Chapter 95: The Double-Headed Queen

“Actually, I have a question for you since I just started.” Xie Lun asked in a low voice as he walked forward carefully, “Since your physical fitness has been strengthened, why don’t you run away? I think, overhead The ventilation ducts can’t stop you at all, right?”

Dana followed Xie Lun expressionlessly, and calmly replied: “It’s very simple, because I never thought of running away. Leaving here, this idea seems to be completely erased from my mind.”

“Control the brain?” Xie Lun looked at Dana suspiciously, “Aren’t you also being manipulated now?”

Dana tilted her head slightly: “It’s possible, that’s why I suggested that you don’t give me weapons and handcuff me!”

As she said, she raised her hands tightly handcuffed.

“It’s really troublesome. Moths will appear every time. Why can’t it be a normal rescue mission?”

Xie Lun muttered helplessly, and walked to the door of another cell, where there was a horrified sound of Roar’s rescue.

“This is a newcomer who just arrived today,” Daina explained. “After this period of observation, this laboratory should be divided into two areas. All women live here, and all men should be sent to another by monsters. An area.”

Xie Lun reached out and grabbed the iron door of the cell for a handshake, and asked, “Why do you do this?”

Dana replied: “The specific reason is unknown, but according to my guess, the experiments in the two areas should be different, so the supplied experimental bodies are also different.”

Xie Lun frowned, his hand suddenly forced, and the heavy iron door was pulled open by him. A blonde girl almost crawled out of it and rushed out of it. Looking at Shay Lun, who was armed with a steel gun, she hugged Shay Lun’s thigh: “Help, there are monsters, there are monsters here… ”

Xie Lun shrugged at Dana: “This is a girl’s normal reaction.”

Dana said calmly: “She hasn’t taken the medicine yet. Once she takes the medicine for a long time, she will become as numb as I am.”

Xie Lun curled his lips, grabbed the terrified girl, and asked in a deep voice, “I’m the NIA agent, what’s your name?”

“Sam…Sam Joan!”

“Very well, Joan, please keep calm. You scream like this will only attract the attention of the monsters. Keep quiet, I will take you out of here, OK?”

Sam Joan nodded quickly, wiped the tears from his cheeks, and whispered: “Mr. Agent, have you seen Joshua? I remember that Joshua was also in that wooden house at the time.”

Sharon At the moment did not know that Joshua Vigo had defected, and shook his head: “When I rushed to the wooden house, except for the monsters, no one else was found.”

“Why?” Joan shook his body a few times, and then asked, “What about Matt and the others?”

Xie Lun said calmly, “Matt and the others are in the villa. With my companions, they are safe. Okay, I know you still have a lot of questions, but you should be very clear that it is not time for class.”

Joan nodded vigorously.

Xie Lun turned to look at Dana: “Are there anyone else here?”

Dana shook her head and said, “There was another woman who was caught with me, but she had a very strong allergic reaction to that drug, so…”

Dana didn’t say anything later, but the meaning was already obvious.

Xie Lun nodded and glanced at the ceiling above his head. Logically speaking, the fastest way to evacuate here should be through the ventilation duct, but there is a 100-meter vertical section in the duct, and unless you have the help of a small grass, you can’t even climb it yourself.

But Xie Lun didn’t want to expose Xiaocao’s existence in front of Dina’s second daughter, so the only way out at the moment was to move forward and find a new entrance.

Continue forward along the flickering corridor, passing through an induction door that was violently knocked open, and then the disinfection area should be next. However, the disinfection facilities have long been unable to function normally, and the isolation doors have been knocked and bent.

The three of Xie Lun walked out of the disinfection area, and finally an oval laboratory. The instruments neatly placed next to the wall have long been rusty and covered with dust, but the lights on a few of the instruments are still on, making a “humming” mechanical turning sound.

“It’s not here.” Dana suddenly said, “It’s strange, except for hunting, it’s here in general.”

Xie Lun looked at Dana: “Who is not here?”

“A terrible monster, I call it’Queen’,” Dana replied, “Queen with two heads!”

Xie Lun narrowed his eyes: “Why didn’t you talk about this situation just now?”

Dana was very calm: “You didn’t ask either.”

Xie Lun snorted and shouted to Joan who was stunned: “Look around quickly to see if there are hidden entrances and exits.”

Joan reacted and hurriedly flipped through the cabinets. Xie Lun also quickly checked those instruments to see if there were any hidden mechanisms, preferably the kind of elevator that would automatically send himself out.

During the search, Joan suddenly called out: “Mr. Agent, look at what this is.”

Xie Lun looked back and saw that the girl was holding a dirty black notebook in her hand.

Xie Lun’s heart moved. This notebook looked very similar to the black notebook he found in Base 116.

Xie Lun took it and flipped it seemingly at random. This notebook is well preserved. Except for some yellowing of the paper, the handwriting is still relatively clear.

Most of them are incomprehensible symbols, formulas, patterns, etc., but they are also mixed with messy essays.

“…On March 1, 1905, a gold mine in the deep mountains collapsed and 31 miners were trapped deep underground. After nearly two months of rescue, 12 miners were finally rescued…”

“… Two months after 31 people were trapped underground, it is not a miracle that 12 people can be successfully rescued. However, this incident did not cause much disturbance in the press. It seems that there is a pair of invisible hands covering everything. …”

“… It wasn’t until 20 years later, in 1925, when I came to explore here, that I stumbled upon the secret of that year… Why did 31 people get trapped and only 12 escaped? The reason lies in the depth of my fingers. In the pothole, something terrible happened…”

“…It is impossible to verify who was the first to do it. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the 12 people rescued depended on the flesh and blood of their companions and persisted to the end…”

“…This kind of thing is too horrible. In order to avoid public opinion, the government covered up all this and built a sanatorium near the mine to keep all the rescued miners in it…”

“…Although the sanatorium was abandoned at that time, there was still a lot of information left in it. After consulting those materials, I knew the reason for the sanatorium’s abandonment…”

“…After the rescued miners came out, both mentally and physically changed quickly. The government kept all these people in nursing homes. In addition to covering up the secrets, it was more important to conduct human experiments on those people. Unfortunately, it was only passed. Two years later, there was an experimental leakage accident, and the nursing home had to be abandoned…”

The next dozen sheets of paper were torn off until the last page.

“…Today I heard that the experiment in Base 116 was stopped. In my opinion, the upper part finally did something clear. The experiment S did is not in the slightest at all, but it can be radiated by some bullshit nuclear energy. It’s a new term of kind, and has received a lot of research funding…My experiment is close to success…Tomorrow, everything will be tomorrow…”

At the end is a scribbled capital letter “K”!

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