I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 98: Chapter 98

The next day, the twins got up early to visit their Jin-gege. They held each other's hand as they groggily made their way to his part of the house, still very sleepy.

Just then, they smelled something really good and their instinct led them to follow it. There, they saw Daiyu in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. Their eyes widened in excitement, now fully awake.

"Daiyu-jiejie!" They ran towards her excitedly. They each hugged her leg and looked up to her with big sparkling eyes.

Daiyu giggled and ruffled their hair.

"Good morning Meili. Good morning Mingli."

"Good morning!"


"Can you go and wake your Jin-gege up for me? Breakfast is almost ready."

The twins nodded obediently and went to Liu Jin's room to wake him up.

"Jin-gege! Jin-gege! Wake up!"

"Up!" They said as they jumped around his bed.

Liu Jin covered his head with a pillow, ignoring them.

The twins pouted.

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