《"MasterChef" has an average ratings of 5.33% and a maximum ratings of 5.70%. Both the average ratings and the highest ratings have set historical records in the past 10 years.

But after these two data were released, people across the country became excited.

"Has it exceeded 5%? Oh my god,"MasterChef" is awesome!"

"Both the average ratings and the highest ratings exceeded 5%, which is equivalent to 100 million people in the entire country watching the"MasterChef" TV series at the same time. It's scary!"

"Another phenomenal TV series is born, and"MasterChef" deserves this honor!"

"Awesome, my chef!"


In addition to the audience, the major media also generously praised the

"《"MasterChef" is a TV series adapted from the novel of the same name. It authentically shows various classic delicacies in the novel, allowing people to see the five thousand years of food culture in Greater China. It makes us moved when we look closely.! There is also the peak cooking skills that are so mesmerizing and almost Taoist, it is amazing! If I were to rate it, I would give it 10 points! This is absolutely a perfect TV series!"

"The average ratings were 5.33% and the highest ratings were 5.70%,《"MasterChef" is the only phenomenal TV series in the past 10 years, and it is also the TV series that the audience loves to watch the most! In fact, when"MasterChef" premiered, the author had already anticipated this situation, but I didn't expect this day to come so quickly!"

"《"MasterChef" is not only popular in China, but its influence has also radiated overseas, setting off a wave of overseas visits to China, which makes me proud. According to preliminary surveys, 1/3 of the overseas tourists who come to China currently come for"MasterChef", and the number exceeds 500,000. These overseas tourists come from the Americas, led by the United States, and the European Union and other countries. The largest number of tourists come from Japan and Han in Asia.……"


All the major TV stations were shocked.

They had long expected that"MasterChef" would achieve amazing ratings, so they avoided it early. But I didn't expect the ratings to be so amazing, directly breaking the record that had been in the dust for more than ten years, and becoming a phenomenal TV series.

As professionals in the industry, they know the true value of a phenomenal TV series.

They all showed envy, jealousy and hatred in their eyes, wishing to replace them

"《"MasterChef", a phenomenal TV series!"

"I originally thought it would be 4% at most, but I didn’t expect it to even exceed 5%!"

"A phenomenal TV series can bring over 10 billion in benefits, but the potential benefits are immeasurable. Why is such a good TV series not produced by our TV station?"

"It’s over. There is such a phenomenal TV series, and its influence may last for three months. When will our TV station be able to make its mark?"

"Starlight TV is about to go against the grain!"


After sighing, I felt sad again, because the influence of phenomenal TV series is too great.

Even if the rebroadcast still achieves impressive results, even if it does not reach phenomenal ratings, it is probably at least a national TV rating. The third broadcast will probably have explosive ratings.

This means that for three consecutive months, under the suppression of"MasterChef", their TV series will not have an easy time.

Unless you have a hit TV series to resist it, you can only give up.

But a hit TV series...is that possible?

A phenomenal TV series not only affects the television industry, but also radiates to other fields.

Such as the movie market.

In the evening, everyone goes home to watch"MasterChef". Who will go to the cinema? With no one going to the cinema, the box office of the movie will naturally be unsatisfactory and the revenue will drop.

For Starlight Pictures, since"Oldboy" has already made a lot of money before, the impact will not be big.

But other theater chains may have to turn into cannon fodder for"MasterChef".

Especially those dozen cinema chain owners who are still in jail. If they find out about this situation when they come out, they will be so depressed that they will vomit three liters of blood.

In terms of online video, the impact is also very large.

Although the full version of"MasterChef" is not on the video website, the cut and uploaded scenes have brought massive traffic and popularity. Video websites rely on traffic and popularity to make money. With this traffic, starlight videos will naturally increase.

On the contrary, other video websites have experienced reduced traffic and sharp decreases in value.

Take Penguin Video for example. Since the launch of"MasterChef", their traffic has dropped again and again, and is now less than 1/3 of the original. The original"Tomorrow Star" activity was reduced to rubbish in seconds.

And this process will continue for at least a month...

A number of video websites, led by Penguin Video, don't mention how tired they are. They feel like they are being cut off every day.

There is also the online literature market. The popularity of the TV series"God of Cooking" has brought a lot of customer and traffic feedback to Hongdou Chinese website.

Especially the rain of red envelopes every day is a feast for the eyes.

For the author, it is a huge stimulus. Only by coming to Hongdou Chinese website can you make a lot of money, become a god instantly, and pay tribute to the Supreme God. What does Penguin reading mean?

《"MasterChef" has also had a great impact on the entertainment industry.

Because the radiation effect of"MasterChef" is too strong, whether it is in the field of TV, movies or the Internet, they are all harvested by"God of Chef", and almost no grass can grow.

These channels are also the main channels for celebrities to display. Now that they are all gone, how can they still earn traffic and make money?

Except for the actors and stars in"MasterChef", everyone else was wiped out.

There is no other way but to take advantage of the heat.

It can be said that in the previous"Yin Yang Contract" incident, almost all of Starlight's enemies were slaughtered. Some of them were dead, some were injured, some were maimed, and the casualties were heavy, and their health had not yet recovered.

Now, being slaughtered by"God of Cooking" again...

Although no one said it out loud, Lin Beifan was sure that all of them were filled with curse words.

In the next week, the TV series"MasterChef" continued to be popular.

Since breaking the 5% historical mark on Monday,"MasterChef" seems to have entered a new world, or it has upgraded and developed. The average ratings and the highest ratings have remained above 5%.

And they often break the original records and achieve new results in the war.

Now, the average ratings of"MasterChef" have reached 5.45%, and the highest ratings were once close to 6%.

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