I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 146: Chapter 146

The gang made their way to the island on a yacht. While it was marketed as an abandoned island, it was actually quite populated with staff manning the same around the clock. In case of emergencies, a helicopter was also ready to fly them out. Moreover, aside from them, there were also other participants on the island.

The game was simple all participants had to find the goal point within three days for them to successfully finish the game. The trick to this was that at the start of the game, each one of them would be given a single item, some more useful than others.

The idea was that surviving would be easier if one were to team up with others. However, at the start of the game, each one of them would begin in different parts of the island. Since the place was quite big, there was a chance that some participants would not run into other players at all.

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