled a stool and sat down, and then stuffed the hot soy milk and fried dough sticks in their hands one by one into their hands, "eat."

The three girls quietly gnawed the fried dough sticks like a hamster, but their eyes all looked at Chu Qiu, shiny.

Chu Qiu was being watched, hands away from his head, and looked at Qi Tianrui with some helplessness.

Mr. Qi perfectly received Chu Qiu's help wave.

"How can you not eat breakfast? In such a cold day, you are not afraid to faint outside?" Qi Tianrui said to the three girls. ."

"It's because Chu Qiu remembered to call you to come in." After saying that, Mr. Qi paused, as if he had only thought of it, and said with earnest heart, "Also, if you faint outside, it would be bad for Chu Qiu, isn't it?"

The girls nodded like garlic.

It's horrible. Although they are big fans, they don't get one-tenth of what other big fans need to do.

Chu Qiu doesn't sing and doesn't need to spend money on the music charts, so he needs to scan the various charts when there are activities.

Chu Qiu doesn't sell peripherals, so he doesn't need to brush sales.

Chu Qiu did not disclose the itinerary, and their front-line team had no chance to follow along.

Chu Qiu itself is extremely popular, and they don't need their traffic to get on the hot search.

Chu Qiu also had actual achievements, and there was no need for them to brag about it. Although the people of Tomorrow's Light that were praised by the media were passively accepted, Chu Qiu also managed to maintain it dangerously and dangerously.

On weekdays, Chu Qiu had nothing to do and did not be a demon. When he was hacked, it was basically other people who posted the news. He himself was very clever on the show and in the behind-the-scenes interviews.

Counting and counting, the money they have paid so much is just that they contributed a bunch of movie tickets when "Jianghu Xing" was released, and then when the Blu-ray DVD was released, there was another wave of ruthlessness.

What I do on weekdays is basically to maintain the order of the meal circle, organize pick-ups and drop offs, edit videos to keep production, and by the way follow the activities of Chu Qiu to do charity.

Compared with other fans who are screaming for traffic, sales, and peripherals, they are not too easy.

Although Chu Qiu's dislike of making money also led to the lack of fans in Chu Qiu's fan circle, and it was difficult to control and comment, each of them was not for profit, and loved her fans sincerely.

It is very happy to be able to communicate with gentle and peaceful friends, and to like an actor who can't get dark together.

"Why is Qi Shen?" a girl asked.

Qi Tianrui looked at Chu Qiu so shy that he couldn't say a word, and replied: "Zhang Dali has gone to raise the child. I am free, so I have been there."

"Hey?" The girl obviously didn't expect to get such an answer.

Mr. Qi pointed to himself and said, "Assistant Qi."

The three girls looked at each other.

They glanced at Chu Qiu, who turned back to toss his hair, and saw the ear tips that were red as jewels under the light around the mirror of the other party, and smiled slightly with their lips pressed, and did not bother the embarrassed thoughtfully. Chu Qiu.

"Do you follow Autumn every day?" another girl asked.

Qi Tianrui nodded: "Yeah."

"Then..." The three girls looked at each other, "Your wife...are you okay?"

Chu Qiu's movements were undetectable, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Ah? No." Mr. Qi was very righteous and confident. "Not only does he have no objection, he is also happy!"

The girls froze for a while, and then recognized that Qi Tianrui's wife was also the setting of Chu Qiufen.

Chu Qiu lowered his eyes and put down his hands, fearing that he could not control his smile.

Fortunately, the staff immediately came over to inform Chu Qiu and let him prepare to take the stage in ten minutes.

Chu Qiu, who was in the same room with someone he didn't know him well, breathed a sigh of relief.

When Chu Qiu walked to the door, the three sisters suddenly reacted, and at the speed that the two big men Chu Qiu and Qi Tianrui were dumbfounded, they picked up the set aside SLR, and hurriedly reached out and grabbed Chu Qiu.

The girl was too embarrassed to hold her hand directly, and gently grabbed the sleeve of the sweater.

The sweater that Chu Qiu wore was extremely elastic, and because of the necklace that no longer needed to be covered, he wore a small V-neck very simply today. It was pulled at this moment, although it was only gently pulled. The sleeves, but the pendant hidden behind the collar of the sweater still turned out.

The ginkgo leaves surrounded by the ring hung upside down at the lowest end, and the faint light and shadow reflected by the light fell on the gray woolen sweater, which looked bright and magnificent.

Chu Qiu looked at the girl and let go of her hand in a daze, and said in confusion, "Something?"

"Just, just take a picture first." The girl replied blankly, and then after Chu Qiu nodded, she pointed to Chu Qiu's chest and asked actively, "This, can I be in the mirror?"

Chu Qiu looked down, as if thinking for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

"Why did you hide it before? It's pretty good-looking." The girl raised the SLR and asked while adjusting the lens.

For such a question, Chu Qiu and Qi Tianrui had already thought about their excuses, and replied: "Because it is expensive."

It's really expensive. Qi Tianrui didn't elaborate on the design plus handwork plus labor costs, but rather erraticly said it was more than 5 million.

Chu Qiu still doesn't know much about jewelry, but the price of the center diamond in the center of the ring is definitely not as low as that, let alone the other diamonds on the main body that are embellished on the ring.

The girls thought of a group of people asking for the price of Chu Qiu's necklace on the Internet, and they were not surprised by Chu Qiu's answer.

"It's better to hide it," they said, "We'll take another shot if we hide it."

"It's okay." Chu Qiu shook his head, and smiled shyly at them, "Fan welfare."

It’s better to be photographed by a fan than to be photographed by others accidentally and cause some controversy and speculation.

And the fans have been supporting him for so long, and this time they flew over at night as soon as they got the news. It is impossible to say that there is no touch in their hearts.

Besides, Chu Qiu's feelings for fans are quite special.

Looking at Chu Qiu's smiling face, Mr. Qi squeezed over to the camera unwillingly.

He stretched out his hand to embrace Chu Qiu's shoulders, facing the camera, adjusted his posture and angle: "Shoot together."

Chu Qiufan filming front line: QvQ finally got the itinerary and got permission to follow the filming. I was super gentle, afraid that we would blow the cold wind outside, so I took us directly into the dressing room and heated it! I've always wanted to know what autumn's pendant looks like. Today, autumn is talking about fan welfare, let's shoot it! In addition, special thanks to the soy milk fritters from Assistant @祁天瑞祁! ! Heart-to-heart! ! [Picture][Picture][Picture][Picture]

The author has something to say: Qi Tianrui: There is a saying, in fact, I want to push the meal into the next door to get the heater.

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