I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 114: Chapter 114

Zhihao spent his birthday this year with Daiyu and his friends at the Zheng Residences. Since he was finally of legal age, he was pumping to get drunk and wasted already.

Ying Yue gave him the go signal since he had been a good boy lately. She knew how stressed he was since he wasn't used to studying. But because he wanted to go to the same university as Liu Jin and Ying Yue, he had been enduring every afternoon, diligently poring over his books.

She smiled. Her little idiot really made her proud.

Just then, she watched as Zhihao chugged down an entire pitcher of beer while wearing a bunny headband, dressed in his pink unicorn swim trunks.

Maybe not so proud.

She sighed and walked over to them.

Right now, they were having a pool party. And since Zhihao was extremely friendly, he practically invited the entire batch over. Everyone was drinking and it was a huge mess.

for visiting.

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