"It is my destiny that my talents will be useful, and I will come back after all my money has been spent! Hello everyone, welcome to watch the TV series exclusively titled and broadcast by Tianjiu Group《**Poetry Conference", I am the host Dong Xiaoqin!"

Applause rang out:"Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah."……"

Dong Xiaoqin said in a voice full of emotion:"I am born with talent that will be useful, and I will come back after all the money I have spent! Reading the poems written more than 1,200 years ago still makes people's blood rush. The poet is like a gushing out of his giant pen. The ups and downs of emotions expressed make us feel the momentum and power that shocked the past and present. This is the charm of ancient Chinese poetry!"

"bang bang bang bang bang……"

"Starting today, we will embark on a poetry journey with you to review those timeless classic poems. I think this kind of reviewing the past and learning about the new can brush away the dust from our memories, and the feelings and wisdom of ancient literati can also light up our lives today. Life has its own poetry, come and join our poetry carnival!"

"bang bang bang bang bang……"

Next, the host Dong Xiaoqin introduced the guests in turn, all of whom are professor-level figures in poetry culture.

There is also a team of 100 people who have stood out from over a million people across the country, all gathered together to participate in 10 program recordings to determine the strongest poetry king!

Next, Dong Xiaoqin introduced the rules of the poetry competition

"According to the rules of the competition, in each poetry competition, 5 contestants will be selected from a group of 100 people to compete to determine the final winner. The winner can challenge the winner of the previous period. Since there is no winner in the first period, only the final winner will be decided. The selection method is the same as the previous audition. We will arrange 5 rounds of answering questions. Each round has 10 questions. The one who takes the shortest time will stand out. The time for answering questions in the first round is relatively generous. You will be given 15 seconds for each question. The person with the shortest cumulative answer time will win. If you answer a question incorrectly, you will lose the right to compete in this round.……"

Comrade Xiao He, who was watching TV, curved his lips:"It will be interesting to see those perverted test questions at the scene. I wonder who among the great masters can stand out first?" The audience in front of the TV was deeply affected by the hell test questions. The audience who was harmed now became interested

"The first round of selection begins now!"

"Question 1: Li Bai traveled all over the country in his later years……"

Following the host's order, the test question appeared on the big screen. It was a 4-choose-1 multiple-choice question. In 15 seconds, the lights for those with wrong answers would go off, and those with correct answers would continue.

The viewers in front of the TV also followed suit and thought about the problem.

After 15 seconds, no one lights out, everyone passes, continue

"Question 2……"

"Question 3……"

"Question 4……"

After 10 consecutive questions, not one of them turned off the light. Everyone answered correctly and passed!

The host Dong Xiaoqin said excitedly:"As expected of the king of poetry who stood out from millions of poetry lovers, all of them passed! However, we not only competed for accuracy, but also for hand speed. Among the questions, who was the winner? Whoever has the shortest accumulated time will be the first to successfully log in!"

Immediately afterwards, 99 lights went out, leaving only one light that stood out.

The above shows his time, 18.97 seconds, and the average answer time for each question is less than 2 seconds!

The first winner turned out to be a beautiful young girl!

"We invite our 16-year-old Wu Yiting!"

In the previous audition, Wu Yiting was also the first to stand out. Because she is both talented and beautiful, and she is still a high school student, she is very popular and has accumulated a certain degree of popularity.

When she appeared like this, she received thunderous applause.

In the enthusiastic Amidst the applause, Wu Yiting walked up shyly.

Comrade Xiao He couldn't help but exclaimed:"It's amazing! Two seconds was not enough for me to finish reading the questions, but they had already finished answering them! It’s true that the country is full of talented people, and each generation is getting better and better!"

"Next is the second round of answering questions. This round of answering time is more demanding. Each question has 12 seconds. Start now!"

As a result, in the second round of answering questions, the popular contestant Chen Yigeng, a doctor from Peking University, stood out.

"Next is the third round of answering questions. The answering time for this round is 9 seconds for each question. Start answering now!"

In the third round of answering questions, it was an unknown contestant, a 40-year-old middle school Chinese teacher, Teacher Chen.

In this way, we gathered three people and started the first round.

"We have 4 options here, namely, guess the poem by looking at the picture, guessing the poem by looking at the words, three-person flying flower order, and poetry solitaire. Each time is randomly selected, and they are all quick-answer questions. One point will be added for correct answers, and no points will be deducted for wrong answers. In the end, the person with the lowest score returns to compete again, and one person is selected from the 100-person participating team to supplement."

The random option in the first round is Poetry Solitaire

"There are 15 questions in total. I will say the previous sentence and you will answer the next sentence. Start now!"

"Question 1: Where is the restaurant?"


The light in front of Wu Yiting turned on, indicating that she was the first to answer.

"The shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village in the distance!"

"correct! Question 2: There is no choice but the flowers fall away!"


"Deja Vu Yan is back!"

"correct! Question 3……"


In this way, the speed is very fast and the competition is very fierce.

In the end, the 40-year-old middle school Chinese teacher responded too slowly and was eliminated and returned to his original position to re-enter the competition.

Then, after another round of brutal question-answering competition, one person was selected from the 100-person participating team to replace the Chinese teacher.

"It was so intense, I answered almost instantly. If it were me, I might not be as good as that teacher!"Comrade Xiao He who was watching TV felt very sad. He felt that he was not on the same level as these great gods after all.

"But it’s so intense that it looks good!"

The random option in the second round is to guess the poem by looking at the picture.

"Guessing poems by looking at pictures, as the name suggests, means guessing poems by looking at pictures. As long as you answer the most representative line of the poem, you will pass. If you can guess the poem by looking at the picture, you will get 5 points. Prompt words will appear in the picture, but each time a prompt word appears, the score will be reduced by one point until all 5 points are deducted. Start now!"

An ink painting appeared on the big screen. In the ink painting, there was only one person who was writing with a pen in one hand and holding a bottle of wine in the other hand. His clothes were getting wider and he looked bohemian.

Beside the window, there were two more people. A butterfly dances around the flowers.

This picture looks very simple, but it is so simple that people have no clue.

"Everyone should look at this picture carefully, and it is best to pay attention to the details. The details will give you a lot of hints!"Dong Xiaoqin gave a little reminder


Wu Yiting's light came on.

Wu Yiting said:"It is a representative of the graceful poets of the Song Dynasty. Liu Yong's poem"Butterfly Love": The clothes are getting wider and you will never regret it, and you will feel haggard because of the beauty!"

"correct!"Dong Xiaoqin took the lead in applauding.

The whole audience was shocked.

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