Lin Beifan and the others were placed at the summit podium in the stadium, which was a place for leaders. They had a very wide field of view, with an unobstructed view of the stage and the entire scene.

When they walked into the summit stage, the Starlight 2020 Spring Festival Gala had officially begun.

As hundreds of bouquets of fireworks soared into the sky, colorful light reflections and unpredictable laser lights illuminated the stage in the center in a colorful and beautiful way.

On this beautiful stage, a row of gorgeously dressed hosts stepped onto the stage.

Amid the thunderous applause at the scene, Meng Xiaofei said in a warm and full voice:"My friends and guests, and the millions of viewers and friends in front of the TV, good evening to everyone! What you are watching now is The 2020 Starlight Spring Festival Gala, jointly sponsored by Zhenghui Group, Kangzheng Group, Tianjiu Group, Longmen Group, Fengxiang Group, and Beauty Group, is also the first Spring Festival Gala of Starlight!"

"Tonight, the stars are shining!"

"Tonight, beautiful and sleepless!"

"Tonight, you and I celebrate a wonderful holiday together!"

Several hosts congratulated each other in turn

"Today is January 20th, a very interesting day, which represents 120! Today at this party, we will use 120% of our spirit, 120% of our efforts, and 120% of our persistence to present an unparalleled audio-visual event to everyone! are you ready?"

"Ready!"The audience's emotions were high and they responded loudly.

"Now, please let us welcome the first guest performer with warm applause! However, before inviting them to appear, I want everyone to guess who they are!"

Several hosts also started to interact.

"They come from the very loving"Love Apartment"》!"

"They are a couple who love and kill each other!"

"But it’s been two seasons, and they haven’t become an official couple yet!"

"Men are very bitchy, and people call them bitches!"

"The woman is very fierce and is known as the Crazy Rabbit!"

"Who do you think this couple is?"The host asked in unison

"Zeng Xiao Xian!"

"Hu Yi Fei!"

Meng Xiaofei said loudly:"Now we invite Chen Chichi and Lou Yixiao, who played Zeng Xiaoxian and Hu Yifei in"Love Apartment"! He will bring us a duet love song between a man and a woman called"Love Has to Be Unavoidable"! Everyone welcomes you with applause!"

The two performing guests stepped onto the stage amidst thunderous cheers.

The Starlight Spring Festival Gala kicked off!

At the same time, Lin Beifan also activated the formation to cover the entire audience, and the god-level performance reappeared!

It was like a fresh breath of fresh air. The air rushed to his face.

Suddenly, Chen Chichifu, who was about to sing with all his heart, immediately changed his rhythm, showed off his cute and cute voice, and let himself go.

Lou Yixiao was stunned at first, but She is also a Maiba contestant, and she follows her emotions when she gets emotional.

It turns out that"Love Has to Be", which has a fresh style, was actually sung in a rock style by them! They even sang it very well, and they had a great tacit understanding at the scene! The rhythm of the movie also changed, and the connection was very smooth!

The whole audience chanted along, one wave after another. Everyone waved the light sticks in their hands, as if they could compete with the stars in the sky!

The ratings also quickly exceeded 4%, and North Korea Moving forward quickly with 5%!

What left Lin Beifan speechless the most was that the old men sitting next to him also started shouting.

The old drunkard also whistled, and Old Qintou and Old Hantou directly hooked up with the elderly Shigao. They were surprisingly coordinated.

The old chef was the most speechless. He danced and took off his shirt, revealing his 8-pack abs.

This scene was so eye-catching that Lin Beifan couldn't bear to look at it.

He could only stay a few steps away and pretend he didn't know them..

As a result, he stayed away from some irritating old men, but met some girls who had bad intentions towards him:"Ah! You are Lin Beifan! My husband, let me have a wave!"

"Quickly hold his arm! Don't let him escape!"

"I’ll let you kiss me after I finish kissing you!"


Lin Beifan was scared to death.

These girls really don't know how to be reserved. They are crazier than Lai Weiwei. They want to take advantage of me in broad daylight. Don't even think about it!

I am a married man, steadfast and loyal, and I will never let you succeed!

Lin Beifan fled back to where he was.

Seeing several old men having fun in front of me, although my eyes were still burning, I could barely bear it.

In this way, celebrity artists appeared one after another.

Even actors with amateur singing skills showed professional standards on this stage. They simply didn’t know what shyness was, let alone shame.

One of them, a little girl, actually took off her shirt while singing, revealing a few small abdominal muscles, which caused the fans at the scene to howl.

The old cooking god was very dissatisfied:"This young man is incredible. He only has 6 muscles on his body, and he is not as strong as me!"

Lin Beifan floated over silently like a ghost:"Although his muscles are not as developed as yours, his muscles are not as strong as yours." They are all fresh meat, which is very delicious. But your eight-pack abs are all made of old bacon, which is very eye-catching!"

Old Chef God:"……"

The stars were singing and the audience was dancing, so the whole place was very excited!

Program after program passed, celebrities and entertainers took turns, and the scene turned into a sea of ​​joy.

The ratings have also been rising, breaking 5% and 6%, but the follow-up is weak and the growth rate has slowed down.

According to this growth rate, the ratings can only touch 7% at most, and there is no way to increase it.

A Spring Festival Gala with such high ratings is considered very successful.

For example, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is broadcast simultaneously by dozens of TV stations, and the ratings only reach 30%.

But with Zhuyu from Mango TV in front, the Starlight Spring Festival Gala is still overshadowed.

The highest ratings of 7.13%!

The Four Heavenly Kings Meet at the Spring Festival Gala!

If these two major barriers are not broken, everyone will only remember Mango TV and not Starlight TV for the 2020 Spring Festival Gala.

This would be very regrettable. stadium backstage

"It still doesn't seem to work……"Bai Qingxue sighed:"The power of the Four Heavenly Kings is too strong. It is a mark of an era, an immortal monument for 30 years, and the whole of Asia is their legend! If we cannot defeat them, tonight's Spring Festival Gala will be considered a success, but Still a failure for us"

"We have tried our best, but the Four Heavenly Kings cannot be stopped by manpower!"Wu Qianmei also sighed.

"Jiuer, is there anything else you can do? Bai Qingxue asked.

Yang Jiuer gritted his teeth and said,"This is the only way left. Call this bastard Lin Beifan!""

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