I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 51: I want to be strong

   Zhang Jue sat up from the bed, very depressed.

   He always feels that there is a power in it, and he doesn't want him to figure out the truth of the matter.

   Otherwise, why is the time so accurate every time, but interrupted him when his investigation is about to progress.

   When Zhang Jue returned to his world for the first time, he once posted a few posts, but now someone replied, maybe he was a survivor of the Red Moon incident.

   Even if you can't get in touch with the other party, it's okay to let him take a look at the content of the reply.

   Zhang Jue snorted secretly.

  Geniuses will be jealous of God.

   would get sulking, he glanced at the wall clock on the wall.

   5:30 in the morning.

   Sleeping is definitely not going to fall asleep, so he decided to go out and get some breath.

   However, before that, he still decided to pee first-no matter what, his brain would not wake him up for no reason.

   Zhang Jue’s dormitory building is not far from site14.

   The main building of the site is relatively high and the view is good, so he decided to go to the top of the main building to take a look at the scenery.

   Site 14 has just experienced an intrusion and containment breach, and the defense on the site is one level higher than usual.

  According to the general situation, the early morning should be the easiest time for those guards to relax and get sleepy, but they are all full of energy, staring at every corner, for fear of missing any clues.

   Seeing Zhang Jue, the two guards guarding the door immediately put their feet together and saluted.

   Now, Zhang Jue's reputation on the site is even higher than that of the new webmaster Huang Xingwen. This is the popularity accumulated by saving his colleagues twice.

   Zhang Jue nodded in greeting.

   He is going to go up this time and will not go to the containment area to cause trouble to other staff.

   He took the elevator all the way to the top of the building.

   The sky has become white.

   Zhang Jue took a breath of fresh air and was about to do stretching exercises, the eighth set of broadcast gymnastics, and suddenly saw a person standing next to the railing on the edge of the building.

   The front is convex and the back is curled, and the hair is fluttering. It's not Yang Xue who else will come.

   Heh, this chick.

  As soon as he saw her, Zhang Jue went to court.

   Since leaving Leshan at the airport that day, Yang Xue's eyes were not right.

   how to say, it is as if he is her "ex-husband who took the child to search for years, thinking that she flees with the heart, but she has to bear the humiliation of the undercover enemy camp and now returns triumphantly".

   Zhang Jue was stunned by her. If it weren't for this parallel world, he probably really should think about what utterly conscience he did when he was young.

   He must catch the old boy in Leshan and ask what he said to Yang Xue at that time.


   Yang Xue is leaning against the railing, looking into the distance.

   Since her uncle retired and the site was reorganized, she has fallen into a certain emotion.

   After several days of sorting out, she finally knows what that emotion is—anger, because she feels angry because of her incompetence.

   Since Zhang Jue came to site14, she has relied on him too much.

   From the 682 containment breach incident, until the school celebration.

   Zhang Jue has rescued her many times, but she has not been able to help much—perhaps it was a disservice.

   As a senior researcher and doctor of the foundation, she shouldn't be like this.

   Before she met Zhang Jue, she always thought she was a strong woman.

   After all, on the site, she has the strongest business ability and is most trusted by others.

   Now it seems that these are all fake-or rather, they are all fake.

   Compared with the real strong, she is still far behind.

   She must make herself stronger.

   She is in a trance.

   A noisy voice sounded behind him.

   "The cool breeze is faithful, the autumn moon is boundless, and my thoughtful mood is like living like a year. Although I am not in Yushu and in the wind, I am chic and suave, but I have a broad mind and strong arms——"

   Zhang Jue walked to her side without squinting.

   "The night is long, and I don’t want to sleep. I thought I was the only one who couldn’t sleep. It turns out that Dr. Yang, you can’t sleep either!"

  Yang Xue glanced at him, but did not speak.

   If you are an ordinary person, you may feel a little embarrassed after asking yourself for being boring.

   But who is Zhang Jue, his face is as thick as a city wall, he only firmly believes in one idea-as long as you don't feel embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

   He lay next to Yang Xue, and also looked into the distance: "Dr. Yang is in good spirits. I get up so early to look at the moon?"

   Today is the first day of the new year, and the sky is about to dawn, where is the moon!

  Yang Xue glanced at him, and said out of breath: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything." Zhang Jue laughed, turned and leaned on the railing, looking into her eyes, "It's you, Dr. Yang, I think you have been absent-minded these days, and you are not going to the laboratory. What's the matter? That kid from Leshan did amnestics for you?"

   Zhang Jue is right, she is in this state, and there is no way to work well.

   Yang Xue was silent, not knowing how to answer his question.

   Zhang Jue shrugged: "I heard that your university is a Ph.D. in biology and chemistry, so let me ask you a question-what do you think is the biggest difference between humans and animals?"

   Yang Xue naturally knows this question. She just wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Zhang Jue.

   "Don't fool me with the concepts of death from your books and school, let me tell you the biggest difference between humans and animals-first ~ www.wuxiahere.com ~ people can use tools, and second, people can cooperate."

   Zhang Jue's expression gradually became serious.

   "No matter how powerful an individual is, it is an individual after all. They need other things to help themselves, whether it is a person or a thing. If they want to achieve something, they cannot do it alone."

   Zhang Jue meant something, I wonder if she really guessed her inner thoughts.

   Yang Xue lowered her head, thinking about what he said.

   After a while, Yang Xue said: "I want to find my father."

   Her voice was very small, Zhang Jue didn't hear clearly: "What?"

   "I want to find my father, but not now." Yang Xue raised her head, "I know that I am too weak and not even qualified to intervene in the things of the year. I must become strong."

Seeing that Yang Xue finally rekindled his fighting spirit, Zhang Jue smiled and applauded: "Wow, Dr. Yang, you don't have to belittle yourself, at least you still have one advantage-at present, you are still very good. Self-knowledge."


   Talking with Zhang Jue, you must have a very good psychological quality.

   Maybe he was comforting you one second before, and then the comfort will turn into a mockery in the next second.

   Yang Xue held her forehead, how helpless it was.

   "Zhang Jue, you just said that if you want to get things done, you can't do it alone, what about you?" Yang Xue looked at him, "Have you also received help and guidance from other people."


   Zhang Jue pointed at himself, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

   "Dr. Yang, haven't I told you that I am a genius? A genius is destined to be lonely. Hey, you can't beat the cold from high places—"

   (SCP-X project monitoring team internal communication group: 597078661)

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