Chapter 701

This time the system rewards.

Heavy particle mode.

If Yuichi remembers correctly.

It seems to be the new Chakra Mode developed by Naruto.

The power is far stronger than the previous Six Paths Sage Mode.

Nine Tails and Naruto’s own Chakra are combined with each other.

Burn two kinds of Chakra.

This produces a new Chakra.

In this mode, Naruto has much more power than Kaguya~.

Of course the price is not small.

That is the vitality of Naruto and Nine Tails-.

When one of the Chakras is exhausted.

Will die!

This mode has unparalleled power, but the consequences after using it are also quite serious.

As for the reward of another choice, Steel Skin.

Although I don’t know if it is as Yuichi imagined.

But even from the literal meaning.

If you choose this reward, you can get a strong defense.

The skin can become as hard as steel.

Ordinary attacks don’t even want to hurt Yuichi.

Both rewards are pretty good.

The heavy particle mode allows Yuichi to gain power beyond Kaguya.

Now Yuichi, whether it is Rinnegan or Tenseigan, although they are very strong.

But if Kaguya’s strength is regarded as a level!

Then Yuichi is just a Kaguya-level ninja.

To surpass Kaguya, Yuichi needs more power.

It’s as simple as Chūnin wants to deal with Genin.

Wait until Yuichi can easily solve Kaguya-level ninjas.

Even if he has the power to surpass Kaguya.

But I want to surpass Kaguya and gain subversive power.

It is not so easy.

Even if it swallowed the peach and gold styles in front of me.

It’s just gaining the opponent’s abilities and enhancing one’s own pupil power.

Not enough to make Yuichi a qualitative leap.

Although the heavy particle mode now seems to have great side effects.


After thinking about it for a while, Yuichi still felt that he should choose the heavy particle mode.

In Yuichi’s view.

This ability should be the same as Eight Inner Gates.

Once fully used, it will undoubtedly die.

But if it’s like Might Guy.

Before the full burst, the time for the Master to activate the good ability.

Try not to maintain it for too long.

Then the side effects are not unbearable.

Thought of this.

Yuichi said silently in her heart.

‘I choose one! ’

When Yuichi made a choice.

Jin Shi has already launched an attack.

“Boy, I want to smash your corpse into thousands of pieces, so that you can understand what you will end up against God’s will.”

Huh huh! !

In an instant, a few red streamers shot towards Yuichi quickly.

These are all golden weapons taken out of the red aperture on the back.

The destructive power of weapons formed by red energy is amazing.

At this moment, he was thrown out of the golden formula that was used to boost the strength for a short time.

The speed is amazing.

But at this time, Yuichi is staring at the blogger.

Seems to be thinking about something.

However, in the next second, the golden weapon smashed towards him.

At this moment Gaara and others were startled.


The words are not over yet. Yuichi’s figure disappeared instantly.

Boom boom boom!

Several roars sounded one after another.

The golden weapon slammed heavily on the ground, instantly cracking the ground.

And a touch of golden photon disappeared in the air.

Yuichi suddenly appeared in front of the blogger.

He looked at the blogger “I will help you save Naruto!”

Seeing Yuichi’s agreement, the eyes of the unboosted person shined brightly.

There was more than ecstasy in my heart.

He knew he was right.

If his father still has someone who can save him.

Then this person can only be Yuichi.

It is impossible for the victim to do this.

However, Yuichi is different. He reveals mystery everywhere, only he may have a way to save his father.

Gaara and others haven’t had time to recover from Yuichi’s move to evade the attack just now.

I heard that Yuichi agreed to the blogger’s request.

He actually said that Naruto could be saved.

What a joke.

Naruto’s Nine Tails have been deprived.

Jinchūriki is bound to die without the tail beast.

How can it be saved.

Even if Yuichi’s medical ninjutsu is very strong.

But it was only able to barely keep Naruto alive for a while.

What does he want to do?

Are you going to use the amazing healing effect of Healing Jutsu to keep Naruto alive?

At the same time, fight against Tao Shi and take Nine Tails back.

Then re-seal it into Naruto’s body!

If Yuichi’s approach is like this, then Gaara can only say.

It was naive to think.

Even if Yuichi is amazing, it is impossible to beat Momoshiki in a short time!

“Can you really save Naruto?”

At this time, the black soil asked Gaara’s doubts in his mind.

Yuichi nodded, “Of course.”

See Yuichi’s answer so easily and surely.

Hei Tu didn’t understand what he could do.

“Once Jinchūriki loses the tail beast, he will definitely die, even if you are a grandmaster of medical ninjutsu.”

“It’s impossible to save Naruto.”

Hei Tu wants to persuade Yuichi not to do such a stupid thing.

0 ··Find flowers·······

Although she also wanted Naruto to be safe and sound.

But the facts are in front of you, and you can’t be indecisive as a shadow.

The top priority now is to solve the two talents in front of us.

Yuichi might still have a chance if he joins forces with the other four shadows.

Hearing Hei Tu’s words, Bo Ren’s mood suddenly became heavier.

Tsuchikage should not lie.

So even if Yuichi is willing to make a move, does his dad have no hope of saving him!

“I know what happened to Jinchūriki’s tail beast.”

“But I still have a way to save Naruto.”

“But I need some time…”

Speaking, Yuichi didn’t care about Siying’s surprised expression.

He raised his eyes and looked at the golden style that was rising in anger.

There is also a peach pose in the rear that is ready to do it at any time.

The two of them don’t care what you are doing.

…….. ….. …….

So the question now is, can the Four Shadows block the golden and peach styles!

Yuichi feels hard.

The blogger seemed to have thought of this question too, and he looked back at the golden style and the peach style.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, “Then Yuichi, let’s start! I will do everything possible to hold them both.”

I saw a child who had such courage.

Siying glanced at each other.

“If Naruto can really be rescued, then I will try to hold them back as much as possible.” Chang Shi Lang spoke first.

Gaara on the side still doesn’t believe it, is there a way?

Or Yuichi Master has the same technique as the mother-in-law of the thousand generations?

“I hope you can succeed.” Gaara said softly.

Darui and Hei Tu on the side also stepped forward to block Yuichi’s front.

And this time.

A black shadow fell.

Uchiha Sasuke finally appeared.

He glanced at Yuichi, “Is there really a way?”

Yuichi nodded.

Sasuke had been watching the game in the Chūnin exam venue before.

When the chaos broke out, he seemed to be chasing Pu Shi.

And now he is back alone.

He must have seen the battle between Neji and Urashiki.

Knowing that Neji has no problem dealing with Urashiki, let’s rush back right away!

Sasuke got Yuichi’s answer, and drew out the pheasant sword behind him, flashing electricity.

“I will hold it!”

A word that is neither light nor heavy, but it reveals a very strong confidence.

Yuichi smiled.

He picked up Naruto and brought the blogger.

In an instant, he rushed out of the Chūnin exam venue.

And Yuichi’s flying speed made Sasuke stunned for a moment.

A big battle is about to break out here, and Yuichi doesn’t want to be affected, so he should keep a little distance. pill.

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