At the Federal Front Light Weapons Center, Li Xin beat everything in front of him with a hideous face, and the room was instantly messed up.

Li Xin gasped, his eyes scarlet.

"Grass! What do you do now! Say! The kid got the permit from Yule, and the factory is about to start now, what shall we do?!"

Li Xin was incompetent and furious, and the faces of Luo Sai and Ogawa Sanhe were also very ugly.

Who would have thought that Yule would have an approval letter for the ordnance factory?

It's not that Roseey has not checked in the past few days. When Jiangliu's factory was first established, Roseey was aware of it, and then took action.

"Li Xin, calm down, this kind of thing was originally beyond our expectations."

Luo Sai's expression was gloomy: "I have checked the license in Yule's hand, and it is the scourge left by Zhao Changan."

Sister Ogawa Sanhe suddenly realized: "Are you talking about the **** battle of the year?"

Luo Sai nodded slowly: "Yes, the frontline supplies were very tense in the Battle of the Bloodline. After the war, Zhao Changan applied to the Federal Central Command for a permit to build an ordnance factory on the front line."

"At that time, most of the frontline was in the hands of Zhao Changan, but he was about to leave the army. The Central Command believed that even if Zhao Changan builds a factory, it will eventually fall into the hands of each family. After consideration, the sum agreed."

"Who would have thought that Zhao Changan had tolerated it for so many years before he took it out."

Li Xin rudely untied his tie: "What's he, that's an old man, how can he not die!"

Rossi stood up suddenly, slapped his big hand on the table, and the huge force scattered all the objects on the table.

"You can calm me down. The only way we can stop this factory now is to prevent the emergence of this factory, otherwise none of the three of us can escape!"

Rossi’s remarks are correct. If Jiangliu’s factory is really established, although they represent a consortium, they are also pawns of the consortium.

With such serious negligence, the consortium behind the three of them will never let them go. Not only the three of them, but also their families will be dealt with.

Li Sen gasped and said, "If you want me to tell, send someone to blow up their factory."

Ogawa Sanhe shook his head slightly and said: "What can we do if we blow up the factory? Not only will the other side be alert, but the other side can also build it again. This cures the symptoms and not the root cause."

Li Sen sneered and said: ‘But at least to treat the symptoms, do we just watch the other side build the factory? ’

Rossi waved his hand to stop the quarrel between the two, he said in a deep voice: "Li Xin is right. We can't do nothing. Tonight, send someone to blow up the factory."

"But this can only be delayed for a few days. We still have to find a way to solve this problem fundamentally." Ogawa Sanhe replied.

After a moment of silence, Rossi said: "Then in terms of raw materials, we can completely block the entry and exit of raw materials on the entire federal front. Without raw materials, no matter what their factories are, they can't produce them."

Li Xin rolled his eyes and asked: "This is the front line. Everything is lacking. The only thing that is not lacking is the raw materials. The other party can obtain them by hunting and killing the beasts."

Ogawa still remained sitting on his knees, and he slowly said: "Two, take advantage of the fact that the other party is not fully established yet, maybe we should report it."

"No!" Li Xin immediately replied.

Ogawa Sanhe is a standard Yamato person. This guy will end up committing suicide in the end, but Li Xin can't. He thought that if he knew that he was so ineffective, he might end up with death.

Ogawa Sanhe looked at Li Xin indifferently: "Whether Li Jun agrees or not, I just suggest it, but I will report the situation to my superiors."


Li Xin's eyes were split, and if Ogawa Sanhe reported to his superiors, his superiors would soon know, after all, this is something that several consortia need to face together.

Doesn't this mean that I was stabbed back by Ogawa Sanhe!

"Okay, Ogawa Sanhe, I think I can temporarily stop reporting this matter to my superiors. I have already thought of a solution." Rousai said with a smile suddenly.

The eyes of Xiaochuan Sanhe and Li Xin immediately fell on Xiaochuan Sanhe.

"You said, what should I do?" Li Xin asked urgently.

Rose said slowly: "It's very simple, we only need to make the quality of the products produced by the Jiangliu factory unqualified."

"Ordnance factories need to conduct random inspections of products every year. Once a product is unqualified, it is common to be revoked."

Ogawa Sanhe immediately said: "So not only should we not ban their raw materials, we should even give them more raw materials. In this way, if there is a problem with the product, then we have every excuse to close their factory."

"Yes, but we still have to launch a surprise attack tonight." Roussey continued.


"Boss, do you say they will launch an attack tonight?" Martin squatted in the corner and muttered.

Since the last time Jiang Liu brought him here they will be secretly dispatched every night and stay here.

According to Jiang Liu's words, it is impossible for the people of the consortium to watch the completion of their factory.

Jiang Liu glanced at the same Martin, and said that he also didn't know if the other party would come today, but he didn't say that.

"The other party will definitely come back today."

Martin's expression became even more resentful: "Boss, you have said that these two days."

Jiang Liu's mouth twitched and said, "That should be your mistake. How could I have said that."

Martin sighed and did not continue to answer.

Who made Jiang Liu the boss? At this time, he has to continue to refute, maybe tomorrow he will be fired for entering the kitchen with his left foot.

Just as Martin was about to speak, there was a sudden movement in the distance.

Xixi Suosuo's footsteps were approaching quickly, and Jiang Liu, who was still looking relaxed, immediately looked solemn.

"It should be here, Martin! Ready!"

Jiang Liu silently placed his hand on Mercury Tears. In the past few days and nights, he would put the transformed Wings of Depravity in Mercury Tears every time he set off, in order to prevent this from happening today.

"Boss! Don't worry!" Martin said in a deep voice.

The opponent is getting closer and closer, Jiang Liu can clearly see that this seems to be a special forces team, but these people do not wear any badges, but the equipment is extremely neat, Jiang Liu even sees it on some people. Some heavy weapons arrived.

"After they enter, we will launch a surprise attack!" Jiang Liu said in a deep voice.

I am making equipment in wasteland https://

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