I’m From an Ordinary Family, for Real!

Chapter 432: Whose family has a happy event and wants to have a feast?

You know, this heroic dog is a frequent visitor on hot search lists and CCTV. It is often on the hot search list just because it saved so-and-so! Simply amazing!

In the eyes of pet product manufacturers, this dog’s nose seems to have a sense of disaster. It always appears at the scene of some dangerous accidents and rescue incidents, which is very outrageous.

And it is so smart, friendly and loyal to humans, and is always active at accident rescue scenes, rescuing trapped people one by one.

It has an extremely keen sense of smell for living humans, and those search and rescue dogs simply cannot compare with it.

And its strength and other aspects, including physical strength, far exceed that of the dog breed, and can completely rival a liger.

 Not only can you participate in search and rescue, but you can also participate in rescuing the wounded.

 Once it was the one who ran out of the fire carrying the trapped people on its back.

 For this reason, in the video taken behind it, the tail still has traces of the last time it was burned.

If they didn’t believe that the government would not sacrifice so many people’s lives to praise a dog, these factory owners would doubt whether the government was creating a ‘god’.

 How else to explain that this heroic dog can always be on the official channel?

  It’s almost like becoming the official group favorite.

In this case, spending a small amount of money to get advertising done is definitely a sure profit.


Hearing his parents say this, Chen Chu didn’t expect it either.

If he hadn't opened the Shishang Nourishing Health Club, the most profitable person in the family would be this idiot in front of him.

This big fool is a big fool who won’t lose his temper at home, and anyone can trample him.

Even if the little one is angry, you can rush over and nudge it a few times.

By the way, Little Meie is the little sheep that Chen Chu was fed some milk to open up his intelligence.

It seems that it has not grown up yet, it has always been a small one.

Your Majesty is a big fool at home, but if you meet bad people outside...

The gangster whose palm was bitten off seemed to be still in front of him, and the **** and tragic scene was still vivid in his mind.

“Dad, do you agree?” Chen Chu asked.

Chen Guoqiang said: "Your mother and I have discussed it, and we still don't want to be greedy for the money. We don't want to damage the reputation of King Hero Dog because of poor product quality."

Yang Yumei also said: “Our family now has enough money to spend, and we have a wire factory and a pet food factory to make money.

 Besides, even if it’s not enough, don’t I still have you? "

Yang Yumei pulled the king's head and stroked his dog's head: "Do you think so, king?"

The king immediately put his head in Yang Yumei’s arms, woo woo woo...

His huge body almost knocked Yang Yumei down.

"You stupid dog, get up!" Yang Yumei patted the dog's head angrily, neither lightly nor harshly.

 Chen Guoqiang continued to talk to Chen Chu on the side: "Now it's not just advertisers who are looking for the king, but also some directors and program groups who want to invite the king to appear on the show and make movies."

Chen Chu was startled: "Oh, is the king so angry?"

Chen Guoqiang said: "The king is very popular now. He was in the official news again last week."

Chen Chu was shocked: "Why did you do it again?"

Chen Guoqiang smiled and reached out to touch the king's dog head: "I don't know what happened to the king last week. His mood was not right and he wanted to go out."

“Your mother and I thought it wanted to go out to play, so we let it out. Who knew that it ran out directly from the door of the community and ran to the area next to us.

 We learned later that a fire broke out in an old community in the next district, thirteen kilometers away.

The king rushed into the fire and rescued two people trapped in the fire.

 Oh, there is also a parrot. "

Speaking of this, Chen Guoqiang felt a little distressed and touched the king's dog's head: "In order to save people, the hair on the king's body was burned a lot, and his tail was also injured." "The crushing injuries and burns are a little bit severe now. I’m bald, and I don’t know if the hair on my tail will grow back.”

Chen Chu was stunned and looked at the king's tail. He found that the big, smooth-haired tail of the past was indeed a big bald area today.

 Chen Chu took out two sticks of meat and fed them to the king's mouth. He felt a little distressed: "You stupid dog, why did you hurt yourself while saving others? You wouldn't..."

“Oh, forget it.” Chen Chu still didn’t say the words. After all, in the hearts of many people, a dog’s life is definitely not as important as a human’s life.

Even Chen Chu thought the same way. How could a dog's life be compared with that of a human?

 But this is the king of his family, he was the one who raised him from a little cub to the big fool he is today!

 According to his true thoughts...

 Forget it, don’t mention this.

 “Which programs?” Chen Chu calmed down and asked.

“Some daily variety shows, and a few pet-type TV series.”

“Very good, shall we let the king go?” Chen Chu asked again.

Yang Yumei refused without hesitation: "Go wherever you want. Our family is not short of money. I will deal with anyone who dares to let the king go."

Chen Chu and Chen Chu looked at each other. They didn’t want the king to go either!


  Even if he was done with today's work, Chen Chu went to take a bath and picked up little Meie by the way.

“Mom, I’ll take the little one away tonight!”

Chen Chu is used to sleeping with something in his arms, but he is really not used to it when Sister Youlu's comfortable pillow suddenly disappears.

 No, little Bie Mie is taken care of cleanly by her mother every day. She is dressed in pure white wool and is fluffy. It is just right to be used as a small pillow.

The little 咩咩 was picked up, without struggling, and she leaned docilely in Chen Chu's arms: "咩咩咩~"

Yang Yumei came out and said, "Chen Chu, put down the little girl for me!"

How dirty is it to sleep with small animals? No, absolutely not!

Chen Chu turned around and closed the door.

Yang Yumei sighed helplessly, when will this son really grow up?

Already having a girlfriend, and he's still so childish.

He is a big boss no matter what, but he still looks like this. Who would believe it?


 When I got up the next day, it was already past eight o'clock.

The biological clock developed in high school was already obsolete in college. It is common to wake up from eight o'clock to nine o'clock.

Chen Chu threw the poor bleating little bleating baby in his arms into the space to make it easier for him to go inside.

This little thing, like the big king, has been trained so that it will not scatter its urine and feces everywhere.

After a while, Chen Chu pulled the little thing out of the farm space.

 Good guy! This little thing still had a few pieces of grass in his mouth and kept chewing it. He was just like a little glutton.

 After getting up, Chen Chu went to solve some personal hygiene problems. After finishing solving the problem, he walked out of the bathroom and passed by the living room, and found that his father was answering the phone.

 “Well, okay, is that so?”

"Okay, cousin Jianfeng, I will definitely be there the day after your family has such a big event."

“Huh? Yes, my child has just gone to college and is on summer vacation.”

 “Yeah, okay.”

Seeing Chen Guoqiang hang up the phone, Chen Chu asked curiously: "What's wrong with dad? Is there any happy event in anyone's family?"


  . (End of chapter)

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