On the other side, Jiangnan Film and Television City training class

"That’s it. There are only two episodes every day, which is not enough!"Baby Wang smacked his lips, feeling very unsatisfied.

"Yes, how great would it be if you could watch it every day?"

"You think beautifully! We are here for training, and our time is very tight. It would be nice to relax for one night today. Do you still want to do this every day?"Someone laughed and cursed

"Can’t even think about it? I just want to see what?"


Others feel so, too.

Actors like them have actually been immune to many TV series and movies for a long time. No matter how beautiful they are, they cannot be fascinated by them. But today,"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" gave them a different feeling.

Maybe it's because the TV series is really good, or maybe it's the atmosphere of watching TV together that makes people nostalgic and makes them want to watch it again. It feels very comfortable.

So now even though the TV series is over, everyone is not in a hurry to disperse.

Instead, they discussed the plot with great interest, especially the two classic martial arts songs"Iron-Blooded Heart" and"Who is the Great Hero". Some people yelled out. Although it was very unpleasant, they couldn't stop their enthusiasm.

"Principal, what are the ratings of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?"A student asked.

Then, everyone looked over.

They also wanted to know the answer very much.

Lin Beifan picked up the phone and took a look at it, smiled and said:"Tonight's average ratings are 3.72 %, the highest ratings reached 4.33%, the results were okay, and it performed normally."

Everyone was speechless.

The average ratings were 3.72%, and the highest ratings reached 4.33%. This is a result that people in the industry have always dreamed of. Any film and television practitioner with such a result can quickly rise and become a popular star.

Even if In the future, if you drive high and go low, you can rest on your laurels for more than ten years with this heavy result.

But you actually said it in an understatement, okay?

Is this just normal performance?

Everyone fell into doubt, is this our way of understanding? Wrong?

Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Don't be surprised, this is really the normal performance of our starlight. Since the establishment of Our Star, the average ratings of TV series have never been lower than 2%, and the highest ratings have never been lower than 3%. Especially since this year, our TV station has achieved new breakthroughs. The average ratings of the TV series produced by our TV station have not been lower than 3%, and the highest ones have exceeded 4%, not to mention the famous phenomenon and the TV series"Chef"."God". Therefore, the beginning of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can only be regarded as so-so, barely passing the level."

"You are now half Starlight people, I just need to learn to adapt now. Because in the future, when you become official Starlight people through training, these achievements will be created by you. I hope you can create new achievements on the basis of starlight, go abroad, go out of Asia, and go to the world!"

Hearing these words made everyone's blood boil with excitement and their hearts were full of expectations.

Now that they have entered the Starlight training class, it is equivalent to having half a foot in the Starlight, and they are half a Starlight artist. As long as they continue to work hard and push forward, They are the official artists of Starlight.

Becoming an artist of Starlight is equivalent to embarking on the Avenue of Heaven and leaving behind more than 90% of the artists in the entertainment industry. From now on, Starlight's miracles will be created by them! Starlight's achievements will be created by them. break in!

"Principal, don't worry, I, Wang Baobao, have put down his words. Even if I die, I will die in the training class!"Baobao Wang thought for a while, and then said another sentence:"I was born as a Starlight person, and when I die... I am also a ghost of Starlight!"

"You ghost is too ugly, I don’t want you! Lin Beifan said with great disgust.

Everyone laughed.

At the same time, the craze for"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" began to spread across the country at lightning speed, and even extended to surrounding Asian countries, causing a huge sensation.

"Have you watched Starlight's"The Legend of the Condor Heroes"? It’s really great. I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve watched such a great martial arts TV series. I’ve subscribed to this show starting today!"

"The special effects are also very well done, dreamlike, but they look real, and the effect is comparable to that of a movie! I never thought **'s special effects could be so good, it's such an improvement!"

"The most important thing is the opening and ending songs. TND is so classic. Now I have the melodies of these two songs in my head! It was so soul-stirring and so impassioned that I couldn’t even sleep tonight!"

"Is it really that beautiful? I'm working overtime tonight and don't have time to watch!"

"All I can say is that"Legend of the Condor Heroes" is really great to watch! It looks good, it looks good, I say important things three times!"


On the hot search list, all the keywords of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" are: The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Qiu Chuji, Yang Tiexin, Guo Xiaotian, Iron-blooded Danxin, Who is the Great Hero, etc.

This speed of diffusion is comparable to the previous"God of Cooking".

After all, martial arts culture has been deeply rooted in Japan and surrounding areas. Everyone has a martial arts dream buried in their hearts. As long as there is a good work, everyone can't help but pay attention to it.

In particular, the two classic martial arts songs"Iron-Blooded Heart" and"Who is the Great Hero" have stirred up a storm on the Internet. Now everyone is frantically searching for these two songs.

In this way, the traffic of Starlight Video, which has the only resource, increased rapidly.

Tonight is destined to belong to"The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

On the second day, when it was time for work and school, many people were still discussing this martial arts drama.

Many martial arts fans are crazy about Amway and recommend their relatives and friends to watch it, so that this martial arts drama can achieve better results and live up to their expectations.

And those two songs have begun to be played in the streets and alleys.

Especially the square dance aunt, she actually used the melodies of these two songs as the soundtrack for the square dance. She danced very energetically, which was of course very embarrassing to watch.

In this way, after a day and night of fermentation, basically everyone across the country knows"The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Therefore, due to this terrifying tap water effect, during the prime time at night, many people would drag their families in front of the TV to watch Condor Shooting.

《"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" once again achieved good ratings, with an average rating of 3.94%, and a peak rating of 4.5%, reaching a good result of 4.72%. It has great potential to break the 5% mark.

《The rise of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been unstoppable!

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