I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 149: Chapter 149

Daiyu was exhausted. Liu Jin left her to drink halfway so she had to entertain the guests herself. Still, upon seeing him happily drinking with his high school classmates, she couldn't help but smile. He had been working too hard these days and seeing him finally relax put her heart at ease.

"Madam Wang."

Daiyu turned her head upon hearing the voice. It was an unfamiliar man in a suit.

"A present from the Cuis." He said as he handed her a large gift.

"Oh. Thank you very much." She smiled and accepted it with both hands.

"The madam extends her congratulations. She hopes to meet you soon."

"Thank you." She smiled sweetly.

After that, the man left. Daiyu placed the gift on the table and continued greeting other guests.


The party ended at midnight and everyone left except for the usual people who chose to stay over at the hotel instead. Liu Jin and Daiyu took their time opening the gifts while the others drank beside them.

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