I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 160: Chapter 160

Qiaoling was successfully prosecuted for the murder of Wang Fengge and Luo Mei. The charge for the attempted murder of Tang Yun was likewise successful.

However, Qiaoling didn't want to go down alone. She dragged Cui Cheng with her, exposing the company and the personal crimes committed by the latter.

She also tried to accuse Wang Jing of hiding her daughter, Xia Xiulan. But the death certificate of Xiulan and the police report years back rebutted her claims. More importantly, the DNA test conducted between Yang Yi Jie and Qiaoling did not match. Of course, that's because the sample they sent came from Daiyu.

In one fell swoop, Qiaoling and the schemes she built were torn down.

In her final moments, when she was about to be transferred to prison, Cui Cheng hired men to raid the transfer vehicle. Qiaoling alone was abducted while the rest of the convicts and staff were left unharmed.

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