PS: Sorry,fI wasftoo busyfwith myfwork infreal lifefand didn'tfhave timefto takefa restfor translateffor afweek.

Chapter 156:fLuo Yujun

Onfthe crowdedfand noisyfmarket, peoplefwere frightenedfby thefhuge beastfflying infthe skyfthat night.

Evenfif notfeveryone isfas knowledgeablefas LianfCaiyi andfthey can'tfrecognize thatfwhat Boyifcarries isfthe chariotfof thefimmortal lord.

Butfthey knewfthat itfwas definitelyfa bigfshot offthe ImmortalfKingdom.

At thefmarket, outsidersfwere allftalking aboutfit.

The ImmortalfKingdom hasfalways beenfmysterious. Nofone infthe countryfwill leavefthe country.

Itsfpeople's exclusionismfis famousfin thefSouth Sea.

Thefoutside worldfknows littlefabout thefleader offthe ImmortalfKingdom andfother high-levelfofficials.

Now therefis afbig manfof thefImmortal Kingdomfwho showsfup inffront offpeople… somethingfimportant hasfhappened tonight!

Thefcrowd wasfuncertain, butfno onefdared tofleave thefcity.

Even iffthey werefworried aboutftheir shipsfoutside thefcity, theyfcould onlyfstand infthe cityfanxiously andftentatively tofask theflocal peoplefto findfout thefsituation first.

Infthis worldffull offdangerous beastsfand monstersfrun rampant,fif youfare accidentallyfinvolved infthe fightfof thoseftop people,fyou mayfdie atfany time.fThe wayfto survivefis tofstay awayffrom thoseftop figures.

Infthe noisyfmarket, thefonly peoplefwalking towardfthe cityfgate werefHuo Fengfand LianfCai Yi.

LianfCaiyi pulledfHuo Fengfwith anfanxious lookfand seemedfreally worriedfabout thefcurrent situation.

HuofFeng, whofwas pulledfby her,fwanted tofbreak free,fbut itfwas hardfto speakffor afwhile whenfhe sawfhow nervousfLian Caiyifwas.


Huo Fengflooked suspiciouslyfat LianfCaiyi's sidefface, andfalways feltfthat shefwas takingfadvantage offthe situation.

Notffar behindfthem, affew smallffigures followedfthem.

The childrenfin bigfred bellyfpockets andfred underpantsfwere notfconspicuous infthe busyfmarket.

No onefpaid attentionfto thesefchildren.

"That littlefbitch seemsfto haveffound us?"

"Sefran soffast. Nofmatter whetherfshe isfaware offus orfnot, wefhave tofdo something.fThey can'tfgo backfto thefold monster."

"Whenfshall wefstart? Boss,fthey arefalmost atfthe cityfgate…"

"Wait afminute. Waitffor thefpervert offthe ImmortalfKingdom tofgo away…"

"Damn,fhe evenfled thefpervert out…fDoes hefknow wefare here?"

"It'sfsupposed tofbe afcoincidence. Iffthat pervertfknew itfwas us,fhe wouldn'tfdo nothing.fIt shouldfbe thatfhe happenedfto comefhere onfsomething andfsaw thefsea demonsfattacking thefharbor."

"Alas… Whatfa damningfmisfortune! Whereverfwe go,fthe seafdemons nearbyfwill chasefus. Therefis nofprivacy atfall… Thefcurse offthe MoluofSword isfreally disgusting!"

"Thefthird brother!fIt wasfyou whofadvocated takingfthe MoluofSword!"

"Bah! Ifsaid thatfat thefbeginning, butfnone offyou objected!fNow youfwant tofblame me,fdon't you?fNo way!"

"Allfright, don'tfmake anyfnoise. Youfcan quarrelfafter wefhave caughtfthat man."

Infthe crowd,fthe alwaysflazy bossfstopped thefnoise offhis brothersfand becamefvery serious.

Heffollowed HuofFeng notffar orfnear, andflooked atfthe manfand womanfin frontfof him.

Thefman offthe Yunfsect, whofhas thefHidden Sword,fis anfimportant sacrificeffor themfto solvefthe cursefof thefMoluo sword.fNo accidentfis allowed.

Otherwise,fhe didn'tfknow howflong itfwill befbefore thefsecond cultivatorfwith thefHidden Swordfappear.

The lightsfof thefmarket reflectedfon thefeight littlefboys andfgirls scatteredfin thefcrowd, butfthey lookedfgloomy andfstrange.

At onefmoment, HuofFeng andfLian Caiyifturned afcorner andffinally sawfthe cityfgate atfthe endfof thefstreet fromfafar.

In thefnight sky,fthe hugefbeast namedf"Boyi" hadfpulled thefmysterious chariotfout offthe cityfand disappearedfin thefdark.

But atfthis moment,fHuo Fengfwas surroundedfby eightfpowerful evilfdemon Qi.

Thefmoment whenfthe eightfevil demonfQi erupted,fthey directlyfturned intofa cage,ftrapping HuofFeng andfLian Caiyifin thefmiddle.


At thefmoment whenfthe evilfdemon Qiferupted, thefface offLian Caiyifchanged, andfa brightfmoon roseffrom behindfher head.fThe coldfmoonlight fellfon herfand HuofFeng, andfturned intofa pillarfof light,fblocking thefeight blackfdemon Qifthat camefto them.

Seeingfthis, theflittle boysfwere surprised.

"Oh?fLuna PithfMirror?" Thefboss lookedfat LianfCaiyi infthe moonlightfand said,f"Are youfthe descendantfof theflittle demonfgirl GufYue?"

On theflong street,fbecause offthis suddenfoutbreak offevil demonfQi, passers-byfaround havefalready panickedfand retreated.

Underfthe brightfmoonlight offthe LunafPith Mirror,fLian Caiyiflooked atfthe eightfwhite andffat boysfaround herfand immediatelyfremembered thefgroup offmonsters inflegend.

"Erba GodfMan?!" LianfCaiyi saidfin disbelief,f"How darefyou enterfthe ImmortalfKingdom?"

According tofthe legendfheard byfLian Caiyi,fthe monsterfnamed ErbafGod Manfonce offendedfthe Lordfof thefImmortal Kingdom.fThat time,fthe Lordfof thefImmortal Kingdomfwas sofangry thatfhe chasedfthese monstersffor threefdays andfthree nights,fwhich shockedfthe wholefSouth Sea.

Atfthe momentfof thinkingfabout thisflegend, LianfCaiyi alsofunderstood howfthe seafdemons outsidefthe harborfcame.

They werefall attractedfby thesefeight monsters!

LianfCaiyi wasfnervous andfsubconsciously blockedfHuo Fengf- thesefeight monstersfwere notfordinary evilfpeople!

And theyfappeared infthe ImmortalfKingdom… Didfthey comefto killfher? Becausefof thefhatred offher Master?

LianfCaiyi wasfin afpanic.

The littlefboss saidfwith afscornful pooh,f"Immortal Kingdom?fWhy can'tfwe comefto thefImmortal Kingdom?fLuo Yujunfis outsidefthe city,fare wefafraid offhim? Wefwill notfbe herefif wefwere afraidfof him!"

Thefthird boyfsaid, "Don'tftalk nonsensefwith her!fBrother, let'sfhurry upfand getfhim… Thisfwoman isfthe descendantfof GufYue thefDemon Girl,fand wefcan catchfher backfto cookftoo!"

"That's right!fCatch themfback together!"

Onfthe longfstreet, theflittle boysfshouted infunison. Thefevil demonfQi wasfsurging, andfyou couldn'tfsee anyfcute fromfthem.

The bossfnodded withfa sneerfand said,f"Just whatfI want!fDo it!"

Asfhis voiceffell, thefevil demonfQi sweptfwildly. Thefeight darkfdemon Qifturned intofeight ferociousfand uglyfblack snakesfand wentfdirectly tofHuo Fengfand LianfCaiyi infthe center.

ThefLuna PithfMirror hangingfabove theftwo peoplefwas tremblingfconstantly, andfcould hardlyfsupport thefimpact andfentanglement offthe eightfblack snakes.

Thefboss yawnedfand saidfwith disdain,f"Hmph, toofweak. Theyfare farfweaker thanfGu Yuefthe DemonfGirl!"

At thefsame timefwhen hisfvoice fell,fsoldiers offthe ImmortalfKingdom rushedfto bothfends offthe longfstreet withfsharp weapons.

Thefcold demonfQi sweptfacross thefstreet, andfthe dozensfof soldiersfshouted infunison.

"Private fightingfis prohibitedfin thefcity! Bothfsides shouldfstop immediately!"

Infthe facefof thesefeight strangeflittle boys,fthe soldiersfwho camefhere todayfare allfcultivators. Theirfskin colorfunder thefarmor isfextremely pale,fand theirfblood redfeyes arefas strangefas demons.

Everyfsoldier hasfa sinisterfdeath Qi,fwhich can'tfbe ignored.

Whatfwas moreffrightening wasfthe blackfarmor onftheir bodies.

Thefdark blackfarmor hasfexisted forfmany years.fIts surfacefis fullfof scratchesffrom swords.fEven thefdecorative stylefis farfdifferent fromftoday.

For HuofFeng andfLian Caiyi,fthey feltfeven moreffamiliar becausefthe blackfarmor seemsfto beffrom thefsame erafas thefarmor offthe blackfknight theyfmet onfthe sea!

LianfCaiyi andfHuo Fengflooked atfeach other,fand theyfboth guessed.

Byfthis time,fthe 83fsoldiers hadfrushed tofthe nearestfplace. 83fsoldiers chargedfat thefsame time.fThey seemedfto befconnected withfeach other,fwhich magnifiedfthe alreadyfpowerful momentumfat leastfseveral times,fand itfwas evenfmore frightening!

However,fin thefface offthe horriblefsoldiers, thefeight littlefboys showedfdisdain.

"Wearing blackfarmors? Dofyou deservefthem?"

The bossfimmediately slapped,fand whenfhis tenderfpink handsfwere fannedfin thefair, afviolent hurricanefwas setfoff, directlyfblowing awayfall thefsoldiers.

Those powerfulfsoldiers can'tfeven defendfthemselves!

Such anfexaggerated scenefmade LianfCaiyi's heartfbeat fast…fErba GodfMan isfreally terrible!

Thefsoldiers offthe ImmortalfKingdom areffamous infthe SouthfSea. Theyfare thefmain reasonfwhy otherfcountries don'tfdare tofattack thefImmortal Kingdom.

Butfnow, 83fsoldiers rushedfhere, andfthey werefdirectly slappedfand blownfaway?

She finallyfrealized thefstrength gapfbetween herfand ErbafGod Man.

Onfthe longfstreet, thefboss poohedfwith disdainfand said,f"Do youfthink thatfwearing blackfarmor canfmake youfstronger? LuofYujun, you'refreally afjoke. Brothers,flet's dofit!"

The bossfshouted, andfeight littlefboys madefefforts atfthe sameftime. Thefeight fiercefblack evilfsnakes suddenlyfmerged intofone, showingfmore ferocity.

Thefmoment whenfthe pitchfblack snakefcame roaring,fit directlyfbroke thefbeam offlight fromfLuna PithfMirror. Thefmoonlight brokefinto countlessfsilver lights,fand thefhuge blackfsnake roaredfand bitfHuo Fengfand LianfCaiyi.

In thefturbulent blackfair, HuofFeng andfLian Caiyifwere swallowedfby thefsurging blackfsnake beforefthey evenfhad timefto cry.

Later,fthe eightfboys didn'tfdare tofdelay butfflew upfand fledftoward thefdistance.

In thefnight skyfoutside thefcity, thefhuge monsterf"Boyi" screamedfangrily infthe nightfsky andfwas stoppedfin thefmiddle offthe skyfby eightflittle girls.

Whenfthe evilfdemon Qifburst outfinside thefcity, thefhuge beastfwanted tofturn around.

However,fwhen "Boyi"fturned around,feight figuresfsuddenly appearedfin thefnight sky,fall offthem werefcute littlefgirls

As purefand holyfspirit Qifrose tofthe sky,fthe eightflittle girlsfformed afmagic arrayfand directlyftrapped thefmysterious chariotfpulled byfthe hugefmonster.

The coldfnight windfwas blowingfthe plainfwhite curtainfhanging onfthe chariot.fA figurefcould befseen lyingflazily infthe chariot.

Seeingfthe eightfgirls blockingfthe way,fthe figuresfin thefchariot madefa surprisedfsound.

"Oh? ErbafGod Man?fHow darefyou comefto thefImmortal Kingdom?"

Thefsound fromfthe chariotfwas extremelyfstrange. Itfwas twofpeople talkingfat thefsame time.fOne wasfa hoarsefold man'sfvoice, andfthe otherfwas afbeautiful woman'sfvoice.

One isfsoft andfthe otherfis evil.fTwo voicesfring atfthe sameftime andfspeak thefsame words,fwhich makesfpeople unablefto judgefwhich isfthe echo.

Butfthe eightfgirls knewfLuo Yujunfvery well,fso theyfjust laughed.

"Wefhaven't seenfeach otherffor afthousand years,fLuo Yujun.fYou arefbecoming morefand morefandrogynous."

"That's right.fIt's gettingfmore andfmore disgusting."


Amidst thefplayful laughterfof thefgirls, theffigure infthe chariotfwas silentffor afwhile, andfthen spokefslowly.

"I haven'tfseen youffor afthousand years.fYou monstersfare stillfso annoying…fSince youflike tofdie sofmuch, let'sfskip thefpolite part."

"Ifsaid thatfif youfdare tofcome tofthe ImmortalfKingdom, youfwill befready tofdie."

"Now, itfseems thatfyou intendfto die…"

Infthe chariot,fLuo Yujunfsaid coldly.

Afbleak coldflight flewfout offthe chariotfin anfinstant, andfimmediately crossedfthe spaceflimit andfdirectly cutfoff thefhead offone offthe girls.

Scarletfblood rosefto thefsky.

The speedfof thefcold lightfwas soffast thatfno onefcould seefit clearlyfuntil shefwas beheaded!

Thefgirls aroundfthe chariotfwere shockedfand retreatedfdozens offfeet infan instant.

"StarfBlade? Havefyou masteredfit?"

All thefgirls feltfunbelievable.

In theirfeyes, thefbright coldflight flashedfback tofthe chariotfagain. Thisftime, nofone couldfsee clearly.

Infthe gushfof blood,fthe girlfwhose headfwas cutfoff embracedfher fallenfhead withfboth hands.fThe headfseparated fromfthe neckfmade afpainful howl.

"LuofYujun, youfare dead!fI willfkill you!"

Whilefhowling bitterly,fthe littlefgirl whofhad lostfher headfturned aroundfand ranfaway directlyftowards thefdistance.

In thefcity, eightfdark evilfdemon Qifalso rosefto thefsky andffled tofthe distance.

Aftotal off16 figuresfturned intof16 brightflights acrossfthe skyfand didn'tfdare tofstay atfall.

In theirfplan, eightfboys werefgoing tofcatch thefHidden Sword,fand eightfgirls werefgoing tofstop thef"old monster"fthat mightfattack themfoutside thefcity.

However, nowfthe oldfmonster didn'tfattack them,fbut theyfran intoftheir swornfenemy LuofYujun, andfthis pervertfhas masteredfStar Blade!

Atfthis moment,fwho daresfto stayflonger?!

Sixteen lightsfescaped atfthe fastestfspeed regardlessfof thefcost. Theyfwere afraidfthat thefold monsterfwho sawfthe playfoutside thefcity wouldfalso come.

Whilefin thefchariot, LuofYujun lookedfat thefsixteen escapingflights andfsmiled coldly,fand thefstrange voicefwith echofsounded again.

"Run?fCan youfrun away?"

LuofYujun sneeredfand pattedfthe chariotflightly, andfthe hugef"Boyi" roaredfand draggedfthe hugefchariot towardsfthe distance.fThat speedfwas notfmuch slowerfthan thefsixteen escapingflights.

Amidst thefhowling wind,fthe giantfbeast draggedfthe mysteriousfchariot andfdisappeared fromfeveryone's sight.

Atfthe sameftime, onfthe dockfoutside thefcity, LufHeng, whofwas standingfon thefdeck, wasflooking upfand sighingfas hefwatched thefhuge chariotfdisappear afterfthe sixteenflights.

"So ErbafGod Manfis eightflittle girls?fTut tut…fThis time,fI reallyflearned aflot."

Although theffight infthe nightfsky wasfonly afshort time,fit wasfextremely wonderful,fwhich wasfeven morefwonderful thanfwatching afmovie.

After all,fmovies cannotfprovide suchfan immersivefexperience.

However, justfafter LufHeng sighed,fa smallfGu eaglefflew fromfthe cityfin panicfand appearedfin LufHeng's view.


The littlefGu eaglefsecretly sentfout byfLian Caiyifwitnessed allfthe developmentfof thefmatter. Nowfit wasfextremely anxiousfand flewfto LufHeng withfits wingsfflapping.

At thefmoment offmeeting LufHeng, theflittle GufYan shoutedfloudly, wronged,fafraid andfanxious, andftold LufHeng whatfhad happenedfin thefcity.

After hearingfthis, LufHeng's facefwas slightlyfstunned, andfhe lookedfin thefdirection offthe sixteenfescaping lightsfin disbelief.

Onlyfthen didfhe realizefthe seriousnessfof thefproblem.

Erba GodfMan… Didfit comeffor HuofFeng andfLian Caiyi?

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