There is no specific theme for the competition, so all you have to do is come up with the dishes you are best at. As for the ingredients, you have to bring your own.

Or you can buy it in the nearby ingredients store, but the price of ingredients here is three times higher than the outside world.

After all, the location here is remote. If you think it is expensive, you can buy it from the police, which is also a very considerable income.

Everywhere, there will be such people running around for the benefit.

However, the final result was not as diligent as Xu Qing expected, and the two won.

However, neither of the two won the SWAT completely, they both won by a score of 2 to 1.

"The dishes made by these people are indeed very special, and they are also very strong! 11

Erina and Xiaohui both made their own evaluations after welcoming them.

"That's natural, the people who can stand on this stage are basically nine-star chefs, and there are very few "740" with other stars, otherwise they are simply coming to give money, are you interested in putting on a stage?

Xu Qing suddenly opened his mouth and asked, instead of challenging them one by one, it is better to put on the ring and let people challenge them.

As for the issue of winning or losing, Xu Qing has money, Erina also has money.

This seems to be better, which is equivalent to spending money to buy opponents.

"Looks like...that sounds good!"

At this moment, Erina's words revealed eagerness to try.

"Is this really necessary? But once you lose a game, the loss is too great!"

Xiaohui was a little hesitant. After all, she couldn't take the money, so Xu Qing could only take it. If she wins, it's okay to say that she is helping Xu Qing to make money, but if she loses, it will be a big loss. There is some psychological burden.

"Don't worry, you have to know that your cooking skills are very good among the nine stars. In this case, the opponents you meet will definitely win more and lose less, and you can also make money, so don't worry about this problem!"

Xu Qing said with a smile, the reason why Xiaohui reached the nine stars is also because her patience accelerated her growth.

So Xiaohui quickly left the echelon behind and caught up with the first echelon.

Now, in terms of basic skills, the most attractive is Sōma, and in terms of cooking heart, it is Xiaohui.

Erina was suppressed a bit in both aspects.

She can't be blamed for this, after all, Xiaohui's patience has been revealed very early, which is very rare.

As for Sōma, it is normal for this guy to be the protagonist. Although Erina also has a hook like the tongue of God, it is not as big as Sōma, so Sōma's basic skills surpass everyone.

However, in terms of overall ability, Erina is undoubtedly still superior to the two.

In contrast, Xiaohui and Sōma are a high attack, a high defense, as for Erina, it is a pure hexagonal warrior.

Therefore, in terms of overall strength, Erina is still superior to the two.

Xu Qing said that this is for the sake of it, and Xiaohui naturally agreed. After that, the three went to the organizer to rent two broadcasting stations, and they started after hanging up the information.

Although wearing a mask, as long as the eyes are not blind, it can be seen that the two are girls, and they should not be very old.

In this case, many people came for the money. In order to attract people, Xu Qing doubled the price compared to others.

In this way, most people will naturally choose to come here.

The goal that Xu Qing set for the two of them is very simple. No matter whether they win or lose, they must play ten games tonight.

Xiaohui and Erina didn't care about this. After all, they had undergone intensive training, and the police said that they had been in ten sessions, and even fifty sessions would be filled with water.

Of course, time does not allow them to do so.

Tomorrow at 8am, these activities will stop and start again at 8pm.

So the duration is only twelve hours.

When the next event starts, if you want to continue to put on the ring, you need to pay the rent again.

The rent is not cheap at all, it can only be said that everything is really expensive here.

It's just that for rich people like Xu Qing, this amount of money is not as good as pouring water, so they don't need to care at all.

Xu Qing has been watching the two of them, just in case, after all these late-night cooks will inevitably have some madmen.

People who are unreasonable in the first place, if you suddenly restrain these people, it may be fine at first, but as time goes by, it is estimated that many people will expose their nature and start doing things.

The time of the night passed by in a hurry, and in the constant battle between the two, the progress of the heart was rapid.

And the time is compressed into an average of half an hour for one game...

So it was just over six hours later when it was finally finished.

The record of the two is that Erina has eight wins and two losses, and Xiaohui has seven wins and three losses.

As a result, the two of them made a lot of money.

"It's hard for you, you will keep the money you earn, and continue tomorrow night!"

Xu Qing waited until the two finished the final test and handed them over the money they had won.

Erina didn't care, but such a large sum of money suddenly fell into her hands.

This made Xiaohui very uneasy. To be honest, she had never seen such a large sum of money in her life.

"Teacher, I can't ask for this money!"

Because he won seven times, Xiaohui also made a lot of money. Converted to the currency over there, it was really rough.

So much money makes her really uneasy.

"This is all earned by your own ability, what can't you ask for!"

"Besides, even if I borrowed the principal from you, do you still expect me, a teacher, to charge you interest? And I'm not the kind of unscrupulous usury who charges interest overnight!"

Xu Qing rolled his eyes.

"That's right, Xiaohui, just keep it, you earned it with your own efforts, it's not a lot, just treat it as pocket money! 99

Erina also spoke, but her words made Xiaohui even more confused.

Xiaohui wondered if she had heard it wrong, or if Erina had a problem with the concept of pocket money.


The pocket money is tens of thousands, although their money is not very valuable.

However, a normal salary for a working class is only 200,000 to 300,000 yuan a month.

In this case, telling her that tens of thousands of dollars was just pocket money, which made Xiaohui really unacceptable.

Erina is also considered to be invisible to Versailles.

No way, who called this Nakiri you are rich? So in the eyes of others, such a small amount of money is a big number Akatsuki, but in the eyes of Erina, it can also be regarded as pocket money.

"Okay, let's go and rest, these guys are active at night, during the day, take more rest and recharge your batteries!"

Xu Qing didn't feel anything, after all, his physical fitness, he was still full of energy without resting for days and nights, but Xiao Hui and the others couldn't do it.

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