Chapter 14 Polar Star Dorm Dinner

“That little girl, her heart is the same as her appearance, she will never grow up, but it’s good to have you to take care of it.”

“But now it’s time to talk about you boy, why didn’t you enter Tōtsuki? Even if you are rich, there are some things you shouldn’t give up!”

Fumio Daimidō couldn’t help but ask.

“Ah, I remembered. When we first entered the school, Aunt Wenxu did seem to have asked us about Xu Jun’s name!”

After Fumio Daimidō finished speaking, Tadokoro Megumi couldn’t help but tap his palm.

Because the time was when they first entered the school, she couldn’t remember a simple name for so long. Now, when Fumio Daimidō said it, it brought back her memory from a few years ago.

“This…have you mentioned it?”

Yoshino Yuuki asked with a confused look.

“I never expected you to remember that name!”

Fumio Daimidō rolled his eyes, Yoshino Yuuki was one of those rough-hearted girls, carefree, and Tadokoro Megumi’s carefulness was completely different.

“Because that matter is indeed quite important compared to enrolling in Tōtsuki, I have to make a choice. You know, because of this matter, I hardly ever leave my residence for half a step!”

Xu Qing shook his head. In order to complete the halberd-flavored version of the century soup, he worked very hard. All the ingredients were brought over by people. Unless necessary, he would not leave, and the time was filled here.

“What is it that matters so much?”

Fumio Daimidō could not understand.

“In order to complete a dish, a very, very important dish!”

Xu Qing didn’t hide it. Polar Star Dorm was his target, so he didn’t need to hide anything from them.

“Are you fooling my old lady?”

The black line at the end of Fumio Daimidō, a recipe that took years, is this possible? It’s not a good idea to make excuses.

“I’m not lying, it is indeed to complete a dish. It took me nearly three years to complete this dish and failed more than a hundred times to complete it.”

Xu Qing shook his head.

“Are you serious?”

Not to mention Fumio Daimidō, Tadokoro Megumi and Yoshino Yuuki are all confused, what kind of food is this?

“Seriously, wait a moment, I’ll let the driver pick up the moisturizing, and by the way, I’ll show you what kind of dish it took me so long to finish!”

After speaking, Xu Qing went outside and talked to the driver, asking him to pick up Xi to meet Run.

Anyway, Shiomi Jun hasn’t been to Polar Star Dorm for a long time, so it’s not bad to let her come over, and by the way, bring a little of the century soup.

“By the way, what about the rest of the Polar Star Dorm? It’s the weekend and there should be no classes!”

After Xu Qing came back, he was also a little puzzled. The movement just now was not small. Although it was only Yoshino Yuuki and Fumio Daimidō, Yoshino Yuuki broke out the movement.

But I haven’t seen anyone else yet, which surprised Xu Qing.

“They are all over the farmland, they should be back soon!”

Fumio Daimidō said.

After everyone continued to chat for a while, others also arrived one after another. Soon, Jun Xijian also came to Polar Star Dorm with a large thermos and some gifts.

“Huh? And a gift? Run, it looks like you’ve grown a bit!”

Fumio Daimidō was also a little surprised when he saw the large and small bags of gifts in front of him. It was a bit miraculous that a confused person like Xi Jianjun could understand this kind of sophistication.

On the other hand, Xu Qing twitched the corner of his mouth. Aren’t these things the gifts that the two sisters Chitao brought when they came last time?

Every time they come, they bring a lot of gifts, but I didn’t expect Xi Jianjun to move in directly.

“Aunt Wenxu, I will grow up too!”

I’ve grown into Xijianrun’s clothes, and she looked at Fumio Daimidō with a complimenting expression, which made Fumio Daimidō a little speechless, but looking at Xijianrun’s appearance, she couldn’t help but think of the golden age.

“Yes, yes, you have indeed made progress, but the maintenance method you gave me didn’t feel very useful, and I didn’t see any change in my appearance. Look at yourself, you are in your thirties, It’s still like this!”

Looking at Xijianrun, Fumio Daimidō said that Xijianrun’s maintenance skills are definitely what all women are excited about.

“Three… 30 years old? This is exactly what a junior high school student looks like!”

Others have exclaimed, what does it look like in their thirties in their memory? It’s already middle-aged, but what about Jun Shimi? Exactly like a junior high school student.

“Well, it’s all because of some combination of spices. As for Aunt Wenxu, my maintenance is just to ensure that I won’t get too old, and it’s not a rejuvenation!”

Xijianrun explained that at most, she was trying to preserve her beauty. As for Fumio Daimidō, everyone has already come.

However, Shiomi Jun’s words also made all the girls in Polar Star Dorm shine, which is extremely lethal to girls.

The best example is the two sisters Chitao and Rentan Kobayashi. When they knew about this, their eyes lit up.

Needless to say after that, a group of girls directly revolved around Xijianjun, and Xijianjun, because the topic involved her best field, so Xijianjun entered a state of social bullshit in an instant, talkative Incredible.

As for the other girls, they quickly brought their notebooks, and the scene turned into a picture of class at this moment.

“Well, I really convinced them. By the way, did you bring the dish you said earlier?”

Fumio Daimidō could only shake his head helplessly, not to mention the girls, now the boys have come over too. After all, what Jun Xijian is explaining now is also useful to them.

“Bring it!”

Xu Qing put the large thermos pot on the table and unscrewed the sealed lid.

As soon as the lid is twisted and not fully opened, the fragrance has already begun to diffuse.

“It smells so good!”

Fumio Daimidō, who smelled the smell, was also shocked, and the few students in the class were also attracted by the smell.

Then those who were lecturing stopped giving lectures, and those who were listening didn’t listen to the lectures anymore, and they all gathered around.

“It’s so fragrant, what kind of food is in it? Why is there such an exaggerated aroma?”

A group of people gathered in front of the huge thermos pot. As for Xi Jianjun, she looked very proud. After all, the completion of this century soup was also due to her.

And isn’t Xu Qing’s hers? Hers is also Xu Qing’s, and the two are basically indistinguishable from each other. *

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