Although La Rulas is no longer here, it doesn't prevent Zhou Jiang from doing it again.

It's okay to leave it there after exchange, and let her give Big Needle Bee a bit when I go to Lalulas in the afternoon.

Zhou Jiang, who had nothing to do, started playing on his mobile phone.

After all, sitting here is also idle.


Zhou Jiang remembers what Zhou Nan said to him before, that the offline game event of the "Elf GO" game has changed time, and the time has been changed to early November.

It's mid-September now, and there is not much time to start the game.

Zhou Jiang is still very interested in this competition, and before everyone rehearsed tactics together, brushing the individual value of the elves, etc., everyone has worked hard. If Zhou Jiang’s reasons cause everyone’s hard work, even if He is also a little uneasy.

Although they wouldn't blame him or say anything, but he couldn't get through the hurdle in his heart.

There is still more than a month and a half. Zhou Jiang wants to let the big needle bee really get its origin during this time. After the big needle bee has obtained its origin, Zhou Jiang can really breathe a sigh of relief.

But even if there is no origin, it would be good if the spear can break through the origin.

Anyway, as long as Big Needle Bee can ensure that he can beat the elves of the Heavenly King level, that is enough. As for the champion, Zhou Jiang is a little bit afraid to think about it now.

I haven’t seen the king before and thought that maybe there is no origin that can be played, but I almost didn’t get killed after encountering it...

The champion is more powerful than the king of heaven, and he can't imagine how strong it is...

I heard that the champion can really control the origin at will, far from being comparable to that of the elf at the level of the king. Even if the big needle bee has the origin, he still doesn't know whether it needs to fumble and control it.

Even if it is used, there is no need to fumble, but it is definitely only the original control of the heavenly king, which is far from the champion level.

And if it needs it to explore and grow slowly, then it will be cheating. At the time, it is estimated that even the elves of the heavenly king level may not be able to beat...

As for the strengthening of the spear to the point of breaking its origin, that made Zhou Jiang a little look forward to it.

The main thing that the Big Needle Bee can't beat the King-level Elf is that the opponent's turtle shell Big Needle Bee cannot get in...

There is no accident, the full finger gun can only make a small hole in the opponent's body, and other skills can not even break the opponent's defense.

If the opponent carries the original attack, although the needle bee is a bit more troublesome, it is not that bad. Therefore, with a weapon that breaks the origin, the needle bee may be able to counterattack.

But thinking about it is good, he still doesn't know how many points it takes to strengthen to that level.

Don’t wait for the source to be gathered, it’s funny if the points are not enough...

in the afternoon.

Wind Speed ​​Dog came over while Zhou Jiang was playing with his mobile phone.

The injury suffered yesterday was sprayed by Zhou Jiang's high-grade medicine, and his current injury is completely healed.

No, after the wound healed, it ran over to find Zhou Jiang to continue the fight.

Originally, Zhou Jiang thought it would be good tomorrow, so he planned to fight tomorrow, but since it is already good, and it has come to make an appointment, then there is no reason not to fight?

After yesterday's strengthening, the spear of Big Needle Bee is harder and sharper, and it is now full of confidence!

The place where the battle was played yesterday has been taken over by many other elves, so they went to the battlefield again.

Fortunately, the forest is big enough, otherwise, the tree will be cut down sooner or later...

But when it comes to cutting trees, Zhou Jiang still doesn’t know where the fruit trees are in the Fengshougou territory... With so many fruits, Zhou Jiang still doesn’t know where the fruit trees are...

The Wind Speed ​​Dog chose a place, and they were too lazy to clean it up. The Wind Speed ​​Dog roared loudly, and two or three Gotha ducks from the water system ran up before long.

Their task is to put out the fire...

If the trees, weeds and shrubs are not cleaned up, the wind speed dog can easily cause forest fires. It does not want its hometown to be burned down.

The rest is simple.

With three good-grade Gotha ducks swept by the side, the wind speed dog and the big needle bee all let go.

The tall trees all broke apart under the brute force of the two elves.

Destroy the general.

Under the attack of big needle bees and wind speed dogs, no tree can last for a second.

When the wind speed dog hits, a tree falls, and the big needle bee shoots a gun and a tree breaks.

The physical attack is good, and the energy attack, especially the wind speed dog’s jet flames, can cause extremely high damage to the forest.

With the blessing of the source, the three Gotha ducks almost failed to put out the fire, and finally they used mind force to isolate the burning material and then extinguished with a water cannon...

The battle between the two elves was immense and fiercer than yesterday.

In the end, Big Needle Bee entered Mega Evolution, and only narrowly defeated Wind Speed ​​Dog after ten minutes of fierce battle.

Seeing the email that popped up from the system, Zhou Jiang was startled at first, opened it eagerly, and finally sighed in disappointment.

Only one hundred points did not prompt to obtain the original fragment again, and the number of fragments in Zhou Jiang's backpack did not increase...

Zhou Jiang shook his head and sighed that he was greedy.

A hundred points is not a lot, even if there is no original fragments, it will not lose.

It's just that if this continues, how do you collect the original fragments... really want to confuse the wind speed dog to start a war?

In other words, the acquisition time CD of the original fragment is somewhat long?

The points are restored the next day, so the original fragment may take longer?

It's like three days, one week, one month, etc...

Zhou Jiang can only pray that the acquisition of the original fragments can also be refreshed, otherwise it will really start a war, otherwise in this ghost place, how can other lords fight against him like a wind speed dog...

After medicine was given to Wind Speed ​​Dog and Big Needle Bee, and the two elves rested, the five elves walked towards the inner territory over there.

If you get it down today, you can give Big Needlebee's spear one more time. Now Big Needlebee's right gun has reached eight, but there is still a potion in the backpack. Buy another one, which means you can reach ten.

Maybe after the level reaches ten, you can reach the standard and start the strengthening of the broken source?

Thinking this way, Zhou Jiang was a little bit looking forward to it.

Come here in the evening...

Back there, Fengshougou did not go back to rest in the tree hole this time, but lay next to Zhou Jiang. There was a soft cushion of Fengshougou beside Zhou Jiang. He didn't lean against the rough tree anymore, and leaned directly. It's soft on the belly.

Feeling the warm belly and its heartbeat, Zhou Jiang really wants to get a Katie dog more and more...

In other words, it seems that when I first came out on a trip, I helped Miss Junsha to catch a few Rockets. With this condition, are we going to check Miss Junsha’s favorability...

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