Chapter 50 Two Hokages, how do you feel?

Li Xuan sneered: “Calm down, nothing is impossible.”

Senju Tobirama retorted: “The Senju clan is so powerful, how could it be exterminated?”

Li Xuan: “The direct descendants of the Senju clan were inspired to go to the battlefield, and everyone including Senju Nawaki died.”

Senju Tobirama: “What about the Senju clan’s children, the elderly, the weak and the weak? No way, even they are on the battlefield, right?”

Li Xuan: “They were forced to integrate into the commoners by the senior officials of Konoha. They intermarryed with commoners and abandoned the title of Senju. The only Senju tribe is Tsunade.”

Senju Tobirama: “Impossible, how could Konoha do such a thing?”

Li Xuan: “Because of you! The good apprentices you have cultivated are outstanding in harming the people of Konoha Village! Senju and Uchiha are all finished in their hands, and Konoha is in decline. ”

Senju Tobirama refuses to believe the reality that makes him desperate: “Impossible, you’re lying to me!”

Li Xuan: “Believe it or not!”

Senju Hashirama: “I know the demise of the Senju clan, so how did the Uchiha clan perish?”

Li Xuan: “Because Second Hokage arranged for them to work as the Konoha garrison, there was a huge conflict between them and the Konoha civilians. Coupled with the suppression of Konoha’s top management, the angry Uchiha decided to rebel.”

Senju Hashirama: “How could this be?”

Li Xuan: “Ask your brother! He arranged the position that caused the Uchiha family to conflict with Konoha, and he made the policy to suppress the Uchiha family. He also trained the executors to eliminate Uchiha…”

Senju Hashirama was furious: “Tobirama, is this true?”

Senju Tobirama: “The old man just arranged for them a Konoha garrison that suits their work. I don’t know if the rest are real.”

Li Xuan: “Really? Couldn’t you see the crisis of the Uchiha clan with your strategic vision? You did it on purpose! The reason…because of Uchiha Madara?”

Senju Hashirama smiled bitterly: “Tobirama, why do you have such a big prejudice against Madara?”

Senju Tobirama didn’t admit his mistake: “It’s not that I have a prejudice against the Uchiha family, it’s that family…that’s a family that is born evil!”

Li Xuan: “Take it down! You are jealous of the Uchiha family because your beloved brother has a close relationship with Uchiha Madara.”

Senju Tobirama was anxious: “Nonsense!”

Senju Hashirama was speechless, not knowing what to say.

Golden Lion Shiki: “I have a question, what are Hokage and Konoha?”

Li Xuan: “Konoha is the name of a ninja village, Hokage…is the head of Konoha Shinobi Village.”

Whitebeard: “The village chief?”

One Piece Roger: “It can be said to be able to speak! Hokage? Such a majestic title is actually a village chief? I can’t accept it.”

Li Xuan: “What’s so unacceptable? In the ninja world, tens of millions of people fighting between several villages can be called a world war.”

Golden Lion Shiki: “Isn’t it? A battle of tens of millions of people is called a world war? It’s too ignorant!”

Li Xuan: “Yeah! So their ninja war, I prefer to call it Wumura Fight.”

Whitebeard: “Gu la la la! This name is really apt!”

Senju Hashirama: “Excessive! Isn’t the battle of tens of thousands of people a world war?”

Senju Tobirama: “I’m more and more suspicious that this is a fantasy! But how can there be such a novelty in a fantasy?”

Li Xuan: “Can’t you accept the reality? Well, I have some cool stuff for you guys to see!”

outside world.

The fish men island has rushed out of the sea and is flying high in the sky.

Li Xuan looked at an island with steam rising below, and felt that he was lucky.

The island where the steam rises is called Punk Hazard.

The reason for the large amount of water vapor on this island is that a magma maker and an ice maker are dueling on the island.

Magma and ice are constantly colliding, forming a confrontation between the natural environment.

The scene is grand!

Li Xuan stopped the island in the sky and approached the island quietly, watching the battle between Akainu and Aokiji from a distance.

Golden Lion Shiki: “What’s the matter? Akainu and Aokiji, why are they fighting here?”

Whitebeard: “Really, Marine fighting?”

Li Xuan: “No! They are using a duel to decide the position of Marshal Marine.”

One Piece Roger: “Hahaha! It’s too savage to decide on Marshal Marine, right? It’s like competing with pirates for the captain.”

Li Xuan: “The two Hokages, how do you feel?”*

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