Other TV stations are also inquiring about Star TV’s Spring Festival Gala schedule. After knowing the specific time, I began to adjust my Spring Festival Gala time to avoid crashing with Xingguang, and then the car crashed and everyone died.

When the broadcast time of the Starlight Spring Festival Gala was determined, the first-line TV stations immediately made adjustments.

Among them -

Mango TV, January 19.

Blueberry TV, January 18.

Tomato TV, January 17.

Lychee TV, January 16.

They were all arranged in front of Starlight, and there was no collision with each other.

This is mainly because they have suffered so much in the past year. They organize the Spring Festival Gala mainly to make money. If they continue to compete with each other, their current situation will be even worse.

Why should the master of suffering be the master of suffering?

Other second-tier TV stations saw it and made arrangements.

The Spring Festival Gala is scheduled for four days from January 16th to January 19th.

They don't dare to compete with Star TV, but they still have no problem with First-line TV. After all, in the past year, the performance of the first-line satellite TV was not as good as theirs, which made them feel that the first-line satellite TV was not that good and could carry on.

If you win, then brag.

If you can't bear it, that's normal, no regrets.

This creates a situation where the prime time on January 20th is all given to Starlight TV. Other satellite TV stations appear together at other times, and they would rather fight each other than face the stars.

This scene made the four major first-line TV stations very angry.

Especially for Lychee TV, which is the weakest among the first-tier TV stations, four second-tier TV stations have appeared at the same time to compete for ratings.

The director of Lychee TV was so angry that his hair stood on end:"It's so unreasonable! They all came to steal my ratings, do you think I, Lychee TV, are easy to bully?" However, he was despised by the second-tier TV station:"It's embarrassing for us, but if you have the ability, go and steal the starlight.""?"

The director of Lychee TV was so angry that he almost vomited blood:"Okay, okay! I will let you know how great my Lychee TV is! Let you know why you are only the second tier and always one level behind me?" The second tier TV station is not timid at all:"Come on, come if you have the guts!"

Just like that, the Spring Festival Gala war started ahead of schedule, with smoke filling the air and wind and sand rising everywhere.

Only Starlight TV sits firmly on Diaoyutai, watching the younger brothers below vying with each other calmly like a big brother. It is aloof and its status is unshakable.

Star TV

"Mr. Bai, this is the Spring Festival Gala schedule of major TV stations, but the specific celebrity artists invited and the content of the programs are still confidential, so we have no way to find out."Xu Hanjie reported to Bai Qingxue.

Bai Qingxue also asked people to inquire about the situation of other satellite TV stations. Although they are no longer on the same level, strategically they must be despised, but tactically they must be taken seriously to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

"Okay, I know."Bai Qingxue looked at the blank date of January 20th, with a proud smile on her face.

Now the situation has changed, and it is finally your turn to be afraid of me.

I still remember that at the beginning, Starlight launched the first popular program"If You Are the One" attracted secret attacks from several major TV stations and had to be reorganized for a month.

Also during the Spring Festival last year, the major TV stations united in the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to attack her. If her husband hadn't been there, Starlight TV might have been How could we still be as glorious as we are now if we were so tired?

Later, there was overt and covert competition, such as poaching people, engaging in spies, etc., but fortunately Starlight TV won.

Now, if Starlight is not Wu Xia Amon, how can they still dare to do this? Do it?

You’ll be fine if Starlight doesn’t bother you.

Looking at the schedule, Bai Qingxue had a funny idea in her mind: Should we adjust the Spring Festival Gala time and then bump into other TV stations? It will definitely scare them into panic in the end, right?

Thinking about that scene was very hilarious, and Bai Qingxue burst out laughing.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Qingxue still put an end to this unrealistic idea.

As a boss, you must keep your word, and you cannot stand without your word. Since you say it Okay, it's January 20th, then January 20th, no more or less than one day, otherwise there will be no prestige in the future.

Xu Hanjie looked at the beautiful boss in front of him who was in a strange situation. He just wanted to open his mouth, but he wanted to speak. Stop again

"Minister Xu, if you have anything to say, just say it."Bai Qingxue adjusted her mentality and regained her boss attitude.

"There is another important thing here, that is, Litchi TV wants to invite the top four students of The Voice to attend their party. In addition to Litchi TV, other TV stations have also invited our Starlight artists, but I can't make up my mind at the moment and would like to ask your opinion!"

"This is a good thing, we can make more money, why not agree?"Bai Qingxue asked back

"After all, we are in competition with major TV stations……"

"Minister Xu, you can no longer look at things through old eyes."

"Appreciate further details!"Xu Hanjie listened attentively.

Bai Qingxue said far-sightedly:"In the past, when we were still weak, there was indeed a competitive relationship. The big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats the shrimp. Without competition, there is no way to develop. But now we have developed into the overlord of the entertainment industry, equivalent to the shark at the top of the food chain, with no rivals in the industry. If we fight at all costs, the entire ecosystem will collapse. Without fish, we will eventually starve to death."

Xu Hanjie thoughtfully

"So we need to change our thinking. As long as we raise the fish and enlarge the circle, we, the shark, can live forever. When we are hungry, we will catch fish to eat, and we will live longer and be more nourished. A real dragon cannot be raised in shallow water. If we want to transform into a real dragon, we must make the pond bigger, preferably the whole ocean, to turn the river upside down. So at this time, cooperation is greater than competition"

"Moreover, our artists just take the notice. If we block their way of making money, they will be dissatisfied even if they say it, and it will not be good if there is a quarrel in the end. So Minister Xu, if you can agree to these invitations, just accept them. As long as they don’t conflict with our TV station, it’ll be fine!"

"Mr. Bai’s words are thought-provoking, and I know what to do."Xu Hanjie said sincerely.

Now he finally knows why Mr. Bai was able to sit in this position at such a young age and develop the TV station into the giant it is today at such a young age. It turns out that his ideological understanding is higher than yours.

"Don't ask me about this kind of thing in the future, you can figure it out yourself. Of course, the notification fee should not be less!"


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