I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 124: Chapter 124

A week after Daiyu's birthday, the results came out and she made the cut. She was finally going to join Liu Jin, Zhihao, and Ying Yue at their university! To celebrate, the four of them got together again for a small hot pot dinner.

After that, it was time for the graduation ball. This year, she took Tang Yun as her date.

"Daddy, when I move in with Jin, will you miss me?" She pouted cutely and he chuckled.

"Of course. But didn't you say that you'll still stay at the mansion on some days?"

Daiyu nodded.

"I'd miss you too much if I don't. Besides, I don't think I can live without Uncle Chang's cooking."

Tang Yun laughed.

"And my midnight snacks with Nao Nao too!"


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