Chapter forty-seven death is too aggrieved

Sword God Ryoma: “What happened later? What happened after this idiot made such a decision?”

Li Xuan: “I’m sure you all guessed that Kozuki Oden was deceived. After his fruit dances several times, disappointing the Wanokuni people and losing his prestige, Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido of the Beasts shot him.”

One Piece Roger: “What did they do?”

Li Xuan: “They captured Kozuki Oden’s companion and killed his companion’s younger brother and wife. Kozuki Oden found out that he had been tricked and decided to fight Kaido and Orochi. In the end, only his nine retainers were willing to follow him.”

Sword God Ryoma: “That’s not bad, at least not fighting alone.”

One Piece Roger: “Actually, the number of people who master Conqueror’s Haki is not that important.”

Li Xuan: “That’s not necessarily true! Kozuki Oden fought thousands of pirates and didn’t use Conqueror’s Haki to solve them. It seems that his Conqueror’s Haki is not very good at home!”

Sword God Ryoma: “It’s normal! Conqueror’s Haki depends on the heart. It is difficult for people who are not decisive enough to have a strong Conqueror’s Haki.”

Li Xuan: “By the way, how does Kozuki Oden’s Conqueror’s Haki compare to you guys?”

Golden Lion Shiki: “Jie Hahaha! I know this, I have fought Conqueror’s Haki with him. Kozuki Oden Armament Haki and Double Swordsmanship are no worse than me, but Conqueror’s Haki… mine is advanced, and his is barely in. intermediate.”

Li Xuan: “It’s almost two levels? No way!”

Whitebeard: “Oden’s Conqueror’s Haki is average, but his body is really strong. In terms of physical talent, he can compete with Kaido and Linlin.”

Li Xuan: “I remembered! This guy seems to be able to send adults out from birth, and he can find oiran when he was a child… It seems that his talents are mainly in the dominant aspects such as body, and hidden talents such as Haki. generally.”

Li Xuan thought to himself and thought this was more reasonable.

His swordsmanship and Armament Haki can leave hard-to-heal wounds on Kaido, which is already pervert. If you add Conqueror’s, which is not weaker than Whitebeard and others…

Isn’t he stronger than Whitebeard and others? Unreasonable!

One Piece Roger: “@Whitebeard, didn’t you participate in this war?”

Whitebeard: “No! After he left your pirate group, he didn’t fulfill his promise to come back to my ship. He didn’t contact me, and I couldn’t contact him.”

Whitebeard said it was Kozuki Oden who breached the contract, and he couldn’t have come to help.

If Kozuki Oden takes the initiative to admit his mistake and ask for help, he is not the kind of ruthless person. After all, Kozuki Oden’s retainer, Yizo, is still his son!

If Izo asked him, would he, a father who would not refuse his son’s request, not help?

But Kozuki Oden didn’t apologize for asking for help, so Whitebeard would not be able to send troops to help. Does Whitebeard lose face?

Kozuki Oden used to be the captain of his second division, but he was hooked up by Roger halfway along the way. He promised to come back in a year, but he never came back.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for Izo’s face, Whitebeard would have killed Wanokuni to chat with Kozuki Oden about men’s promises and pirates’ rules.

One Piece Roger: “He didn’t go back? Sure enough, he’s still so willful! @Li Xuan, tell me how Oden lost?”

Li Xuan: “The Clone-Clone Fruit capable person turned into his son and pretended to be caught by Kaido’s men. Kozuki Oden was knocked down by Kaido as soon as he was distracted.”

Sword God Ryoma: “I don’t know what to say, he’s finished like this?”

Li Xuan: “That’s not true! He was arrested and executed. Kaido and the snake were going to cook him in a frying pan. Then, he made a deal with Kaido and the giant snake – if he could last in the frying pan for an hour, Just let them go.”

Whitebeard: “The result?”

Li Xuan: “Kozuki Oden persisted for an hour, but Kaido and Orochi broke their promise.”

Sword God Ryoma: “I’m done!”

One Piece Roger: “[Covering his face] When did you still believe in Kaido and Orochi? With that physical strength, can’t you just do it directly? It’s too embarrassing to die!”

Li Xuan: “Can’t say the same, at least he left an indelible scar on Kaido.”

Whitebeard: “The two sword marks on Kaido’s body were left by Kozuki Oden? No wonder it looks familiar. Oden’s strength is really strong to leave permanent scars on Kaido’s undead monster.”

Li Xuan: “However, it was of no use. The damage had little effect on Kaido. Kozuki Oden left Kaido with permanent scars, and Kaido was not a problem; Kaido attacked Kozuki Oden with a stick, and Kozuki Oden knelt.”

Whitebeard: “Kaido is the strongest creature in the world… You think you’re joking? His recovery ability is terrifying. Even me, I can only use up his stamina to defeat him.”

Sword God Ryoma: “The story of Kozuki Oden is over? It’s really sad! Wanokuni is too unlucky, there are strong men, but it still can’t change the fate. I died young, Kozuki Oden has a bad mind, and I haven’t completed the fate of Wanokuni. Retrofit.”

When Li Xuan saw the opportunity, he immediately said, “You can leave it to me!”*

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