Then, a new round of the game begins.

However, after two more rounds, no one could guess correctly, and they all jumped into the swimming pool.

Seeing his idol shivering in a towel, although he couldn't bear it, although he expressed sympathy, and although he accused the director of the atrocities, the audience laughed like crazy.

"It’s so interesting, our Bai Zhantang has fallen into the water for the third time!"

"And our Zeng Xiaoxian, he doesn’t dare to speak now!"

"I usually see them looking glamorous, but I didn’t expect them to be so unlucky today. I wanted to take a photo of their unlucky scene!"

"It makes me laugh so hard to see it!"

"They broke their legs while running, and now their brains are flooded. Today is definitely the most painful day for them!"

"It’s not easy to see a star’s bad luck!"


Lin Beifan is also very happy.

Watching it live is indeed more enjoyable than watching it in front of the TV.

Especially when I think that this was all planned by him, I feel even happier.

So taking this opportunity, Lin Beifan conveyed his experience to Director Yao:"The game should be played and designed this way. Their unhappiness is our greatest happiness and the greatest happiness of the audience! Look at the scene, this is the voice of the masses!"

Director Yao:"I understand, I will be more cruel next time!"

"It’s not about being harsh, but just squeezing them to the limit of their tolerance. This will give you the best effect! It's better to induce them to kill each other, and in the end the blame won't be on you.……"Lin Beifan seemed to have found his successor, and he taught him everything he had.

"Great God, I am willing to give in! Director Yao said with admiration.

Ignoring the nine pairs of resentful eyes, Lin Beifan said seriously:"Please continue with the iPartment team!""

After another round, someone finally guessed it correctly.

The Talent Team came first, the iPartment Team came second, and the Wulin Gaiden Team came third.

"Congratulations to the expert team for successfully clearing the first level! You will get a dragon ball and a prop! The iPartment team successfully cleared the second level! You will get a Dragon Ball! The Wulin Gaiden team successfully cleared the third level without any reward!"

"It's all your fault! If you believed me, we would have cleared the level long ago and still get the rewards!"

"Is it so much your fault? You touch your conscience and say, which of the words coming out of your mouth are true?"

"Stop arguing, you two are both at fault, and I'm in trouble because of you!"


The Wulin Gaiden team has nothing to gain and is hating each other.

"After the 9 warriors are fed, they will lead to the next competition location, the inner city of Jiangnan City, which is also the place where the big devil is sealed. The name-brand tearing battle is about to begin!"

It can be said now that the first half of the shooting is over, and everyone took a half-day break.

After playing games for a long time, it seemed relaxed, but in fact it was very, very tiring.

Not only the stars were tired, but the crew members were even more tired.

If nothing else, , just the level-breaking games in the morning, although they may only be presented on the show for 20 minutes, it took them a full two hours to record them.

In other words, the stars played the game for nearly two hours, and they were still so enjoyable. Are you tired of this torturing game?

Not only your body is tired, but your heart is even more tired.

Therefore, if you don’t have a good rest time, you won’t be able to face the upcoming brand-name tearing battle.

While everyone is resting, Lin Beifan and several people from the crew Go to the inner city of Studio City for final inspection

"That box is too obvious and easy to find. It would be best to put him in there with something to block it.……"

"This box can be placed a little higher, and it’s best to put it into the exhaust bucket.……"

"Throw this real box into the trash can. I don’t think many people can guess it! Even if you can guess it, you may not dare to turn it over……"

"There is also this box, which can be placed at the top of this building. Even if they can see it, they may not be able to get it……"

"It's best to prepare more boxes to confuse the audience.……"


Lin Beifan guided while walking, and the people following him were amazed.

This is a great gamer. His game-playing routines are so smooth that it’s hard not to admire him.

"Wait, did you put in the remaining 5 dragon balls? Lin Beifan asked.

Director Yao said matter-of-factly:"Of course, they are looking for the dragon beads, and of course I want to put the dragon beads in.""

"Cut one of them out"

"One dragon ball is missing. How can they play together if they can't get it together?"

"It's okay, they don't know. Lin Beifan said nonchalantly:"Keep a dragon ball for yourself so that you can adapt to changes." What if they get lucky and find them all at once? We keep one just in case!"

Director Yao looked at Lin Beifan in a different way.

It's so bad, so treacherous!

I was just working on the script at the primary stage, but I didn't expect you to directly lie to people.

This routine is too deep and bottomless!

Lin Beifan thought for a while and then said:"Also, by the way, I intercepted two props, and we will adapt accordingly when the time comes!"

You don't even let go of prop cards. Are you still a human being?

Director Yao is deeply contemptuous.

But I have to say that his heart is ready to move now.

"By the way, have you invited the big devil?"

"demon king?"Director Yao was stunned.

"In our plot, it’s the big devil who is sealed under Jiangnan City. Have you found someone to play him? Lin Beifan asked again

"There is no such character, because the three groups of them fighting each other are brutal enough."

"Director Yao, you are too kind. In Running Man, you cannot be kind. You must be ruthless. Lin Beifan patted Director Yao on the shoulder and warned earnestly:"Hurry up and find someone to play the role. Look for those celebrities who look strong and well-developed limbs and are not easy to mess with.""

"Where can we find this kind of person all of a sudden?"Director Yao smiled bitterly.

Shooting will start in a few hours, how can he have time to notify the artists?

"Don’t worry about this one, I think Teacher Ma Dazhuang who is filming in our film and television city is good! That's right, the one who plays Li Kui! Lin

Beifan was very excited:"I met him today and found that he really lives up to his name, as strong as a horse!" Look at his arms, they are thicker than his thighs! Look at his abs, they look like a few bricks! Look at his head, it looks like he has practiced Iron Head Kung Fu. Finally, looking at his strong thighs, I×……"

Lin Beifan jumped at the crime and said,"Let me see who can touch him?" He actually invited teacher Li Dazhuang, and Director Yao once again observed a moment of silence for the running man.

He was really worried that with Teacher Li Dazhuang as the devil, Running Man might be wiped out.

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