This horror movie is about Halloween.

Among them are female werewolves and the custom of trick-or-treating.

However, in this movie, it’s not"trick or treat" but"trick or treat."

There are three groups of dirty things in this movie.

One group is those female werewolves, also called bloody wolf women.

In their human form, they are very beautiful beauties.

Therefore, she uses her beautiful appearance to lure some men to spend Halloween in a remote place.

Those men thought they were having an affair, but before they could enjoy it, they were transformed into werewolves and killed.

The second group of dirty things were seven ghost children.

These are seven pitiful little devils.

They were all children with some intellectual problems during their lives, and their parents had had enough of them and no longer wanted to raise them.

So, they pooled together a sum of money and gave it to the school bus driver, asking him to kill the children.

On Halloween that year, the school bus driver actually did just that.

He drove the school bus into a cliff and the car sank into the lake. Seven problem children dressed as ghosts all died in the car and then turned into real ghosts.

A few mischievous children went to the lake and pretended to be ghosts to scare their companions, but they attracted real ghosts.

The children who made the prank died tragically in their hands.

The last group of dirty things is a pumpkin-headed imp.

It had a pumpkin head, and when it was hit by a gun, flesh and blood splattered on its body, which looked like pumpkin flesh.

Chu Feng didn't know whether this was a ghost or a pumpkin that had become a spirit.

The outside of its head was covered with a piece of rough sack cloth, with two buttons serving as eyes. It looked cute but also a little scary.

On Halloween, it kills anyone who destroys the jack-o-lantern or refuses to give candy to children.

The movie didn't explain the origin of this pumpkin-headed kid, so naturally Chu Feng didn't know either.

At this time, Chu Feng heard that Jerry Bruckheimer refused to give candy to the child. Combined with the previous female werewolf, Chu Feng had determined that it was the"Don't mess with the children".

Seeing that Chu Feng remained silent after asking about the candy, Jerry Bruckheimer began to become nervous.

"Master Chu Tian, ​​is there something wrong?

Chu Feng sighed and said,"You shouldn't have refused to give me candy.""

"Ah, why?"Jerry Bruckheimer asked.

Chu Feng said:"Don't you know the customs of Halloween? treat or trick"

"I know, but I have already apologized to them. Besides, they shouldn't kill people if they cause trouble."Jerry Bruckheimer was puzzled.

Chu Feng asked:"People are causing trouble, but what about ghosts?"

"ah……"Jerry Bruckheimer and everyone in the room were shocked:"This……"

"Okay, you continue to stay here and don't go out, I'll go take a look."

Chu Feng interrupted them to continue speaking, and stepped towards the door.

Pushing the door open and coming outside, Chu Feng felt the Yin Qi spreading in the darkness.

Chu Feng stepped forward, heading towards the place where the Yin was the strongest.

Very quickly. , he saw several corpses lying on the ground.

Although Chu Feng did not see it with his own eyes, it was these people who escaped from the hall just now.

But he could guess with his toes that it was definitely these people.

Now he saw They really turned into corpses. Chu Feng felt neither joy nor fear, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Suddenly, he stared to the right:"Come out."

Following his voice, figures walked out of the darkness on the right.

They were all wearing weird and scary masks. Their bodies were wet and covered with moss and water plants. They looked evil and terrifying.

They exuded a strong As they approached, Chu Feng felt that the surrounding temperature was slowly decreasing.

Chu Feng silently counted, exactly seven.

Needless to say, they were those seven poor ghost children.

Seven ghosts The child walked up to Chu Feng, opened the bag he found from nowhere, and said grimly:"Trick or make trouble if you don't give me candy."

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been frightened by seeing such a scene.

However, Chu Feng had long been mentally prepared, and he felt more pity for them at this time.

They did not want to think that they had intellectual problems.

But their parents After they were born and raised to such a big age, they suddenly wanted to kill them.

They did not make any mistakes, but they suffered unreasonable disasters.

It was strange that they were born into the wrong womb and into such a family.


Chu Feng sighed for them in his heart, with a trace of sympathy on his face.

"treat or trick."Seeing that Chu Feng still didn't take out the candy, several ghost children said something again.

But there was no candy on Chu Feng's body to give them, so he said:"Today I am doing this to save you. I hope you will no longer suffer this sin in the next life. Bar."

They didn't understand what Chu Feng was saying, but seeing that Chu Feng didn't give them candy, the Yin Qi on their bodies suddenly became more intense.

A ghost child even rushed towards Chu Feng.

At this moment, Chu Feng His feet moved, he took a strong step, and he quickly pinched out Taoist secrets with his hands. After the ghost child jumped on Chu Feng, he was directly ejected without hurting Chu Feng at all.

Chu Feng's mouth was filled with vitality, and he recited aloud. :

"Heaven and earth are natural, and the filth is scattered. The cave is mysterious and luminous.

The mighty gods from all directions make me natural. Lingbao talisman tells the nine heavens


Follow the Five Mountains and learn about the Eight Seas. The devil tied his head and guarded me.

The evil and filth dissipate, but the energy of Tao remains forever"

《The Divine Mantra for Purifying Heaven and Earth was recited from Chu Feng's mouth, and the power of shock appeared.

A strange resonance also rose in the air.

The seven ghost children suddenly found themselves unable to move.

They looked at each other in horror, and there was a look of begging in Chu Feng's eyes.

Chu Feng said:"Don't resist, let nature take its course. I hope you can find a good family in the next life."

The bodies of the seven ghost children began to fade, getting lighter and lighter, and finally, they all disappeared into the air.

"Ding, save the ghost and get 1000 merit points"

"Ding, save the ghost and get 1000 merit points"


The same prompt sounded seven times in a row, causing Chu Feng to collect another 7,000 merit points.

"These ghost children have actually reached the level of junior resentful souls, which shows how powerful their resentment is."

Chu Feng sighed again.

As these seven ghost children were saved by Chu Feng, the surrounding Yin Qi gradually dissipated.

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